I Noticed That I’ve Become A BL Game Protagonist’s Younger Brother!


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I remembered. In my previous life, I was referred to as a fujoshi. And that this world is a BL game I have played back then. Not to mention.. my big brother is actually the protagonist! What kind of blessed life is this?!

However, it’s a pity that my brother is already in a secret relationship with his childhood friend. When all is said and done, I can only watch as the game’s main story timeline came to an end. Isn’t this basically the God amusing oneself by messing with this poor soul?! Really?? God?? When I can finally witness a real life BL, why must my joy be tempered with?! God! Ain’t this a bit too cruel of a treat!

Well, it’s alright I guess. In fact, to be able to experience this is already totally amazing. And the delicious treat is already served! Therefore, I will feed myself by observing the capture targets that was not tied to my brother!

… And that would be the first blunder I made. How could I forget… the fact that I looked so much like my brother–!

Associated Names
One entry per line
BL Game no Shujinkou no Otouto de Aru Koto ni Ki ga Tsukimashita
Related Series
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Recommendation Lists
  1. Want to Read
  2. Make pretend
  3. face con
  4. Shouldn't I finish the other 100s?
  5. Female to Male Genre That I Love!

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34 Reviews sorted by

xblkdragonx rated it
May 21, 2020
Status: --
I did try to read this novel... but I honestly can't stand the MC. As the other review said, the MC fetishizes gay men. I also don't understand the author's characterization of the MC. The was a woman that transmigrated into a man's body. Just because the body changed, doesn't change the person's s*xual orientation. The MC insists she's straight, and so since she's in a man's body now, then she will only like girls. So does this mean the MC was a lesbian before she transmigrated? Or is she... more>> just trying to be "normal" and start liking girls because she's suddenly in a boy's body? I found the MC's thought process to be super problematic. <<less
61 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
dogbloodshit rated it
December 10, 2020
Status: c20
this story was so bad that this is my second ever review after I swore not to write any more reviews. I wish I didn't rate this so highly in the past before c20, I really want to change my rating to the lowest possible rating but NU won't let me. This is how angry I am for wasting a year or more on this bloody piece of shit. (No hate to the translators though, in fact, I'm impressed they still translated this appalling piece of sh*t with so much... more>> effort and quality. Kudos to them)

would give zero stars if I could, and here's why:


Q U E * R B A I T I N G. Remove the yaoi tag, the MC ends up with a girl that had zero chemistry nor proper on-screen bonding with him. The author baited us with scenes from the guys on the cover page, and has the gall to put the MC with a f*cking girl who isn't even on the damn cover! The author gives us all the moments and tension with the guys, then goes "Ah, now that I think a lot, in this life's childhood, I liked the girl!" MC sweetie please we know kaede or even natsuhi-senpai were the ones. (I WAS SO INVESTED TO REMEMBER THEIR NAMES AND I GOT BETRAYED LIKE THIS????) what's more, the girl has the character of a homophobe try-hard tsundere girl who's done so poorly she isn't even likeable. I want to bludgeon her with a chair. And I'm usually a pacifist.

you cant even say its yuri anymore bc the MC identifies as male. This story is straight in one of the worst possible ways.


I'm mad. Like genuinely mad. This ruined my day. Don't believe any review that dates before chapter 20 (the end). No one alive or dead could have seen that f*cking twist coming, even from a mile away. <<less
48 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Qwex rated it
May 12, 2020
Status: c2
I've been putting off reading this novel because I was scared that MC would be cringey and fetishizing.

And guess what! He was!

From the very first chapter he talks about gay people like they are not real. We are taking about "BL is For me to consume but not to participate" awful. And yes, you read it right: out MC is super insistent that there is no way he is not straight. One would think that this trope for once would be omitted, but nope.

The level of fetishizing is also huge.... more>> He talks about how much he would like to put hidden cameras in his brothers room so he can watch him having s*x. There are some things you do not even joke about if you want to remain a decent person. Voueuring you brother is one of them. I'd (kinda) undwrstand if he had a mindaet of "these are character in videogame, not real people", but no, he thinks they are real. At this point I decided to clench my teeth and read on in hopes that it would be better at some point. Well, the very next thing MC did is listen on his brother moans while he had s*x. After that I sropped this piece of sh... literature like a hottest potato. <<less
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LIght Novel San
LIght Novel San rated it
April 25, 2019
Status: --
First of all, thanks for the food. My thirst for BL shall be quench by this.

