How Many Years Has This Land Endured?


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I’ve witnessed a scene in the mortal world, but it’s just the rise and fall of several fleeting years. The crimson veil covers the dust of old dreams, and young women fall in love with young men.

I’ve witnessed a scene in the mortal world, where characters and right or wrong are washed away by the years. Each new wave pushes the previous one, and today’s fine wine intoxicates today’s heroes.

For a moment, a bright moon, and for a moment, golden flowers. I look back within the realms of the mortal world. Where the dim lights are, there’s a dim corner, how the scenery of years past, how it will look in years to come.

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Those Years of Our Nation
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10/03/24 Song Wenjun c2
10/03/24 Song Wenjun c1
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