I Don’t Dare to Oppose a Protagonist Anymore


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Lin Xiao was addicted to reading Qidian novels. He always fantasized that he would have a day when he could transmigrate and then embrace beautiful women all over the whole world, becoming the strongest person in the mainland.

After he really transmigrated, Lin Xiao stubbornly always believed that he was a protagonist until he met Ling Luo.

Only after being killed by Ling Luo did he know that he was only a cannon fodder villain in a novel.

When he restarted his life and hatefully wanted to oppose his fate at least once, he was ruthlessly crushed again.

Okay then… since a protagonist was determined to be like this, he wouldn’t oppose a protagonist anymore…

The two of them were similarly straight guys…

When he restarted his life again, Ling Luo unexpectedly suffered a Love Herb’s poison…

Lin Xiao internally cried as he looked at a certain person who tied him onto an obelisk in the back and thought, who could tell him what this was all about?

Associated Names
One entry per line
Wo Zai Ye Bu Gan He Zhu Jue Zuo Dui Le
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Recommendation Lists
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  4. Rotten books
  5. Finished

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83 Reviews

Apr 20, 2020
Status: Completed

The novel started out pretty well, the brotherhood between the two main characters was going nicely and you could possibly see some feelings developing between them in the future. However, I found that everything came crashing down after about Ch.50.

The first r*pe scene that happened was a complete accident, the ML was drugged by a special herb and had absolutely no control over himself, don't get me wrong, r*pe is never okay but with the type of drug the ML had been infected with it was almost like he was being forced as well. Neither party was willing in that scenario. However, the second time the MC was r*ped was absolutely disgusting! At this point in the story the MC had been completely beaten down and had no way to resist the ML. The ML forced a type of Love Herb down the MC throat and then slept with him while he was drugged. It was disgusting and complete r*pe. There is no excuse for that kind of treatment of someone no matter how angry you are at them. I was happy that the MC didn't immediately forgive the ML and stayed angry at him.

At the end of the book after the MC had gone off on his own and was living a fine life without the ML, the ML followed him (in a way that was pretty much stalking) even after the MC had made it abundantly clear that he wanted to be left alone. When the MC finally decided to get together with him it more than anything felt like he was tired and didn't feel like running anymore.

Having "Deep Love" for someone to the point of confining, raping and stalking them is not okay, it is unhealthy not only for the one with the feelings but also for the one being stalked.

79 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Sep 15, 2018
Status: Completed
This is one of the fell novels that the MC has a character growth! At the beginning he comes off as a spoiled jerk otaku, but he actually grows up, he finally has the mentality of "I'm not the protagonist so the things won't fall down from the sky for me, so I have to work hard!", though by chapter 65 he is weaker than the protagonist but he is still better than many of his peers.

Also another fun fact, the MC said he would slim down but by c65... more>> he is still a bit chubby and cuddleable!


And the protagonist likes it very much!


There was even a time that he thought that if he had to marry someday he would try to find a chubby woman because it felt too good to hug and touch the MC


The romance is slow, after all the both of them were straight guys...... but it's way more believable than others YY novels, the MC even gets to question how the hell did those girls get so crazy for the protagonist (in my view it's not jus the protagonist halo, but because they are too easy or have too many schemes on their sleeves) Maybe one of the 'whys' that the original protagonist didn't have any children with any of his harem might be because he was only playing around with them and didn't think they were worth of being his true woman? Or was he just too focused on cultivation and didn't advance with them?


And yep, those ex-harem girls are all b*tches! Though not that all female characters are bad......

Edit after finishing:

It was really an enjoyable ride....... though nearing the end had such dog blood plot, still, all's well that ends well..... so, don't worry that this isn't BE but HE!

Not only the MC grows but also the protagonist. They aren't perfect and many times you get the urge to strangle them.

But still, times heals everything.......

