I Don’t Want To Be An Ojakgyo


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I was reincarnated as the supporting character of a novel.

As a wingwoman in a depressing romance novel titled at that. Romance is out of the question, and the future of my family is ominous because of debt.

I was going to become a civil servant to gain some of the splendor I never got in my last life…but the male love interests are acting kind of strange?!

“Just think about it, does Shushu look like someone who would blush and act shy?”

“Wow…….that would be great.” Cory said as he stared at Hylli in a daze, and Yves frowned and whispered to himself.

“Should I just kidnap her…….”

Swan wrapped his face with both of his hands and stayed quiet. His face turned bright red. The blush turned his ears red.

Why are you guys fooling around, you’re supposed to be obsessing over the heroine.

The story of Shuraina West, Shushu’s reverse harem academy survival.

Note: Ojakgyo means wingman/woman!

Associated Names
One entry per line
I Don't Want to Be a Magpie Bridge
I Don't Want To Be A Wingwoman
오작교는 싫습니다
Related Series
I Want to Be a Receptionist of The Magic World (2)
Why Are You Doing This, Duke? (2)
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Avoid the Death Route! (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. recommendations
  2. Best of the Best
  3. Her redemption arc!
  5. Reverse Harem

Latest Release

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04/09/21 Moonlike Translations c15
04/08/21 Moonlike Translations c14
04/07/21 Moonlike Translations c13
04/06/21 Moonlike Translations c12
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04/04/21 Moonlike Translations c10
04/03/21 Moonlike Translations c9
04/02/21 Moonlike Translations c8
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62 Reviews sorted by

Miriallia rated it
December 23, 2022
Status: c12
I tried hard to like it, but the MC is just so inconsistent with how she should be behaving. She has zero maturity, and somehow has zero brains despite her fantastical inventions.

... more>>

How can someone that used a transformation spell that turned into an adult be s*upid enough to deliberatly cover her own face with when she encounters someone she pissed off as an adult. You're basically screaming please don't recognise me! This doesn't feel like the wisdom of a transmigrated woman who raised her younger brothers, it feels like a contrived mary sue story.

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FreyjaVanadis rated it
September 9, 2022
Status: c165
So I haven't finished this novel yet but HOLY COW - it's AMAZING.

If you've read the webcomic Order of the Stick (it's basically about D&D) then you'll understand the reference - it seems very simple, like a joke a day thing, and then about 50 strips in you realize no, there's actually a plot there, not just jokes. Then, about 100 strips in, you start to notice that no, it's actually a really GOOD plot - the jokes are good but also kind of a red herring. Around episode 200... more>> or so you finally clue in that no, this is not just some joke of the day laugh it up throwaway comic - there's not just plot here, there's this overarching, massive worldbuilding with impressive internal consistency, fall and redemption (and redemption arcs that leave the subject not redeemed with a truly tragic end), epic-level plot that is more on the Lord of the Rings scale than, say, Twilight. It's DENSE - there's so much there that (speaking from personal experience) LotR takes a long time to read. I am INCREDIBLY impressed that this novel does that as well - there are all kind of little throwaway things that happen that are actually foreshadowing, that it's much easier for me to see because I'm reading this story after it's been completely translated. All those plot holes and tiny inconsistencies finally start to be explained around chapter 160, and suddenly SO MUCH MAKES SENSE.

I also have to admit that one of the things I ADORE about IDWtbaO is the sheer relatability of Shushu. She's kind of OP in the beginning because she started with an adult's mindset in a child's body, but she worked HARD to become OP. You realize quickly that it's not that Shushu is a genius or has huge stores of magical power of incredible talent - she works for everything she has, and girlfriend works HARD because of her past life memories.

The beginning of this seems like the typical isekai reincarnation story - Shushu discovers at 5 that she's the reincarnation of Han YeAn, a teenager who was taking care of her 3 younger siblings by herself and working herself to death after their parents passed. Her sense of responsibility and self-reliance, as well as the related trauma from having to be so responsible at such a young age for her family, forms a LOT of the basis of how Shushu views the world. She calls herself a moneygrubber, and she's not wrong - but it's because she's so terrified of not being able to take care of and support her family. There is not just trauma here but layers of trauma, and I'm honestly impressed by how well the author shows it. Shushu is depressed, feels like she can't rely on anyone else, and always prepares for worst-case situations. She doesn't have the time or energy to coddle or pity anyone, and she kind of doesn't have two f*cks to rub together about anything other than making sure she can take care of herself. This ends up cascading into how Shushu affects the other characters - she is silently there, being herself and no one else, and just doesn't care what anyone else thinks of who she is and what she does; and that gives the other main characters the freedom to do the same. Shushu is the real hero, but she doesn't actually save anyone - she gives them the tools and the confidence to save themselves. Shushu is their role model of someone who embodies the "Those who say it can't be done should get out of the way of the people actually doing it." - and that gives Hestia, Hazel, Snow, Hylli, Cory, and Yves the roadmap of how to get out of their own situations. She's there, present and holding space and supporting her friends because it just.... doesn't occur to Shushu to do anything else. She's depressed and frustrated and TIRED and sometimes feels like she's barely holding on and keeping all her balls in the air, but Shushu refuses to quit. Shushu's only superpower is tenacity, and it's AMAZING.

