It’s Not That Kind of Malicious Broadcast


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I am a healthy skill-based broadcaster.

I don’t hate priests.

It’s not that kind of broadcast.


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그런 악질 방송 안ㅣ에요
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New Qsxwdcefv rated it
August 17, 2024
Status: c84
Honestly, quite enjoyable purely because of how funny the interactions between MC and her viewers are. She's an incurable troll lmao. I thought her interactions with the other streamers (Ark, Dodat, Revan) were quite entertaining too.

While I'm personally not a big fan of the recent seeming boom of GB + livestreaming novels, I think this one is worth a read purely for the comedy. Don't go in expecting too much on the GB end though. While it does poke its head out at moments, it's hardly necessary for this story... more>> imo. Would've worked just as well if it were a regular transmigration story with no GB aspects (which is the primary reason I'm taking away 1 star from my rating; I highly dislike unneccessary GB)

You can honestly enjoy it even without much understanding of the game aspects. I personally skimmed through those sections mostly. I just wanted to get a gist of what happens and then watch what the MC does or how her chat reacts lol.

I think the rating should be a at least 4.0 on NU personally, 3.7 is a little harsh. It's overall an enjoyable novel as long as you aren't expecting any intricate plot or GB involvement and just there for the comedy and vibes. <<less
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Erdem4937 rated it
June 25, 2024
Status: --
The MC is super funny and even though the story might not be that deep nor is the plot the most intricate, yet it's a very satisfying read ~ the translation uploads are also daily and the quality of the translations are also perfectly fine ~ Can very much recommend!! I do not think it deserves the 3.6 it is at right now. I am very biased toward these types of stories since they are right up my alley, which is why I'm giving it 5 stars, but objectively I... more>> still believe it should be at least worth 4 stars. Will it make you cry? No it won't. But I guarantee it will make you smile at MC's mischief ~ <<less
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zzzzzzzz rated it
August 7, 2024
Status: c271
Main Story complete, Side story 1 complete.

In the Author's words - A simple, comforting snack to be enjoyed by anyone, not some gourmet dish found at a Michelin-star restaurant. I laughed a lot while reading (at the protagonist's antics, particularly trolling their chat and chat's response). There are some slight rough edges, nothing terrible. You will know if it's a story for you very quickly, it's consistent in that sense.

The plot isn't particularly complex, but sometimes that is a strength. It is largely just a streaming and gaming journey, and... more>> also the Protagonist's internal journey. Coming to terms with their new identity and grounding themself to the new reality.

For the reader as well, it's about the journey. Because the plot is simple, knowing everything beforehand is boring, so although my review will have some spoilers I think going blind is good.

I binged it (when I should be sleeping lol), so that's why the Ark side story, which I read last, has a bit more written (just thoughts) rather than the main story.

    • TL quality? Some mistakes, largely good TL. Overall easy to read.
        • Some types of errors I remember: Wrong character name used, inconsistent spelling of a side character's name, wrong possessives (I, her, his, etc got mixed up), instance of 'left in Korean' (non-Korean speaker. Usually context resolves confusion. Or skipped it, and my understanding of the plot wasn't affected).
    • Game knowledge needed? Recommended: Light gaming knowledge. Deep knowledge not needed. At some point a lot of it is honestly describing literal combat with game restrictions, maybe since the main game played is mostly played in VR.
        • Author says games like LoL, Slay the Spire, DuelGate. Purposely not a specific game/characters.
        • In case there are non-gamers just know (for the main game) :
            • 6 different character classes (profession, more or less).
            • Builds = picking different skills and gear such that individuals of the same class may have different specialization. What a player puts together is called a build.
            • Game's environment. There are different specified paths and locations/items/events along said paths (lanes in LoL). Teams decide how to distribute members, what locations are important, how the enemy might move, etc and try to beat the other team (usually, capture a specific place like enemy camp).
            • Games can have bugs, unintended interactions, and unnoticed balance issues, and sometimes players notice and utilize said things.
    • Romance: Is there any?