Ps: There are too fell H scenes and not much details, if you are reading looking for H scenes this isn't the novel you should be reading. <<less
28 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
May 12, 2020
Status: c63
Ok let's be honest these two characters are not exactly good people. I mean how can you not realize that from the numerous people they rob and/or kill just because they got an important item they want. ಠಿ_ಠ That said as long as you're not expecting some fluffy story where the MC/ML are noble heroes fighting against and defeating the rest of the scum in the world it's a pretty good adventure story and an entertaining read. They're more or less morally cohesive with the rest of the world, ie... more>> willing to do whatever it takes to get what they want, except they're nice to each other. ┐ (´д`) ┌ The MC mainly because he doesn't want to get chop chopped again by the dude (ML) that's willing to cut anyone that crosses him. I enjoy the moral ambiguity but it can cause a shock if you didn't expect it and then suddenly you're like, 'are they really about to rob that girl at knife point?' 'Yep, they really just killed that dude because they didn't want him to look for them after they robbed him.' <<less
21 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Sep 04, 2019
Status: c1
I have already read the ending.


There was a misunderstanding between the two, but they continue to travel. One day the shou says that they could retry, and the gong is very happy. Together they travel far and far away.

21 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Jul 17, 2021
Status: c30
Pretty... average, in my opinion.

The characters, plot, and execution of the writing ranged from substandard to decent, and overall it's your typical transmigration/cultivation novel with a few twists and turns.

Normally I would rate a novel of this standard a 3.5 stars as long as I enjoyed the story at least a little, but the reason this is a 2.5 out of 5.0 stars for me is because (a) the translation/proofreading notes were so annoying and distracting and (b) the fatphobia in this was unreal, exaggerated, and just uncomfortable.

Listen. I get... more>> translator notes and why they're necessary - I'm a translator myself, so believe me when I say I know the struggle. The notes in this novel, however, were ridiculous. For every three lines of novel there was a line of "translation notes" and they weren't even like... actual translation notes. They were like - (in the middle of a scene where the ML and the MC share a bed) "TN: mwahahahahahah PR: omg staappp" or "TN: -_- the author is sh*t at naming things LOLOLOLOL". This isn't 2008 fanfiction people, let's do better.

Also, the amount of times it was mentioned that the MC is fat was ridiculous. A legitimate interaction that happened was when a master met the MC and literally thought in his head, "oh this person has some cultivation talent, but his body is just so repulsive" and "he was smiling brightly but because his fat he seemed like a lecher". I don't think a chapter went by in the beginning that didn't talk about how fat the MC was. So unnecessary. <<less
17 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Feb 23, 2020
Status: Completed
r*pe is not cool.

The story is good in beginning but in the end r*pe, abuse, confinement and finally endless stalking of MC by ML shook me hard.

At one point you will feel that the worst thing happened to MC is meeting ML.

The MC and ML do get a happy ending but it doesn't feel happy at all, just because someone is stalking you and he can't even understand your simple wish to stay alone and happy by yourself then is guess it's pretty much off from romance point of view.
15 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Sep 27, 2020
Status: --
Honestly this book is not all that bad. Sure the ML is possessive and a stalker, the ending is meh but for people who rates this 1-2 stars because of the r*pe, maybe you should have looked the tags. The tags are there for a reason and if you are taken back by the content that the tags had warned you, it’s your own fault.

Anyways the ending is a bit too open for me but it’s okay
14 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Sep 20, 2018
Status: Completed
I kinda like the story. Unlike the common route where the transmigrator was so OP and counterattack. Our MC was a real supporting character. No matter how he tried, he’s not the protagonist. I like it that he realized and accepted it. It’s really makes sense to me. And it somewhat different from the stereotype transmigration and rebirth story that I knew. The story it self is fun, there’s action, comedy here and there. Overall I personally think it’s not bad at all. My biggest problem would be it’s ending.... more>> It just felt bland to me. But it’s actually not that bad, I’ve met something else that’s ended even worse, much worse that this. And The way this story end is a real common thing IRL love story as well. But I prefer it a bit merrier? Maybe.. But it’s just a matter of personal preference. <<less
12 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Sep 13, 2018
Status: c1
Interesting idea, I'm just not sure how I feel about the story other than it's okay. The biggest issue for me is the MC. He's an idiot and has a bad character, which isn't an issue for me unless he doesn't experience some character growth.