IDWtbaO is funny and reminds me of all the dumb sh*t I did in college away from my parents, and has ALLLL the secondhand embarrassment of being a teenager dealing with puberty and first love and not knowing how to interact with others or express yourself, but it also has really deep emotional development, genuine friendship, found family, loyalty and dedication in the face of fear and tragedy, and familial love and dedication. It starts very shallow, and becomes very deep, and I LOVE that. I was lured in by a light read that looked funny, and now I'm INVESTED. I truly hope others get to enjoy this too. A THOUSAND thanks to Moonlike for this translation. It's an amazing and compelling story. <<less
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Seshiru99 rated it
April 25, 2021
Status: c1
I love Shuraina and her very unique name! It's so good, not your typical reincarnation story. So far, Shushu had shown different sides of her to the three MLs.

... more>>

Shushu had shown her badass side to the crown prince, and her friendly and caring side to Cory, and now she's showing her embarrassing side to Yves. I feel like each ML has different arc which makes me ship her to every one of them


My fave ML so far


Cory. He's a loving and caring friend to Shushu


But I heard you gotta look out for this guy


Snow. Which is yet to make an appearance. I read somewhere he's the closest to being the real ML

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Karolin_is_a_pengiun rated it
June 22, 2020
Status: c23
This story is so fun and interesting.

The MC suddenly wakes up with memories from her past life and finds out, that she got reincarnated into a novel she has read. In that novel the heroine build herself a harem, but isn't interested in any of her admires. Once the MC realizes that all men in her life will fall in love with the heroine, her best friend, she becomes bitter and gives up on love. She doesn't follow the plot of the novel, but tries to achieve a stable job... more>> with stable income. That's her goal.


But somehow she befriends the admires of the heroine and turns them unknowingly into her own admires


The plot isn't that deep, but it's a fun read <<less
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Suckerforshipping rated it
April 23, 2023
Status: extra 12
You don't know how attached I am to this novel. I finished it a while ago, but I'm still feeling that sad, heavy feeling in my heart. Don't get me wrong, completing the novel made me feel this way, not the ending itself. I love IDWTBAO through and through. You won't regret reading it!

P.S. Swan x Shushu all the way <3
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Mitsuko999 rated it
June 10, 2022
Status: c145
I absolutely love this novel, the most thing I like about it is how relatable the MC is, although our circumstances are completely different, I could totally relate to her pain in a lot of ways, she reminds me a lot of myself so this made the story even more enjoyable for me.
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secretwillow rated it
March 23, 2022
Status: extra 45
I finished this story out of spite. It's a rambling story that takes way too long to get to the meat of the plot (chapters 160s). While the slice of life feel and fluff is cute and entertaining at first, once you got through to chapter 60 it was enough. All character development happens in their individual arcs chapters 1-60. Afterwards it feels like filler content until around chapter 160 when PLOT happens.

Lastly, there's hardly any romance in this story. It's clear the leads care for the female lead, but... more>> any actual romance between the female lead and male leads don't happen until the extras after the story ends. <<less
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Relenapeacecraft rated it
February 3, 2022
Status: c66
I decided to drop the novel at this point because of how the author had the tendency to brush issues I deem important under the rug for the sake of moving the story along. For Swan who was abused repeateadly and even begged the MC to kill him because of his suffering to not have any form of closure caused such discontentment with me. The author has the tendency to create engaging archs but also ends those archs haphazardly. Like the thought put into those scenes run out midway. It... more>> was so disatisfying. <<less
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Rutabaga rated it
November 18, 2021
Status: Completed
So I completed the novel. It was entertaining to read, to say the least.