Anyway, I'm quite troubled. Was the MC a female from her previous life? Because fujoshi is female while fudanshi is the male, right?

... more>> Ohh. I understand now. There should be gender bender and from female to male tag on this.

There are some kind of... Uhmm... Unnerving scenes like if you 'normally' (lol) transmigrated into a novel and a BL one at that, even if you are a fujoshi, you will never spy on things like your brother's moans cuz dude, that is way too creepy. If maybe you think that they are still a game character, then that would be fine. However, you accept them as real people, dafuq no one would do things that you've done cuz it will be weird for the sake of your sanity, as well as your familial relationships.

But yeah, just ignore some disturbing scenes and think of it as nonexistent. Or maybe, since this is fiction, just think of it as normal and fluffy. Yeah, let's do that. <<less
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YoriMei rated it
December 31, 2019
Status: c8
It's a fun story, I MTL'd it to the end and honestly the main attraction for me was just watching an obnoxious MC obliviously seduce everyone. It's a similar vibe to Death flag otome (karina), just BL. It's entertaining to watch MC run around but not quite catch on what's going on around him. That said, it's not meant to be realistic so for me, I could forgive MC's weird and extreme behavior because I saw it more as a comedy than a romance and honestly I overlooked a lot... more>> of it simply because I like oblivious protagonists who are accidental seducers. Everyone is pretty shallow but as a short story, it's not the best but not the worst either.

Overall, it's an enjoyable story if you like that sort of thing and while not the most intricate of plots, it's does have a choose-your-own ending that elevates the enjoyment level. Everyone can be paired with! Girl? Boy? No problem!! Even the big brother or the big brother's boyfriend is an option!!! (Though those are written as to be someone's fantasies/fanfiction in the story at the very end.) As a comedy along the lines of anime like "Kiss him not me!" it's decent, but if you're looking for an actual romance story I would suggest another. <<less
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Ri Hikaru
Ri Hikaru
February 29, 2020
Status: --
I was tentative to read this, because as a gay guy, reading a girl in a guys body with girly thoughts is a major turn off for me. So when I saw the gender bender tag, I immediately checked the reviews. The main character was a girl, but he has no recollections of being a girl other than the fact that he was one. His mind is fully male due to that fact and although he has an appreciation of BL due to his fujoshi past life, he is a... more>> straight (at the beginning) male fudanshi without being overly influenced by female thoughts. <<less
12 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
January 23, 2020
Status: --
it’s entertaining and I enjoy it so far but sometimes I find the MC plain wrong morals wise like when he said he thought age didnt matter for love *URKKK* or when he said that the boy with blonde hair was cuter when he was silent (GOT CREEPY VIBES FROM THAT SRSLY HES NOT SOME EXHIBITION). but i’ll push through as much as I can...
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LouMaknae_KPOP rated it
November 2, 2020
Status: c19 part2
(I'm French so sorry for my shitty English) 😅😭

It 's a very good novel ! 🥰

So, I must admit that at first I was a little disturbed and even a little (or a lot) disappointed that Akira was a woman before. Having said that, we forget this fact almost during the whole of our reading, it is only referred to a few times so it's not really disturbing and we move on very quickly.
So in the end, it's not more disturbing than that.

BUT... It's not that bad in the end, it's even probably more attractive and it changes from what we are used to since they don't have the personality we think of when looking at them. 🙃😝

I thought the President (the red haired boy, top right) was a bad boy, delinquent, playboy type... he definitely isn't ! But that doesn't mean he's always a sweet guy with a sweet character and easy to follow, neither is he ! 🤯😅

I thought the President's little brother (the blue haired boy, top left) was a shy and calm type with a very sweet personality but also very smart and distant, more of the type to love and watch the protagonist from afar... but it's not really...? He's distant, that's for sure ! And I think he's somehow shy and sweet, but not like I thought he was. He's the type to hide his loving, gentle side with a bad personality and keep his distance from people. 😳😑

I thought the orange haired boy (bottom left) was a smart, domineering, teasing, but also loving and protective teacher.... For starters... he's not a teacher but a janitor. And more importantly, he is certainly domineering and teasing but he is above all a f*cking psychopathic pe*vert ! 😚😉