It's just I'm not sure he will. For example the MC has a crush on a girl, okay. But midway through c1 you find out the MC was reborn (twice) into a fat kid. Which is fine, what bothers me is he finds out his crush... more>> didn't like him because he was ugly and fat. Not because he was harassing her or because he had a bad personality, nope, it's because he's fat. Like seriously author.

This worries me because he takes it as he needs to slim down, not that he needs to fix himself, and the girl comes off as a bit*h despite having a legitimate reason for not liking him.

I don't know, I'm probably taking this story too seriously. Maybe c2 will be better, for now 2 stars for just being okay. <<less
12 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Oct 17, 2020
Status: Completed
I really like this story very much that's why I'm so sad about the bad comment and review about this.

If you don't like r*pe or abuse don't read. Its already transparent in the tag. It's not it's an intentional abuse or something. It's part of the plot and I think everything is very logical and didn't happen without reason. It's not that bad.

It quite an enjoyable read. 🙂 People have different taste. It doesn't mean they don't like it. You won't like it too.
10 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Mar 23, 2020
Status: c87
  • The start was simply amazing, made me want to keep going and know more since there was truly a good plot line and a good mix of comedy.
  • what made me more interested was the chapter 22 error. It had angst which made me have expectations of some really good steamy scenes but sadly that never happened and that chapter “strangely” was supposed to be an error ?
  • there was a big scene that was in the summary somewhere around chapter 51 that’s was the scene but the author just skipped the biggest part everyone was waiting for. Which was very disappointing.
  • after it overall still kept me going but the plot seemed more erratic and there were plot holes all over the place
  • the end.... let’s just say was truly not the best. And truly ML.... well I stopped being a fan of him at one point.
  • overall I do still love this novel although there were some faults with it, it did still leave a good impression on me with the plot line [you can read the whole thing in a Chinese website, the Chinese title above, google it and you’ll find all the chapters in which I then translated them all to English in google translate. Oh and trust me I understood everything, the novel translates well and it’s exactly the same as the translator is posting./spoiler]
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Feb 27, 2021
Status: Completed
It's a cultivation transmigration story with the typical plot of the cannon fodder MC knowing that his future actions lead to his death and hugging the protagonist ML's golden thigh to survive, except here, rather than knowing this from just having read the novel this MC had lived it. (Kinda confusing that there are 2 'past lives' - his life pre-transmigration and his life post-transmigration but before re-birth...)

The writing style is a bit immature (and I think the author admits this somewhere) as there are no deep insights into... more>> the characters' thoughts or feelings, and events/actions can often be described flippantly and suddenly, making you go wait what... err, ok....

The majority of the novel is just two straight bros five feet apart, with no semblance of romantic intentions until suddenly the ML is enlightened by an illusion trap to realise that actually he is in love with him. As such, both of their romantic feelings towards each other don't feel to have naturally developed, so their relationship felt... off to me.

I also forgot entirely that the ML was a transmigrator as well (?) since this makes no impact to the novel and his character settings, so what was the point of that? <<less
7 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Mar 26, 2019
Status: Completed
the beginning was fun and had its humorous parts but starting from the hot springs I started liking it less as less as there was more and more drama. As for the ending

... more>>

in the end it feels like he finally gave in not for love but because he was tired and LL would never leave anyways.


the ML seems to border on yandere more than once in the story. I admit that the violation and r*pe parts had a negative effect for me and all the drama that happened later on was tiring so in the end, I thought that though the story is OK, it's very flawed. <<less
7 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Aug 13, 2020
Status: c80
Absolutely horrible. Wasted my time. The storyline is the only thing good about it. The details are jumbled, plot holes appear out of nowhere and the logic of the characters are simply baffling. I admit I hung on so far for the plot and even though the writing didn't flow as well as it could have and it was confusing sometimes as the author would forget stuff, I still read.