The character are actually really well written, and they have depth to them. Their actions don't seem to be abrupt and seem to be in logic. It's entertaining to read about their antics and friendship. Perhaps it's because I've been reading this over a long duration of time that I've forgotten the weird creepy moments I see others mentioning, so can't comment on that. I'll say this though, Swanhaden is the sweetest, and Yves is just f*cking... more>> weird.

The plot is interesting, and executed in a decent way but there are places that I just get annoyed at. It gets you to understand the overall situation, but it fails to make you be absorbed in the world building. It doesn't really explain the details, so it makes you question a lot of stuff.

The magic system, the weird parallel universe of the novel MC was s**ked into, how does the novel world and "Real"world work together.

It makes it confusing to understand. There are definitely places that are interesting especially the dark twists but some parts get dragged down by the cloudiness of the writing, and it felt like it didn't connect well to me.

I do want to say that the first half of the novel mostly follows the 'reverse harem Isekai' troupe, and is mostly slice of life with some plot while MC is somehow surrounded by the most influential boys in the whole school. I think it's better written than most, but stay away if you don't enjoy the genre. The later half does have more plot, but its still reverse harem.

It's a fun read, I guess. Give it a chance if you have time. <<less
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znukhsoc rated it
October 20, 2021
Status: Completed
The characters slowly grow on you. It feels nice and earned and this is a rare book that I enjoyed when the author writes about the past. If I can pick a negative it'll be the magic... It is too convenient to the plot, sometimes it's ridiculous but I won't be taking away points because the overall satisfaction was great.
I adored the characters. But I'm warning you MC is a total thickhead emotionally because it's necessary to the plot. I also wasn't sure who was the ML until the end, that's a first for me... It's that good.

These are the comments I've written while reading and exploding:

Ch?-Wow FL blackmailed the Prince, had the First Order position, and also won the duel. Too OP already. But I don't dislike it.
Ch14-Aww I have fallen for Cory already.
Ch18-I just really wish FL will end up with Cory. He seems trustworthy.
Ch25-Such an annoying mother uh... Are you gonna sell your daughter next??
Ch33- My eyes are watering up about how much I enjoy this story.
Ch34-...I really hope she'll not end up with the crown prince.
Ch40-... Yves is definitely the ML. I'm sure of it. Excessive and painful background of a ML? Hell yea he'll be the one. Poor Cory is gonna be sad.
Ch51-AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW! OMFG! I'm melting. Also, I'm not so sure about Yves now. He feels like an uncle right now.
Ch52-Man, I need caring friends. Imma cry.
Ch54-Swan made me forget Cory. I really like my shy boys :>
Ch63-Holy shite, another ML with heavy background huh... Man if the author introduced "the one" for Shu last, that's a godly move. Now I play my cards for Swan since he did sacrifice a lot for Shu.
Ch66-"tr*sh belongs in a tr*sh can." asdkjasdlajsdla exploded!
Ch82-Hylli is unexpectedly shy...
Ch84-NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO GODDAMMIT NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! SWAN! GET UP! OMFG! She just accepted your rose! Get up! I want more screentime for him >:0 Also, I'd make sure Swan is out of the cold pond, poor boy it must hurt.
Ch85-I'll be always happier when Swan enters the stage. All my stocks are invested in Swan.
Ch88-Really Swan makes me cry.
Ch89-Ouf! Swan must be angry.
Ch90-Shushu why would you change the placement of that right. Let the boy win once.
Ch91-I really wonder if Cory has some trauma too since Hylli has one...
Ch97-HOlY Swan lowering his image aksjdalksdj:D:D:D
Ch98-I'm glad Swan is improving. Go, my boy. Go get the girl.
Ch99-Breaks my heart to see everyone is afraid for Shushu.
Ch111-Swan wake up! Yo girl is back!
Ch114-I'm happy to see Duke Yulinelle again.
Ch121-I'm sorry Yves, after Swan my eyes see anyone else, btw where is he?
Ch125-Bruh. Shushu made me angry... First relationship with a RANDOM person!???? WTH? 7
Ch126-Girl stop torturing us. UGH! I don't like her dense behavior. Also, Eric is sus.
Ch127-UGhhghhghhgg I knew it. f*ckING ERIC! Swan's gonna torture him.
Ch131-Hestia... GOOD JOB!!!
Ch133-It was a painful arc. I wonder what the boys do to Eric. I'd be more afraid of Yves than Swan....
Ch135-Swan makes me cry sometimes.
Ch147-Good thing Swan learns her reincarnation first.
Ch150-Crying my eyes out. I'm glad Swan is taking care of Shushu.
Ch152-First time for me to cry to a kiss. GOD IM SO HAPPY that it gives me a heartache. This is my favorite Korean romance.
Ch154-"Where's our little terror, Swannie?"
Ch164-... um... what. Norielle put me off a little bit but I guess it's natural that I can't trust her.
Ch168-Yves the only drama queen in here. AND I FCKNG KNEW he was gonna turn his head. I guess he deserved a lick.
Ch171-Shushu you're constantly blueballing me.... Just pick Swan you thickhead.
Ch173-Loan Shark Swanhaden kasdkjasldla
Ch178-Model Student Swanhaden asdaslkdjalsdjlasd
Ch180-Man... Didn't wait for the end to be like this. Thanks Evil Swan!


