I, a High School Teacher, Was Transferred With My Students to Another World, Where There Is a Ranking for the Strongest, Rising From a Mob to a Sword Saint


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Suddenly, Shigeto Kusunoki was transported to another world with several students.

It was a world where transplanted people came from various worlds.

The abilities given by God at the time of transfer were easier to adapt to for young people, and the 30-year-old protagonist didn’t get much in the way of abilities. Treated as a mob, and having lost his place in the world, he survives with a single sword, using skills he brought from his original world.

And in this world, there existed a competitive ranking system for the strongest.

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Saikyō rankingu ga aru i sekai ni seito-tachi to shūdan ten'i shita kōkō kyōshi no ore, mobu kara ken hijiri e to nariagaru
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2 Reviews sorted by

Jade.zero rated it
December 19, 2023
Status: v1c30
It’s pretty good. I won’t go on about whether it’s unique or whatnot. But the overall premise of the story is decent. I will say, taking the perspective of a teacher in a scenario like this is relatively refreshing and I quite enjoyed it.

30 chapters in so far, and a majority of the first 20 or so chapters were purely World building and establishing certain relevant characters. It’s a bit slow, but it didn’t feel like a painful text dump, not at all. But I will say don’t expect excitement... more>> from the get go, because this is not that.

The protagonist is a relatively calm, cautious, and passive character which is typical for most Japanese works. But considering this time around he’s more or less matured, he’s not meaninglessly a pushover.

As for the other characters, it’s hard to say. There exists interactions between them and the protagonist, but it’s been too few to give a solid description other than they’re okay and decently realistic.

It’s not a bad story overall, but it’s still too early to give an early definitive judgement. I like the fresh new perspective and it’s a kill or be killed type of setting, so there should be lots of action and progression to come. Also been tagged with harem, which for me is a huge plus as a harem enjoyer. I’ll give it a 5 star for now since the translations have been well done and there’s not much for me to nitpick in terms of huge displeasing qualities in the work itself. <<less
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Cactiii rated it
October 13, 2023
Status: v1c21
Its too early to really give a proper appraisal of the novel, around 16-18 of the 21 chapters I've read so far were just setup which was honestly very slow and boring to me, but it seems like its actually starting now so its unclear yet if the novel is good or not. More details below...

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So the main character is seen as very weak, and acts very passively in the first 18ish chapters. He takes ab*se from his students and overall is just a very passive protagonist that I as a reader just find boring. It's somewhat realistic, sure, since a 30 year old teacher is suddenly thrown into another world with teenagers, who then proceed to act like a teenager would if they had suddenly been given a lot of power, irrationally. He believed himself to be weak and just overall the start of the story was kind of a slog to get through, since its just the protagonist being harassed or setup of world building. Now, after chapter 18 one of the students who I believe was nice to him but suppressed by the others being the majority (? bit unclear since I can't honestly tell them all apart) but she broke up with her boyfriend, and he took it badly and messed with the teleportation device sending her to a danger area, so the teacher (still believed to be weak) asked to be sent there aswell so she is at least with someone. Now that he is there, he found that he could kill monsters with his sword and is starting to become op like the title says, but since only a few chapters have come out its unclear on how the direction will go. I'm hoping that it becomes a lot more interesting now that he is actually fighting so I'm marking this in my waiting for chapters. So overall, at least with the current 21 chapters I wouldn't recommend the novel, but I think it has potential once we get further in the book.

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