HIStory2: Crossing the Line


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This story is about school, youth, passion, sports and romance.

Qiu Zi Xuan was an excellent volleyball player in the past, but he had to give up on on his dreams due to his injuries, but he still participates in the volleyball-related training, arranges and helps them to get into training, watching them improve. During the training, he meets a guy, Xia Yu Hao, a guy with a really bad temper who gets easily infuriated with people that make him angry, but he strives to acquire what he persistently wants to achieve. Zi Xuan thinks he’s the one who can reach his dream instead of him. He hopes that Yu Hao can achieve what he couldn’t in the past.

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One entry per line
Related Series
HIStory2: Right or Wrong (Same Franchise)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Sport Danmei
  2. Sports
  3. Modern Day
  4. Past tense

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izayaYY rated it
December 10, 2019
Status: --
Yep, pretty close to the drama. It was a good light read, even though this one is not my favourite episode from the drama series. My big fav was Obsession. I hope to read Obsession soon.... it was sooooo very sexy, and the actors had such great chemistry.
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