... more>>

However. That very quickly changed. The characters became even more unbearable. The MC and ML were immature despite supposedly being transmigraters and previously adults in the a modern world. As usual nothing was mentioned about what was going on in the world they transmigrated from and, additionally, the r*pe is needless. Things are badly explained and the characters lack any form of rationality and seemed to have multiple personality disorder or bipolar disorder.

Reenactment of particular s*upid scene:

MC: I'm going to eat the yellow plant to advance my cultivation. (Me: ok)

MC: *wakes up in blood and fabric*

MC: Oh no I killed the ML's parents! (Me: how did you come to that conclusion so quickly! U can't remember shite, you don't actually know who's blood it is, and their bodies are nowhere to be found.)

MC: ML! I killed your parents. Take my life but don't harm my fam.

ML: *Cut's off MC's ability to cultivate. Traps him in magical cave for who the **** knows how long*

ML: *Proceeds to r*pe. AGAIN* <<less
6 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
May 26, 2022
Status: Completed

Now that I've finished it, I've got mixed feelings about it. I feel *icky* and uncomfortable about their relationship and it's not even the non-con that bothered me. Hell no.

It's the fact that

... more>>

The ML just really went Imma kill this bit*h to avenge my parents - when it wasn't even proven that his parents were dead AND when he knew the ML didn't do it deliberately.


I mean bro... Can you really do that to a person whom you're so in love with? But he certainly would have done- if that spirit inside his body didn't call him back on time. It wasn't his love or his consciousness that stopped what he was about to do.

The ML really needed a third party to remind him to not kill the love of his life and regret it later.

Oh but he was *merciful!* (Rolling eyes)


Yeah, ML didn't kill the MC but destroyed his Cultivation Core which is actually as bad as killing a guy in that dog eat dog world of cultivation- And again the death of his beloved parents was yet to be proven


Rightfully speaking Ling Luo shouldn't have touched a single strand of Lin Xiao's hair until anything about the mu*der was proven. You can't expend justice for a crime *that has not been proven to be committed*. Especially, if the crime wasn't intentional.

That's how it is even between strangers.

And who were these two? Potential comrades who've been through life and death together and the moment the ML hears that the MC *accidentally* mu*dered his beloveds his first thought is to mu*der this person- whom he thought he loved as avenge.

Sure he didn't resort to mu*der in the end but still did some nasty sh*t when again it was yet to be proven that a mu*der took place. *Sigh*

I'm not telling it's wrong to want to avenge the death of a beloved but I certainly do not believe that death should be evened with death, if the crime was not intentional and accidental.

But of course our ML has been scum from the beginning, with a very skewed sense of moral and self-centred sense of justice. I wouldn't mind morally shitty characters.

But not when they're being shitty to the people whom they're supposed to care for-whom they think they have feelings for and who have done sh*t for them.

I wouldn't have minded if it was a matter of getting revenge from some random stranger. But no- it's from the guy he thought he loved and I would have expected some form of leniency given the context.

I'm not telling he shouldn't get revenge (well technically he should wait till Crime's proven to happen but yeah *assuming* the love of his life mu*dered somebody important to him) and

destroying the cultivation core could be called a sufficient avenge- and he basically confined the MC for over 10 years which is imho more than enough for accidentally killing someone duh

and one might assume he was in his right to do so.

After all

He (even if it's accidentally) killed his parents!!! Le gasp


Listen people, shitty morals or whatever *if* you decide to take revenge upon someone for some type of error they committed and did something horrible to them when you know you freaking have feelings for that person


If your need for revenge exceeds your capacity for love and you do act upon your revenge urges, you've clearly made your choice. You can't in good conscience extract revenge from a person and expect love from the same person, no matter how justifiable your reasons are.

"Oh but they're the ones who wronged me, So I also wronged them. Now we're equal... So can we love?". No bro, you need to get far away from eachother.

If you really do wish to cherish someone and want to accept them as a whole- and they have wronged you in some form, you have two options.

