I Became a Malicious Streamer


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Original Synopsis: When I’m broadcasting, everyone calls me a bad person.

Summary: This story is a modern fantasy that follows the life of a streamer who suddenly gains infamy for being perceived as “malicious” or “notorious” by their audience. The protagonist experiences a unique twist involving a gender transformation (TS) while navigating the challenges of daily life, gaming, and internet broadcasting.

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악질 스트리머가 되었다
Related Series
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Recommendation Lists
  1. genderbender novels
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rcpsycho rated it
December 17, 2024
Status: c38
Simply put, I think calling it "malicious" is a bit of an exaggeration.

To summarise: A guy who was on the cusp of becoming a pro with pro analysis but lacking physical skills wakes up as a woman, plays a game to calm down, and finds out that this body has the physical skills he needed. So then he's a cheat character with perfect mechanics, game knowledge, and psychological reads of the opponents' next moves. He's called a hacker, streams to prove that he's not, and gains popularity from that point... more>> on.

Alongside the unexplained skills in that game (the account wasn't appropriately high ranked beforehand), the protagonist also gains a flawless body and face and can model without make-up. It always seems unnecessarily exaggerated to me, but that's how gender-bent novels go about it.

The previous owner of the body also seemed to have extreme social anxiety and depression, but honestly the impact of that on the story has been a mild inconvenience at most.

Overall the novel really isn't deep and is mostly wish-fulfillment, without even having a twist like a toxic streamer personality that I expected from the title. But it was still a fun read overall and I'll continue to read it every now and then when new chapters release.

There aren't a ton of free chapters yet, so perhaps there'll be a more significant plot later on. <<less
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