How to Live with the S*ave Girl


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This novel explores the ideal relationship between a master and a s*ave through the story of a certain master and s*ave.

It goes beyond simply explaining how to treat a s*ave and allows readers to relive the interactions with a s*ave in a narrative format. It delves into how one should interact with a s*ave and how a master should conduct themselves.

Both beginners and those who already own a s*ave will find it helpful to reaffirm their knowledge.
(Please note that this novel does not contain content such as humiliation, SM, or training typically associated with the concept of s*avery. Please be aware of this in advance.)

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05/05/24 Dumahs Translations c47
05/04/24 Dumahs Translations c46
05/04/24 Dumahs Translations c45
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1 Review

New Strictly_nsf
May 06, 2024
Status: c43
What is this cute ideal? s*aves cannot be treated roughly in bed or their masters will be lawfully punished, s*aves eat on the floor unless their master allows them to eat at the table... many other restrictions are imposed to make this just a vanilla lover's kink. There is consent dripping from every action they do, yes they should enjoy s*x but what master asks his s*ave every time if he can do it? Just go for it! If the s*ave hates it they will tell you! Coward!

I wrapped up... more>> my rant in a tag since you can skip it, but I want to leave it here for myself.


Even the s*ave takes more initiative to be treated s*ave-like and the master 'punishments' are so weak. How is 'having s*x without making a sound' a punishment when even if she makes a sound he just focuses on pleasuring her? This ain't love, he is not in love with her, he's a vanilla sweet bastard who lacks the drive to be a master.

And, this master is so kind and not assertive at all. Why the heck write a s*ave-master smut and not add the s*ave-master associated kinks? The heck, just ask your partner to do this already, stop writing a boring smut with no adventure. These things can be acted with consenting partners, there won't even be repercussions since it's so vanilla.


This s*ave has so many human rights... I don't like abuse but even the punishments are just watching her m*sturbate or a tad rough sex? It's just written in an idealistic way. The author wants to live their s*ave-master kink but is afraid of the unknown and imposed so many 'good-will' restrictions that the only thing 's*ave-master' about this is the certification proving he bought a maid. The kinkiest thing I saw was when the s*ave store owner mentioned some masters like to walk their s*x s*aves back naked... even that was only mentioned and not acted on. Our ML even cringed a little. Disqualified. <<less
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