Ended up only reading the Swan route. Swanhaden's character hit me hard. Whenever his name appeared, I nearly blushed and probably reacted exactly like himself. Don't think I'll read the others. All my stocks are invested in him anyway. The writing quality of the extras wasn't the same either, and the pacing was off so if I wanna continue to love this story I'll have to stop here.

Even with my nitpicking, this story enjoyment-wise was 10/10. I'll definitely read it again in the future.
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TripleA rated it
August 8, 2021
Status: c139
  1. Lovely in many ways. Our FL is very capable and dependable. I love the way she cherishes all her friends/family. Like a lioness with her cubs. The boys are so sweet that I want to buy all their stocks👀
  2. This has become my daily morning reading. Kudos for the TLr who keeps updating constantly this work with a incredible quality!
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Reichie rated it
July 27, 2021
Status: Completed
This is much more serious and dark than I expected but I like it the same. The story, dialogue, and characters are lovable and intriguing.

I'm still quite confused with the MCs hot and cold personality but it seems she herself is also having some cognitive dissonance about who she is so—fair.

I took off a star for all the bits of plotholes, random deux ex machina, and lack of world building of this one. It's still at the middle so maybe the world will be introduced later on but right now... more>> I just wish the magic and everything else was given more focus, just a little. And also, I'm still uncertain about how the world actually look like since it's a mix of science and magic and the description never really went into details about it 😔

edit: Yeah, they never did bother with the world outside MC's school and the characters' background. Also, this is not a true reverse harem ending but we get alternate endings of what happens if MC choose which ML so that's great.


Basing on background and personality, I think Swan is definitely the ML, or well, he's the one that suits the role the most in my opinion. He's crazy, he's so in love, and he only sees our Shushu and no one else since the beginning (like the other MLs actually). But as with everything in this novel, I think us readers and our FL only scratched the surface of Swan's character. The info in the extra chapters gives us a glimpse of a darker Swan that he tries to hide and bury for Shushu. Like the other Swan in another lifetime who held Shushu's soul in his arms hard—so hard he nearly destroys it. I thinks that is the best descriptions of Swan's love for Shuraina. And the author tried to distract us with the lighthearted description and cute, blushing Swan but, wow, his feelings for Shuraina is dark DARK (but got nothing on Yves, I guess?). But! Since this Swan experienced Shushu's friendship when he was young, he also developed a rein to hold himself back and do the best for Shuraina and to hold her above everyone and everything else, which is just so sweet, you borderline sociopath. He has the worst personality but he has the best ending because he loves Shushu in the best way.

But Cory is my bet tho lol he's just so sweet and genuine and a perfect partner for Shushu's love with magic. Their relationship is comfortable and literally stemmed from being BFF and I think, in reality, that's the kind of love that lasts and can weather through everything.

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keronaps rated it
May 26, 2021
Status: c63
I absolutely love this story. Honestly, one of the best I've read.

the story is a lot more thorough and I understand it a lot more than most novels. Each of the characters are well written and all have a dynamic relationship with the FL
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pink1268 rated it
May 9, 2021
Status: c46
This actually gets pretty deep in the third arc...

I dropped this novel and then picked it up again and realise that it is top level. Unique take on the classic reverse harem academy isekai trope - MC is quite unique and the story and translation is great. I like the male leads as well especially Cory and then the third arc was wowowowo ;-;
I recommed
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Perry_08 rated it
October 29, 2022
Status: --
The second- hand embarrassment is real in this one. I know the author meant to make hestia an innocent, bright character but she comes off as an annoying needy character instead. She can't do 2 things without bringing the MC into her problems. Honestly don't know who in their right mind would be friends with someone so clingy.
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dreacollins rated it
September 11, 2022
Status: c50
While the story intrigued me to some extent, and the interaction with the potential MLs was interesting, but after reading many chapters I felt like there's something that makes this story feel... bland? bumpy? a bit 2D? or maybe a bit of distaste with how the story unfolds?

