I Decided To Raise My Nephew Who’s Going to Become A Villain


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I think my nephew is the real villain. My nephew grew up unloved and neglected, and he will destroy half of the world. I couldn’t gamble our future, along with the mansion residents, on a fifty-fifty chance.

“I will take him with me.”

I decided to sacrifice myself to raise my nephew.



Pecky toddled over to me and hugged me tightly. Despite my concerns that he might grow horns on his head, the child grew up brave and kind, making my worries seem insignificant.

Instead of destroying the world, his loveliness alone might save it.

“Lucy, I love you!”

I’m a little worried that he loves me too much and won’t let go, but he’ll improve as he grows!

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Related Series
My Niece Is Not A Villainess (1)
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  2. Salmon Latte Translated Novels (Part 1)
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  4. A Suivre
  5. Fluffy novel list

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06/12/24 Salmon Latte Translations c6 part5
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06/06/24 Salmon Latte Translations c6 part3
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seasaltxx rated it
May 25, 2024
Status: c5 part7
Seems promising!!

It’s a fluffy story that centers around the life of our MC as she struggles through her own problems, her parents dying early, trying to keep the countdom from falling to her uncle’s hands with the very cute addition of her nephew

nephew ... more>>

seems to have gone back in time, but distinctly remembers that on his first life, it was his aunt who who was the only one who treated him warmly. And so when he was adopted by the aunt on the second life, he became a clingy and behaved little boy who is traumatized by his previous life events


so far, the “original” story seems to have no effect on the current one, it might be due to the fact that the leading actors for the og are still kids, so its very enjoyable. <<less
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