I thought the little blond boy (bottom right) was the cute, innocent, goofy, maybe a little spoiled rotten type ? Which will make it even cuter ! In itself, I saw him as the perfect little angel who fell from the sky... HE IS NOT !!! He might look like an angel, but he's actually a fallen angel !! A real little demon ! No, in reality, although I turned the thing in all directions, I really think that the term "fallen angel" still suits him better than "demon" because he still has the appearance of an angel and also a little the personality, but the latter is always very quickly caught up with his REAL personality : that of a fallen angel !!! 😇😈

I thought Akira (the main character, center) was a goofy, unlucky, silly, dumb, funny character, and completely overwhelmed by the situation ! AND I WAS ENTIRELY RIGHT ON THIS SHOT !!! But he is also and above all, a very endearing character, very cute, very beautiful and we really wish with all our hearts that he finds love (hoping that he stops saying that he is not gay, hell !) 😅😂

There are also a lot of other male characters like Akira's brother, Akira's big brother's boyfriend (he would make a very nice couple with Akira by the way, but hey, he's fine with his brother so it's no big deal) , the little brother of a classmate (who is a REAL angel !!) . But also a lot of female characters (I'm a little too lazy to say more...) 🥰

I would also like to point out that of course several boys are in love with Akira, but several girls are also in love with Akira !!! 😍

My favorite suitor is Kaede (the little blond fallen angel) , although I have to admit that I really like the other characters, especially the president's little brother, and I also really like his strong classmate's angel little brother. (but unfortunately he is not one of the main characters)
But Kaede really makes my little heart beat, I find him so cute, adorable and touching despite his sea personality, I think besides, no, I'm even sure, that his shitty personality is obviously the reason why I love him so much because it makes him really cute, in a different way than you might think when you see him, and I love that so much !! 😍🥰

I would like to tell you so much about this wonderful and delicious novel but I think I will let you discover this wonderful world for yourself ! 🥰

So if you like sweet, funny, cute, fluffy and delicious BL harem novels, you are going to fall in love with this novel ! 😍

So I wish you a wonderful read ! 😘
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panthecakes rated it
March 16, 2020
Status: extra part2
Its cute. Like if you want a dramatic, complicated character heavy plot then this isnt it. Its like a super light read abt an MC that is into BL and at the same time a brocon who is blissfully unaware that he has a harem of his own. Its very easy going story and so far there hasnt been any doki doki scene that the MC is aware of. Mostly we get pining and jealousy from the LIs but thats pretty much it. Okay ibgetbthat my review sounds pretty underwhelming but simple novels have a special place in my heart and I like thisn



I dont like the canon ship. Dont get me wrong, I have nothing against it per se but like REALLY? It was so blah. I wouldnt even call it Vanilla cause vanilla is classic for a reason but this one is just fruit cake material. Ill wait for the extra chapters instead cause the author will make one for each character

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Karumin rated it
May 28, 2019
Status: c2
There's only two chapters translated, but the story seems good!

As a fujoshi myself, I don't think I would have the sight on things like the MC but I do share his wish to support his brother!

I really wish there'd been more chapters (╥﹏╥) cuz I'm way too curious about the blue haired guy on the cover (he is so my type (つ≧▽≦) つ)
6 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
IrregularPerson rated it
April 27, 2020
Status: c15
So, a little tidbit before reading. This is probably BL targeted towards a women audience. Initially and very strongly, the protagonist falls into the pit of fetishzing the situation. If you can look past the uncomfortable situation, then it's a light read.

This novel is like a fanficiton to novel adaptation. The humor initially thrusted into your face becomes obscure as MC's relationships with characters develop. Though the author still tries to awkwardly use words in the wrong situation, the text itself is well-written and the pacing is excellent. This isn't... more>> a revolutionary novel which will add to anything substantial to your reading list but it's meant to be a fun read with concepts "subverting" your typical gal-game harem stories. Gender bending isn't the worst implementation of it AND I think you should be informed that protagonist has bis*xual traits

Don't take it too seriously, I just like the concept of this novel. If anything, this is just poking fun if a fujoshi landed herself into that type of situation. <<less
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emptybagofchips rated it
September 10, 2019
Status: Completed
First of all, big thanks to the translator for picking this up, I'd never have found this gem otherwise. Translation quality is great too despite the source being confusing with all the slang terms and what not.