... more>>

As far as I read, the MLs was introduced one by one after some chapters of FL's POV and a bit of each ML's POV, repeatedly. While the author tried to make it as natural as possible, it felt like a bit of unnatural, maybe it's also because reverse harem (I got spoiled but a bit of unsure, so there's some ending routes? I'd rather have an obvious ending rather than choosing one ML based on my taste)


I don't know if I'll read it to the end, even if the MLs was adorable and interesting. I won't give a low rating tho, because when I exclude my dilemma, it's still an enjoyable ride. <<less
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Kelsealoufromkalamazoo rated it
June 29, 2022
Status: Completed
Bro this was so good. I like reverse harems, but I always feel bad when only one is picked and the rest aren’t. But this novel has alternative endings so she ends up with everyone?! I also like how she’s not conventionally attractive, and that they grow to love her for herself. It made me laugh, it made me cry, and I am so happy I read this.
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KeSamik rated it
January 26, 2022
Status: completo

Shuraina (MC) is the best!! It's not that she's perfect, but that's better. She learns through the journey and find a meaning for herself.

Really good history.
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InfiniteCloud rated it
September 28, 2021
Status: extra 4
I really loved this!

Character-wise, the main character and all of the male leads were pretty well developed, and the storyline is pretty complex as well.

Though I wish that the author had developed the worldbuilding, politics, and magic system a little more, I understand their choice to put only the necessary parts in so that the plot could happen uninterrupted.

The only caveat would be that towards the end, the story started to get a little boring. The author abruptly stops developing the male leads after their plotlines pass, and then makes... more>> them act in crack ways. The main character became unnaturally and unrealistically dense about certain subjects, and she also kind of stops being the magic genius inventor that she had been. I'm pretty sure those parts were put in to lighten the situation, but really, it just kind of dragged on the plot.

However, the story overall was really good, the plot was pretty intricate, and the beginnings were really good, so I gave it a 5 star rating despite the end.

The extras also seem very promising in terms of furthering some of the plotlines as well, which is also part of why I gave it a 5 instead of a 4. Overall, the story kind of seemed like it was going down a certain character's route, and I would have been fine with that character, except I feel like the relationship wasn't as developed as it could/should have been. Plus, I personally had liked the other characters more. I did hear that the extras contain the 4 routes for all 4 of the main leads, so... fingers crossed. <<less
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hiyorien rated it
September 27, 2021
Status: c180
this was really enjoyable. I binged it in like 3 and a half days because the story and characters were very entertaining. It has a bunch of flaws but I don't mind them as they're mostly personal preference. Firstly is the many fillers that aren't relevant to the plot, aside from ... more>>

shuraina dating eric, where she realizes her self worth. I also don't appreciate how the author put hestia on the backburner and have the story focus on shushu and the male leads. Hestia really only shows up when it's convenient. It also suffers from a severe lack of show not tell which makes the story a little less engaging. There are some really emotional scenes that don't hit me hard at all because of the deadpan delivery, but I suppose it's due to the fact the story's mostly told from shushu's pov. The pacing was a bit weird too because it felt like it was building up to something but then it collapses. I get it's a "plot twist" but it feels like the effort to set up a mood has been wasted countless times, like how se-yoo met noirelle and she goes off on some weird monologue which makes you think that shuraina's safety will be threatened. The character development is also extremely reliant on shuraina which isn't very realistic since people change and grow up even without outside interference from other people with the exception of swanhaden actually, who grew up even without shushu's constant meddling. Shushu was more of a catalyst for his development honestly. I know it's partly due to noirelle's designed fate for her but it was very strange, in my opinion. There are also some really good scenes too, like when swanhaden took shushu to meet her siblings a year after ye-an's death. The characters were very well polished and fun to read about, which is why the flaws never bothered me much. The magic system was colorful and I was throughly entertained about the world but they try to paint shushu as non OP which is a lie considering she became a black magician at the end. The magic system was somewhat all over the place and the random important information about magic which is discussed mid story when it should've been part of the exposition was annoying. The timeloop was a bit awkward since there wasn't anything that alluded to it as far as I remember.

I think you should definitely give this story a try if you want a casual, funny read aside from its darker points. I enjoyed the character interactions a lot so if you like good character dynamics, this one's for you. I thank tn-nim for translating this colorful story! ♡ <<less
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