I Was Reincarnated as a Villainous Noble Who Loves Betrayal, so With My Knowledge of the Original Story, I Plan to Become Invincible While Living Sincerely Without Betraying Anyone


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“To avoid the NTR of my beloved character, despite being cast as the villainous noble, I have decided to live an honest life.”

Viper Hayden. He was a character in a certain simulation RPG known for his deceptive and treacherous nature, causing everyone around him to despise him. He also played the role of the antagonist who betrays the protagonist, the only one who had believed in him, leading to their downfall in the story.

Having been reincarnated into such a character, trust from those around him was non-existent. If he continued down this path, he faced a future where his childhood friend would be stolen away, leading to his own ruin.

To avoid this fate, Viper decided to live an honest life. In truth, he had personality issues that prevented him from unleashing his true potential, but he was originally gifted with cheat-level abilities.”

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I was reincarnated as a villainous aristocrat who loves to betray, so I will try to live an honest life without betraying anyone while remaining unrivaled with my knowledge of the original work.
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