Helping Santa Claus Isn’t Easy!


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I’m a mediocre and healthy boy who attends a local public high school.

By chance, the reindeer took me to Santa’s House.

I thought it was a dream, but apparently I was wrong, so I decided to help with Christmas.

As expected, I had graduated from Santa Claus.

Rudolph III, the reindeer that doesn’t read the air, is the one who launches the chain of events.

4 hours a day ✕ 4 days. Until Christmas Eve has finished distributing the presents.

You’ll reward me properly, Santa Claus!!!!!

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Santakurōsu no otetsudai wa, rakujanai!
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12/22/21 Sads Translates… oneshot
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kawaii12345 rated it
December 22, 2021
Status: Completed
I'd say 4 stars for the cute, but it's Christmas so I'll gladly toss in the bonus.

It's a very cute, very sweet, Christmas story that would have Rankin Bass, Frosty the Snowman, and the Winter Warlock all giving it a thumbs up. Rudolph well to borrow from the story

"He’s kind of annoying, but he’s funny."

If you need a shot Christmas schmaltz this will do the job.

There's only one minor issue I had with the story, I believe "Gnomes" should have been translated as elves.
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Mikodami rated it
January 29, 2022
Status: --
There is not much to add to the review done by kawaii12345. The rating is, of course, very personal, but compared to other, similar short stories, I'd say, no more than three stars for me. Mainly because the story telling is so all over the place and difficult to follow. The conclusion is still very clear and the moral of the story heart warming, so just give it a try, especially during the Christmas season.
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