1) Despise the person/exact revenge and forget your feelings for them. (If you can hate-love somebody go ahead but do NOT expect them to return your love but really such feelings would just be just plain toxic or insincere)

2) Forgive them and continue to love them

And clearly I saw no forgiveness happening anywhere. What they had at the beginning was beautiful and it turned into something warped and ugly because they both bore too much bad blood between them due to unwanted dog blood drama.

ML had done too much

Destroying his core, almost killing MC, confinement, r*pe

to genuinely ever love mc

MC had suffered too much to have secure, loving feelings towards someone who'd bore such ill-will towards him and at one point ended up almost killing him.

I know I wouldn't feel secure or loved by someone like that- no matter how much they make up for what they did.

And that's why their interactions at the last scenes felt forced. Because they had too much bitterness and hard feelings towards eachother.

And honestly therefore I don't think they belong with eachother.

It was a bumpy ride, the story. But I enjoyed it (EVEN THE NON-CON) until this happened and ultimately I was left with nothing but scorn for the ML. There were problems with random storyline pop ups, brain fart decisions made by our MCs and cliché scenes along with immature writing style and character inconsistencies and VERY horrible pacing but this annoyed me the most. I thought it was a nice story and wondered why the ratings were so low, even with the non-con until the last few chapters happened.

I could digest everything except the fact that the ML prioritized his parents over the MC. I don't mind hate-romance or the kind of love that springs from toxic places but I want the couple to prioritize their significant other over every other human being except for themselves. And if they did do something horrible to the person they love in account of another person- then I want to see some evidence to the fact that the character would choose their loved one over that other person. But no... ML clearly chose his parents over the MC because he'd only kept the MC alive because ye was unsure as to whether his parents were alive. And since that's the case, he doesn't deserve the MC. Because the MC knew if he let Ling Luo live, his parents would potentially die but he still didn't harm Ling Luo. Our MC made his choice there and the ML too made his choice- he chose his parents. Their affections are not on the same wavelength. ML doesn't deserve the MC.

So much for love (I wanted to face palm)

It was enjoyable until chapter 60s happened and everything was a sh*t show from there. <<less
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Jun 12, 2021
Status: c87
Honestly, I really like this novel. Most of the 1 and 2 star reviews I see for this novel are just "rape, abuse and confinement is bad" and yes it is but don't you see how the ML repents. Neither the MC nor ML are good people both have done bad. The MC literally told the ML he killed his parents, like omfg how would you feel if your love did that. They both went through a lot of shit, yes r*pe is bad and killing ... more>>

even though he didn't actually end up killing the parents

is bad but they both grew up from their experiences. The MC learned the consequences of scheming and selfishness while the ML learned the consequences for his actions. AND you can tell a lot of time has passed before they get together again. Some might see it as the MC just being tired of the ML but I think the MC was able to sincerely get past all that happened because he really loved the ML, they took really good care of each other and went through so much together.

Also im just gonna go and say it, yes its r*pe but like lmao so was killing stalking and that has like 9.4 stars in a manga site and no ones saying "r*pe is not cool" and stuff because it's obvious its f*cking not. The ML literally knows this like in one of the later chapters when he knows the MC is going to leave him he has the impulse to just lock the MC again but he knows if he does that he won't actually gain the MC's love so he stops himself. He knows to let go and wait, he gives the MC some space and then joins him and when he joins him he does everything possible to make the MC's life better. <<less
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Jan 29, 2021
Status: Completed
I don't normally leave reviews but I sorta felt I had to for this one. I feel that if you really want to enjoy this story to it's full extent, you have to be quite open-minded. A lot of the choices the characters make and the situations they end up in won't fare well with a lot of people but I honestly really liked the story in the end. The story is quite dark and some people may argue that the ending was somewhat abrupt but I felt that it... more>> was most effective this way. The story wouldn't have as much of the intended effect if the ending was more prolonged.

As you can see from the tag, there is r*pe. However, I felt the author did a good job portraying it in a way that made sense (there was a lot of r*pe). I know a lot of people hate/dislike or will hate/dislike the ML for it but I can't. Of course I've never been in situations like these so my thoughts and opinions on this should be taken with a grain of salt. I can't dislike the ML because I can see why he did what he did. I'm not saying I agree with it, but I understand it (which, fyi is not the same thing).

