Heaven and Earth are Worthless


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He found me.

He kissed me.

He taught me how to drive. The gun, taught me to kill people, taught me to survive in this sinful city.

The only thing he didn’t teach me was how to love him.

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  1. Complete
  2. My Sweethearts/Fave Stories
  4. Damnei w/ Horror-Mystery vibes
  5. Collection

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kyuji rated it
June 2, 2020
Status: Completed
I was a bit hesitant in reading this due to no reviews, however, I can thoroughly say that I have been attacked and drowned in waves of feels.

... more>>

This novel has such a twisted love story that I can't help but feel unsatisfied and sorry for the MC (and the ML) somewhat. MC is someone who lacks empathy and feelings of love, and the older ML is his mentor who fell in love with him and went pretty psycho trying to possess him fully. The younger ML I can't help but feel sorry for since he's constantly in the older ML's shadow and feels inferior. He feels he can't gain the MC's love due to feeling insecure in comparison to the older ML. The ending f*cked me up yo. I feel sorry for the MC who has to be manipulated and forced into a situation of losing a home and being used by Older ML. He doesn't do anything about it despite being so strong bc of some lingering attachment to the ML or simply because he doesn't see that it's that bad (again he is emotionally stunted).


Anyways this novel was so good. It's very short, but the pacing was excellent the way it's written also excellent at conveying the small nuances in the characters. The translation was surprisingly very good at showing these hidden treasures besides small grammatical errors. A good read! Only if you're in the mood for some hurting time. (Bc the ending is not necessarily happy)




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August 6, 2021
Status: c1
Definitely a morbid but cruelly enticing (?) story. Enticing not in a sexy sense, but in a sense where you are attracted to a novel that leaves all morals and ethics behind and instead gives a lasting imprint.

However, I'm conflicted if I like this--the author says there was a HE, but from the perspective of a human who likes twisted stuff but still grew up in a lawful society, the only feeling I had toward the ending was just... being disturbed. Immensely disturbed.

Really should've read the tags here, because although... more>> there were no ghosts, the depiction of human nature not governed by morality was enough to fulfill that horror tag. I don't really know how to rate this, so I'm not going to--but I feel like the only word I have for this novel is damn. <<less
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Hello3 rated it
November 4, 2023
Status: c17
There were hardly any reviews so I was debating whether to read it or not, pretty glad I did. It was a solid story, it would have been perfect if the translation was a little better and the story was more detailed. Keep in mind the links are dead so I had to go read it on novelcool and directly mtl off the raws for the last two chapters. Still, no regrets reading this story, just wish it was more detailed. I really liked the premise, but I couldn't fully... more>> connect to the characters' ending. <<less
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Realvnv rated it
December 18, 2021
Status: Completed
It was good and all but still felt that sth was missing, I couldn't really get into it.

Good while it lasted, liked the older love interest, but I don't think I'll remember much about this novel after tomorrow lol.

Translation was cranky, so even tho I would give this one 4/5, -1 star because of it.
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twobada rated it
April 1, 2021
Status: --
Dark and a bit profound. There are 2 MLs and frankly, I wish MC ended up with the second ML instead. Not my cup of tea at all but it was written well so I still gave it 5.
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