Horror Dinner ~XX High School Afterschool Ghost Story~


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In a rural town surrounded by mountains, Tsukinashi town.

It looks like a small and ordinary town, but it is constantly being attacked by ghosts.

A ghost comes out in the old building of XX High School, the only high school in town. That ghost is said to grant any wish.

Believing such a rumor, Kasugadani Houzuki visits the old school building to have her wish granted.

Yuil, the ghost she met there, seems to live off others’ fears……?

“You want me to do something about your constitution that attracts ghosts? Good job bringing such a convenient thing to the Great Me. How about it, work for me.”

Using the special constitution that attracts ghosts, Houzuki was made to provide fear as food to the evil spirit.

Evil practices, Underworld Station, forbidden places…… Now, what will his next meal be?

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Horror Dinner 〜××高校の放課後怪奇譚〜
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