I can't remember the last time a webnovel made me laugh so much (Bakarina comes close maybe). The combination of MCs iridium-tier denseness and occasional straight-up refusal to play into BL tropes makes for some hilarious situations. His internal monologue is the highlight of the novel.

I'm halfway through and so far there hasn't been... more>> any drama or sudden upsetting developments or anything. The writing is concise, no overly fluffy parts you'd want to skip, feels like the author knows what they're doing.

I hope the translation keeps going so more people could enjoy this!

Edit: Finished it, what a fun read. But if you're going in expecting romance, it doesn't really happen until the "alternative ending" extras (but there's one for every character so no one will be left unsatisfied).

Fuu-chan is da real MVP. <<less
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Asatakaba rated it
September 15, 2022
Status: --
1st thing 1st the whole transmitting but gender bender thing has never been done right and this is a prime example why

Hate the MC "he" is a disgusting human that fetishizes gay men. So lèt me get this straight (LOL, I'm childish af) "he" still thinks of them as the games character but still treasure them as real human. Ok, but your freaking actions tells another story

... more>>

WTF ONE- The fact that "he" talks about how much "he" would like to put cameras in his brother's room without his knowledge just so "he" can watch him have s*x is disgusting. It doesn't matter if he's not your 1st body brother it's still disgusting thinking about it in the 1st place.

(The brother complex tag was just a throw-out, there's no way what was described was any shape a brother complex. At least no that I no of)

WTF TWO- The whole body switch aru thing just ain't it. It left me with more questions than answers.

1. The fact that "he" was a woman that was transmigrated into a man's body. Ok I can get pass that but, does that mean that since "He's" in a new body means that the s*xual orientation changes too?

The fact that the MC keeps on insisting that "he's" straight and since "he's" in a man's body now, then "he" will only like girls and can't see "himself" liking a guy.

What confuses me is that does this mean the MC was a lesbian (doesn't remember it??? Maybe???) originally but had internalised h*mophobia but now that "he's" in this new body "he's" straight and normal?

But then again when I think about it I'm like, ok so he identifyes as a man and like girls. Ok so he's straight, but than the author had the big audocity AUDOCITY to queer bait my ass with f*cking Kaeda. Like if you were not going to freaking put them together, why the f*ck did you give them better chemistry than that homophobe "tsundere" (using it lightly here) blend ass Hina?

WTF THREE- Hina I just hate her, she's blend, loud and annoying. The MC and her had zero chemistry yet here they are together


WTF FIVE- He told you couldn't go to his room, yet here you are going throuh his stuff looking for p*rn magazins. Hina he told you no already, why did you still do it???? HUH HINA HUH WHY?



Final final WTF- HINA

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LazySwaeg rated it
March 31, 2021
Status: Completed
It's that kind of book where it's fun but won't really impact the reader.

... more>>

There are two problems this story have and one of it are the endings. The author decided to put 3 alternative endings which are very unnecessary. The shocking thing was Hina got a f*cking ending with the MC, when she really don't deserve it or even hold a candle compared to Kaeda and Natsuhi. It was really a waste to give her a chapter. That's how unimportant her character is.

The second one is the fujoshi girl, I forgot her name when I literally just finished reading it. Anyways, her personality is so rude and annoying, I'm assuming that the author is blind or insensitive to not feel bad creating her character. She meddles into people's love lives thinking she knows everything and she was so important in fixing relationships when she's just invading people's privacy. There's one scene where the MC keeps shouting at her to stop going to his room or his brother's room, but she didn't listen and looked for f*cking p*rns under the MC's beds. This scene also strengthens my point why Hina doesn't deserve the MC because she was the one who brought that fujoshi girl into the MC's house but doesn't feel any responsibility to do better at stopping her friend. She literally just felt bad about her friend invading MC's and MC's brother' privacy and did nothing.


Anyways, just because of these two problems I would rate the book 2.5/5. The book literally took a dive because of the creation of these two characters, Hina and the fujoshi. <<less
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ShadowMellow rated it
February 17, 2021
Status: Completed
Okay, so disclaimer: I read the webnovel in Japanese and MTLed parts that I couldn't read so maybe my impression of the story isnt 100% accurate but here goes

Honestly, this story isn't worth it. Not only is the MC fetishizing gay people almost every second he thinks, he's also generally a very typical oblivious and clumsy BL VN protagonist which makes it not fun to be stuck in his head. The story is non-existent beyond "who will MC end up with" and all the other characters are very much written... more>> like paper thin characters in a VN which makes it hard to be invested in them.

