How to Fix Your Progamer


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Hyper FPS, Strategy Battle Royale Game — Open City!

It had been exactly 3 years since the launch of a symbolic popular game and the start of the World League. For 3 years and now 4 years, he had been supporting Rice, who appeared in the opening season and swept the competition that year. Before he could realize it, he was already cheering for a mid-tier team, which was considered more harmful than alcohol and cigarettes. However, Park Injun, who couldn’t quit the league, made a new resolution after a chance encounter in a competitive match.

This jerk — he would try to fix him.

“Got it? It’s not easy to meet people online.”

“Yes… then, should we meet next week?”

“What do you mean, ‘yes’? F*ck, you didn’t listen at all, didn’t you?”

… Anyway, he would try to fix this guy.


“And Chicago is still a strong team. There is also Rice in it, you f*cker.”

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Progamer Rewrite
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Cyltea rated it
January 23, 2024
Status: v6
If you think MC will join ML's team and compete professionally, then no. MC stayed as a fan until the end.

On Ridibooks novel introduction, they listed 5 main characters. I thought the 5 main characters will become a team and reach championship together, but nope.

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2 are in ML's team, 1 in rival team, and the other 2 stayed as fans/audience (despite having good enough skill to be a pro).


Whenever author talks about the game, I feel like a layman listening to an avid soccer fan. You get that they're talking about something amazing, how they like this team and player (whom you have never heard of), but as someone who have very little knowledge in soccer, I just don't get it. It sounds boring and incomprehensible. (And this coming from someone who read a lot of other game novels)

MC often lost in his own monologue, the novel feels slow because there's a lot of useless information included. Yet it also feel there's a lot of excluded information. Oftentimes I was left bamboozled in the middle of the character's interactions, "Huh? When did he fell in love?", "What? Why is he angry???", "Why are you two fighting??????" <<less
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