And that's why I like this story so much.

It portrays a much darker side of humanity and does it in a fairly reasonable way (as in, it makes sense). It does a good job portraying budding emotions, confusion, feeling lost and lonely (a much better job than I can anyways). At times this story may seem rushed but I think it makes up for it.

Unlike many other novels, this one, in my opinion DOES NOT romanticise r*pe. It clearly portrays the negative effects this had on the MC and ML's relationship. They only ended up together in the end because there were already feelings between them. Love prevails.

I don't know but looking at other stories there will probably be people who dislike the MC for deciding to stay with the ML in the end or something. However, give me the liberty to remind you: you are not them.

Different people, different experiences, different likes and wants, different reactions to various situations.

Experiences and emotions play a huge role in how you may react to something. Don't tell me you've never shouted or hurt someone out of anger.

Also in terms of their views on gay relationships (i.e. Maybe being a bit uninformed), I don't know either cause I'm not from where the author is from and I have not lived there but culture and awareness vary between countries. <<less
5 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Jan 25, 2021
Status: c87
This story was truly beautiful.I felt that although the ML is depicted by many as a terrible person. His actions were just that of a human being. Albeit one extremely deeply in love. His ... more>>

r*pe and imprisonment

of the MC was definitely a wrong decision but he himself recognised that and chose to instead change himself and his actions for the better. He chose to persevere on in caring for the MC and even promised to take care of him his entire life despite not receiving back affections. It is really a more realistic depiction of a relationship. The plot was also quite interesting and I liked how the story itself developed. <<less
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Apr 07, 2019
Status: Completed
The rate should be 4 stars. But I couldnt edit it. Anyway, it was really going well on the first two third of the story. It was warm and fluffy and cute. But then the author threw a dog blood drama so unreasonable, it ruined the whole thing. The author created a pit for herself that she had to wrap up too fast and abrupt. In the end, there was no closure with the 'harem' of the ML. The relationship between MC and ML could have shown after they got... more>> together, but it wasnt. The ending had a sort of open ended feeling. <<less
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Dec 10, 2021
Status: c68
the author seems to forget the characters' age. They have 12-13 in the start but then ??? They're just not narrated as kids anymore ???? Like, you have this feeling that they're not 13 yo, because of how they're represented. Example:

... more>>

ML, with supposed 13 yo, has a piebald abs enough to make MC look to his CHILDISH 12, almost 13, yo body and think he is too fat, even though he fastly and magically got thin, starting up by when he rebirth and realized he already was more thin then he was before


"but they originally were adults", yeah, does it change their bodies? I don't think so

and their dynamic were good before they "ended up together" for one night, after that it was frustrating (to the point of changing translators cause the first one decided to drop the novel)


first of all, if you care about age more than the author does, they were about 15 years old when ML r*ped MC, and it just happened because of some fragrance and this kind of stuff, then MC got mad with ML, ignoring him and all, but he also got jealous bc ML is in company of girls from the original harem or friends from the original history, to the point he gets sad thinking he and ML aren't good friends like they were anymore

it's just too much not necessary drama with their feelings. They realize at same time what they really feel, but ML's way to get MC is kind of forcing him to *cof cof* embarrassing situations. Like when ML let MC harm him in a training and asks MC to massaging him, and then WOW they're kissing and h*ndjobing each other ???? Btw, ML said it was a "bro thing"

another thing: after realizing he likes MC, ML became really jealousy of everyone around MC, forgetting he r*ped MC

this novel should have the tag "r*pe victim becames lover", and this tag makes me feel uncomfortable, if I had knew that before starting, I wouldn't read


this whole situation just started bothering me. Not just this, but this isn't a obscene novel, it's a romance novel, yet, while you read, you can't see the romance, just the obscenity. If you like this type of novel, fine, go ahead, you might like it

i really tried to finish because I LIKED MC and ml's friendship dynamic, but after this I just dropped (and I don't have plans to try again, I already read too much) <<less
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