Ending spoiler:


Even if you do somehow get invested in the characters and story, the main story's ending will disappoint you unless you were really routing for our protagonist to not end up with one of the guys which makes me question why you would even read a BL story. It would have worked if he had shown any kind of romantic interest towards her but the way it was build up and resolved felt more like he didn't actually like her and more that he wanted a reason for her to stick around.

Thankfully there are many alternative endings to pick from but the quality and buildup of them ranges from okay to meh. There are also many extra chapters to give you a bit more fluff for the ship of your choosing but I personally found navigating through all of them and figuring out which belong to which ending kind of tedious.


I'll give the author that they somehow managed to capture the spirit of what a bog standard BL VN feels like, including the lack of character development and kinda sloppy pacing but I think they tried to ride the gimmick of the MC being a former fujoshi too much and played the VN tropes too straight. I think you would be better off playing a visual novel than reading this. I admittedly haven't read all the endings so maybe some of my criticisms don't hold up against some of them but I've read all the "main" ones so I feel safe in saying that you should give this one a pass. <<less
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Lilith rated it
December 13, 2019
Status: --
One of the most refreshing novel I have read. The translator did a very good job overall and I rlly appreciate their efforts (I mean, each chapters' length is rlly rlly long). I'd like to see how will the story turns to be.

Also, I really liked the MC's character. Although he's dense, he knows what is appropriate and what is not. For instance

... more>>

Referring to chapter 5, when he assumed the love interest is merely treating him as a replacement. And I somehow can relate as that's what I would have thought as well, judging from the circumstances.


4 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
October 9, 2022
Status: c1
I confess I'm only reading the comuc. I came here for the novel to find out who'd he end up with... Got super disappointed tho.

And honestly... the level of fantasizing is plain weird. Being a "fujoshi" is nowhere close to enough to justify enjoying hearing your brother have s*x with his boyfriend. Nor constantly wondering about the sexuality of pple around you.

There's also the problem with mc's sexuality and gender. So being a fujoshi affected his personality that much but being a woman didn't? That's weird.

Him dealing with the other... more>> guys and unwittingly seducing them is funny... but that's all... <<less
3 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
June 26, 2021
Status: c22 part2
Hi! This is my first ever review here in NU. Usually I just lurk around but because of the ending of this novel, I was stimulated to write a review. First of all, I agree with what reviewers like 'blkdragon, dogbloods***, and laztswaeg' stated in their review. To be honest, some of the actions of MC are problematic to me but I just let it fly over because I am used to this type of novel. What I have a problem with is the main ending of the story.

... more>>

Hina, the childhood friend, is the one he ends up with in the main story. I mean, WTF! There was really no indication that that would happen in the story. And that is the reason I am also wondering what the sexuality of the MC is. Blkdragon already sums it up in their review. Again, just like what dogbloods*** stated in their review, this is clearly queerbaiting.

I actually preferred that he had no one to end up with in the main story because the alternative endings would elaborate on the different ships. But no, it was the childhood friend trope that won.

I like the alternative ending for Kaede and Natsuhi. Regarding the Natsuhi ending, I was thinking that President x MC would also be nice as well. Even Hina got the main ending and they don't have that many scenes, why not president?! Huhu...

I haven't read the last alternative ending but even that is better than what the main ending showed since Shirousa has better character writing than Hina. Anyways, sorry for the rant. I am just frustrated with what the author did.


Anyways, thank you for listening to my Tedtalk. If you want to continue reading this novel, please don't be deceived by the cover. Tbh, you really don't lose much not reading this novel. You can just erase this on your 'to read' list. The reason why I gave it 3 stars is for the translator as well as the alternative endings. Thank you. Bye~ <<less
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summerspring rated it
June 11, 2020
Status: --
I mean there ain't no shame in the game >:3 I could see that the MCs mind was a bit shocked and I dont think its weird that the MC started spying on the raunchy stuff either. Curiosity in that area can encourage you to do things that can be considered weird to others. I think its tame and at least he didn't try to keep his brother to himself lol. Though that'd make an interesting story
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1Sami rated it
January 23, 2020
Status: c11.1
This is so fluffy and sweet! The MC is really naive and kind of s*upid but I like it anyway. The POV switches alot and there are other fujoshi's in the book shipping all the different pairs and it's just so cute!
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