He’s the Wildest


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At the No. 3 middle school, a strange little girl who seemed like a mute arrived, always wearing a hoodie and jeans one size too big, with her small face hidden tightly.

Everyone thought she was frightfully ugly, but once she revealed her face, she turned out to be astonishingly beautiful.

Soon, the little beauty became famous throughout the school, and the teenage boys couldn’t help but gossip:

“Wow, is that the new girl, Su Miao Miao?”

“She’s like a porcelain doll, with skin as white as snow!”

The boys chatted excitedly, unaware that someone had noticed the lazy boy standing in the corner.

“Yan, have you seen that little beauty?”

Someone chuckled, “How could Brother Yan notice such a weirdo?”

Shang Yan didn’t say anything, casually glanced over, and gave a disdainful snort.

A few months later.

In front of the whole class, Shang Yan blocked the startled girl in front of his desk.

He lowered his head, a smirk playing on his lips—

“You beg me once, and I’ll let you go.”


“Twice, and I’ll be yours from now on.”

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ohthismess rated it
June 20, 2024
Status: Completed
Actual rating for me is 4.5 stars. The story is actually very cute and sweet, but there are some points with ML that I don't agree with. Anyway, I'll write the entire review later.

But first of all, I have read the actual raws and I am very disappointed with the translation on NU. PLEASE. If the translators are MTLing such a cute love story, then don't translate it AT ALL. You are actually leaving out the essence of the story. For example, in the first chapter, when Miao Miao says... more>> that she has heard of Shang Yan and he is referred to as “三中商阎罗”, it means he is referred to as "No.3 middle school's Shang Yanluo". Yanluo means "Yama". Hope you understand why he is called yama after reading the story. I am not going to elaborate as I don't want to add a spoiler. Anyway, please do not take it otherwise. I only request translators to do authentic translation. If not, please hand it over to some other group.

Now, this is a cute story between school mates. They meet, life moves on, they fall in love, gets separated and meet each other again. A very typical story between very physically attractive people, but thank the author, its not love at first sight. In fact, ML is so indifferent to appearances that he falls in love.... ahem... read the novel. He is loving but forgets himself when he is angry. This is where I feel that some traits of this ML needs real tempering.

FL is cute, simple, innocent and most of all, despite circumstances, very mature (though she is quite child-like in some aspects). She is not one of those fools who can't understand people attacking her. She is smart and knows where and what to speak, or if not to speak at all. Her straightforwardness is not cutting edge but subtle, which will amaze you the way she handles jealousy caused due to her beauty. She loves the guy in her own way, which is unique.

ML and FL both are very loving, but yes, I believe this kind of love can only be found in books. So you can fulfil your fantasy through this novel... hahaha.. just kidding.. There are certain side characters, some are quite funny and some are quite nasty. Overall, it's a good light read. If you are tired of heavy drama and tragedies, and want to read something heart-warming, this one is for you. <<less
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