Guidelines for the Perfect Goodbye


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My husband has died.

In a marriage devoid of affection, there existed no room for sorrow.

Yet, with his demise taking everything away from me, I just had to return the favor.

I lived believing that patience was the answer for a long time, but I won’t endure it anymore.

Retribution shall be meted out upon the two houses that, as they were blinded by greed, had abandoned their children

And they shall be bestowed with everything they rightfully deserve.

‘If it’s not in my hands, I’ll take it by force.’

In this life, there came the resolve to metamorphose into a marauder of vengeance.


All was but a fragment within the mosaic of a meticulously crafted design.

Love, within this intricate orchestration, was deemed an unnecessary sentiment.


“I’m going crazy. I just want so, so much to wrap my arms around your waist, pull you to me and give you a kiss right now.”


“I concede, Cecilia. You won.”


“Therefore, as the victor, lay claim to the spoils of war.”

Breathless gasps. A cadence of coarse utterances. Cheeks ablaze with a crimson hue.

Nothing was the same from the past.

‘Why are you acting like this now, when you were so indifferent to me before?’

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Guidelines for an Ideal Bereavement
이상적인 사별을 위한 지침
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6 Reviews sorted by

New Lulucute rated it
February 1, 2025
Status: c185
So I read that the author has been on hiatus since last January so basically a whole year and I don't think they will come back to finish this. Regardless I genuinely was invested in all of this and all the planning which is rare for me cause I usually dislike revenge stories and get overwhelmed with too much characters, details and etc but not in this one.

Cecilia is definitely one of my ultimate favorite fls I have ever read. I like complex and not so perfrct female characters. The... more>> ones who aren't absolute angels or devils nor the ultimate heroine or victim but a mix of almost everything.

I enjoyed this a lot and I do recommend it. <<less
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leeuhna rated it
March 30, 2024
Status: c53
Leaving this review after reading the latest update.


If you're looking for a novel with a clever, cunning, meticulous & sly MC, then this is it!

... more>> So the premise is nothing new right. The MC had experienced injustice in her first life then she returned to the past and is now seeking revenge on her second life. Usually it's a hit or miss in novels with this kind of premise but this one will definitely make you thrilled!

The way the MC plans and executes her revenge is methodical but almost fool-proof. With the first part of her revenge, she had implicated a lot of people, caused internal strife within the family, and achieved an additional chess piece that will benefit her. She's so cunning and I absolutely love it!

I also love that the author spends time in making the other characters fleshed-out. This makes the retribution story more worthwhile, especially when the MC exacts her revenge on the people who had wronged her during the first life.

As for the ML, I initially thought the ML is pretty obvious — Logan, her husband during her first life. But he hasn't appeared yet till the latest chapter. His name was only mentioned a few times during talks of the MC's engagement. The reason why I'm having doubts who the ML is, was because there's another character who's a potential ML — Ulysses. I had this notion not only because he has feelings for the MC but because the second half of the synopsis didn't mention any name nor portrayed whether it was the MC's original husband on her first life or someone else.

Nothing was the same from the past.

'Why are you acting like this now, when you were so indifferent to me before?'

Both Ulysses and Logan were indifferent to the MC in the past. Ulysses is still somewhat indifferent but not quite cause he's paying more attention to the MC in his own subtle way (at least till the latest update I've read). Logan, on the other hand, may potentially change his attitude towards the MC in the future chapters (you know, the usual trope where the MC acts differently or prevents the incident that made him hate her and then the guy suddenly becomes interested in her).

Anyway, I'm going to stock up more chapters before I pick this up again.

(I swear I rated this 5 stars & even saw the 5-star rate but wth happened NU?? Why is it rated 3 stars now? 💀) <<less
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nightsongws rated it
December 1, 2024
Status: c51
Currently on Chapter 51 and having to read this in small doses because there's just -so- much bitter scheming, it's overwhelming. The translation is quite well done, making it possible to follow the series of events without getting too lost.

I understand but do not love the MC. Maybe it was a mistake in my understanding,) but she lost me when ... more>>

she floated the idea of mu*dering her infant half-brother to gain control of the title.


I did like the original premise, so I'll come back to this from time to time, but it's not something I'll devour in a day. Everyone is so petty and angry. <<less
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DiggetyDog rated it
October 30, 2024
Status: c46
Ugh.... Ok I love this novel but the schemes and manipulations of the MC break my heart, frustrate me but oh my goodness what a great story - translation is dead on, story flow is nailed right. The only reason I am taking a break is because I cannot breathe with such hostility and animosity - I want love, forgiveness and acceptance of circumstances -- don't read this if that's what you like too. This is vengeance mapped out and played out. I'll come back to read again when... more>> I am feeling rebellious. <<less
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December 27, 2024
Status: c14
I want to leave this review just to bookmark this novel.

I really can't find anything interesting at the moment to make me continue to read this. The translation is very good but yeah, it's very slow pace for me. I don't mind slow pace but only if the writing can hook me into reading it.

Is this gem? I really don't know. Don't take my review seriously because I only read this till chapter 14 (ps:I hate MC's father, disgusting man).

... more>> The translator is awesome. Good translations.

Hopefully I will pick this novel up again in the future. <<less
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Sighhhhh rated it
November 19, 2024
Status: c86
Hiiii okay so specifically I would rate this 3.5 instead of a 4 but I wouldn’t say it’s a solid 3.

following previous review this is honestly a gem. At first though I really didnt want to read it, the writing and the narrating with MC actions were so emo that it really threw me off as I’m really picky with that

BUT I’m glad I stuck on. I knew if the writing got better or at least I settled with it I would like it for its plot. However not only... more>> the plot but the MC actions and inner monologue got better and by chapter 40+ she really is a nice character that’s independent, bold and not just a wannabe fake dependent character.

there is a weird harem like thing forming though, very very random and unnecessary to me? Makes it really dull and hopefully it’s not something that’ll be some power booster to MC schemes just cause they get a hard core crush... anyway

the link for some reason after chapter 86 is error, fix that please? <<less
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