I Don’t Want To Wash The Dishes Today


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“I don’t want to wash the dishes today.”

“I’ll wash them.”

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Related Series
I’m Going To Die (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. re-read worthy
  2. one hundred liters of tears
  3. Short Danmei
  4. BL short stories
  5. Tearjerkers

Latest Release

Date Group Release
08/01/22 Tianlu Translations part6
08/01/22 Tianlu Translations part5
06/30/22 Tianlu Translations part4
06/30/22 Tianlu Translations part3
06/30/22 Tianlu Translations part2
02/12/22 Tianlu Translations part1
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13 Reviews sorted by

sleepy_chelsy rated it
February 14, 2022
Status: Completed
Gosh I don’t even know what to say. When I read the title I expected something cute or even dumb. But here I am writing a review with red eyes and tears refusing to stop falling.

The story is so heartbreaking. I feel like the author just punched me to the guts. I can’t stop thinking about MC and ML. How and especially why MC had to learn how to grow up. From a spoiled „brat“ to what he is today. How that incident changed him.

I hate the author so much... more>> for doing this to me. The ending scene is so sweet but this only makes the story more heart wrenching than it already is.

Such a well written, short but very effective novel. <<less
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Irissska O_o
Irissska O_o rated it
April 18, 2024
Status: Completed
It was so cruel to leave a person who loves you like this... I think he deserved to know and to spend the last days loving and being loved, not questioning his worth for 3 years.
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toleroid rated it
August 1, 2022
Status: Completed
Translator here. I was crying non-stop while translating this one-shot, and I think that's all I really need to say. The story is a real tearjerker and the author is basically just milking your tear ducts toward the end.

The despair the main character feels right before the last scene really hit me. It's a painful emotion but a beautiful one.
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October 26, 2022
Status: --

I'm crying so hard right now, my nose is basically stuffed and I'm breathing through my nose. I dunno. I've been on a binge-read for sad stories today, even though today has been nothing short of amazing, but...

I'm so sad that Xu Ziyang left, I'm so sad that Tao Ran had to learn to do stuff himself, I'm so sad for the pain everyone had to go through all those years hiding it from Xiao Tao, and I hope that in the next life, they stay together much more longer.

I need to stop reading BE novels... like... I'm already having swollen eyes which just adds to the beauty of my face. *Sarcasm of the highest order*

Ha ha

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binkspinx rated it
October 15, 2022
Status: Completed

If next life is real, I hope they find each other, fall in love and be happy till they get old


I have clogged nose so I was looking for some short angst so I could cry and this one is just perfect. Short but definitely a tear-jerker. Good job, author and TL!
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crstl rated it
June 30, 2022
Status: Completed
wow. The reviews were not lying when they were talking about crying. This left me a sobbing mess and I'm currently writing this with tears streaming down my face.

it's a one shot that I think was perfect as a one shot. You don't get to meet any characters in depth, but that was not needed for this story. However, you need to read to the end to see how the author will evoke emotion in the reader. It starts off shaky, but you'll leave with such a bittersweet feeling.
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Old_Cat rated it
October 12, 2022
Status: Completed
This is why I hate reading BE. First chapter and I'm already bawling my eyes out bcs I can already feel what's coming. The fact that he changed so much and became mature just to be wanted again broke me, especially after he found out the truth. Truly a good one. I feel like the author had set a goal of milking out tears to every reader who encountered this story.
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nctzen rated it
August 21, 2022
Status: Completed
it was always a habit of mine to read a sad story when I have a problem in my relationship but there's not a single story that has made me sob this much. Very short but impactful. Totally recommend it if you want to cry.
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lilricegrain rated it
March 28, 2022
Status: --
i like it <3 I like how loveable the characters are and cried like a ton !! Its pretty short but its suitable for the plot I mean the plot is just the basic or a bit cliche that u can find in other stories BUT THATS FINE and where can I find someone like ML hm :)
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July 2, 2024
Status: Completed
I started from chapter 6, 5, then descended. Tbh I only fully read 6 & 5 because my tears were blocking my vision.

The MC back and forth (from "hating" to caring about ML well-being) in their text messages made me sob. Just imagining what the ML felt while reading them TT.

It hurts more that we never see the time skip. I want to know if MC is doing well. If he listened to ML well wishes or MC couldn't bear to live in a world without his lover.

This story made... more>> me cry the most out of all the media I consumed (movies, novels, etc), Perhaps it's bc I got rejected from a college today :| <<less
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Little Cloud
Little Cloud rated it
October 15, 2022
Status: --
God.. It was really painful. What hurts the most is the sincere love and the beautiful feelings.. Their most beautiful years of life are surely the time they spend together. I really hope this to be a happy ending.
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Nny rated it
September 19, 2022
Status: Completed
Author-nim, ur story was beautifully tear-jerking. From beginning of story I already got the feeling to cried out 😭

I know from the tag this one tragedy and illness, BUT!!!

... more>>

I don't expect what will happens to ML already happened


I used to read BE story for switching a heavy plot story to another. This one, even it's short and didn't explain too much, the phrasing, how to connect everything so simple and make me immersed to the story easily.

For translator! Thanks for picking up this story! The story was great and your translations too!

In middle of happy ending, transmigration, cultivation story, I need something simple slice life but not happy ending. My cup of tea need to change once a while before I see another dog food 🥰 <<less
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JieJieJora rated it
December 7, 2023
Status: Completed
The tittle is so cute, but the story is so brokenheartedly beautiful. I cried my eyes out reading this. Wuwuwuwww hope they will meet in their next life and be together until old.
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