      No official pairings

        • Spoiler

          The focus is on gaining attachment to the current life and accepting the current identity, so although there may be soft tones there are no actual confirmed relations. The Author argues that soft romance is still kind of romance, so it's not No Romance At All..

        • Author imagines (maybe look at this one after finishing)

          Yena will be at the altar 7 years later, and if there are any kids they would be named based on the season they are born.

        • Side stories:

          Should not be considered canon, but may have romantic partners.

    • Side Stories, are there any? A: Yes
        • Author said they will write side stories in popularity order. They put up 5 options to vote, and the result was:

          1. Ark side story ; 2. Revan side story ; 3. StarPork side story ; 4. Game Possession side story (as a Holy Knight, high chance no main story cast) (Number 5 was axed by voters).

        • Side stories are IF, not canon. They can have romantic elements (or not), they can have non-canon facts/events (or not). No R-rated. Any other side stories - potentially, at author's digression.
        • Spoiler

          I expect that they will give a bit of fanservice for any romance pair shippers.

At time of review, only Ark side story has been translated (or perhaps, written at all?).
    • Ark side story: Romance?


        • (Just rambling thoughts. No plot spoiler if checked [Romance?] spoiler)

          Personally, I did not want to see romance in the main story because the protagonist's internal struggles and development was the focus, but Ark was my first pick if there was to be any (and by vote it seems the KR community was of the same mind).

        • (From here, mostly my thoughts with plot spoilers) :
            • Overall, I


            • Spoiler

              Ark, Jinhee, is the first of the friends Yena makes, who worries about Yena even though she met Yena through being broadcast sniped repeatedly. The sniping being a result of a desperate link to Yena's other life was a great setting, in line with and even enhancing the main setting and adding weight and believability to this IF. Now we have a solid reason for why Yena sniped Ark specifically, and perhaps this is even why Yena showed slight attachment to calling Jinhee Ark at first. When I was reading the main story, I speculated if the reason was because Yena did not want to grow close to anyone yet.

            • Spoiler

              A kind person who senses Yena's boundaries and also how ephemeral Yena's existence is. In this side story, she's both a last link, and a new beginning. An Ark saving the protagonist who was drowning in alcohol while searching for that dream-like other life.

    • Misc. Main story thoughts
        • Overall, I thought the ending was fitting.
        • Spoiler

          I liked the protagonist's holding onto Original Yena's things, unable to use them nor get rid of them. Feeling like they must remain because maybe this isn't protagonist's life, and also that that's what's left of original Yena.

        • Ship of Theseus

          They used the Ship of Theseus, which works, but certainly the situation is pretty much a direct parallel of Zhuangzi Dreams of a Butterfly. I suppose the Ship of Theseus is easier to write, and the most important 'soul' part was replaced. Perhaps this analogy too shows the protagonist's thoughts. The ship of Theseus asks the question of whether the protagonist is still Lee Yena, whereas Zhuangzi asks whether the dream life or the current life is the real one. In that sense the former implies the protagonist has accepted Lee Yena as the reality to be maintained, as opposed to the latter implying equal attachment to the prior life.

        • Original Yena

          It's hinted at throughout, starting from the arm sleeves, but I think it's a plotline that's easy to forget for quite a while. The original committed su*cide, but was saved (?) by a passing good samaritan.

            • Spoiler

              Yena's big sister Yeri (surprisingly little screen time..) finds the hospital bill late into the story, after the protagonist admits to not having prior memories. But it's a bit concerning nobody noticed, and perhaps that is the most telling part.

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kurisomething rated it
July 18, 2024
Status: c105
Really a 3.5* but 5* for how funny this is.

I know nothing about League of Legends (LOL) (assuming that LOL is the game being referenced, since it's really popular in Korea), or MOBAs for that matter, so I have no idea whats really going on in the game that's being played, which is like more than half the content.

What's funny is how Lee Yena, the MC, interacts with her stream audience. They're constantly getting trolled by Yena, and she gets called a crazy b**ch for her antics. I honestly... more>> can't even remember what the backstory was for Yena but the only reason I'm still reading is because of how funny this is. <<less
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