Grimgal of Ashes and Illusion


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Why are we doing this…? When Haruhiro came to, he was in the darkness. Not knowing why was he here, or where “here” even was. With him were others who also remembered little more than their own names. What they found when they came out of the underground was a world that was `just like a game.” In order to survive, Haruhiro forms a party with others in the same situation as him, learns Skills, and takes his first steps forward into the world of Grimgar as a Trainee Volunteer Soldier. Not knowing what awaits him… This is a tale of adventure born from the ashes.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Grimgar of Fantasy and Ash
Hai to Gensou no Grimgar
Related Series
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Recommendation Lists
  1. japan
  2. enjoyed my time
  3. Messed up Sh*t Recommendations
  4. ALLJP+
  5. Isekai Fantasy | #1

Latest Release

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56 Reviews sorted by

Stompound rated it
November 22, 2017
Status: v6
This is actually one of my favorite fantasy novels to date. The story is slow paced but it shows a very detailed growth of the characters who are more human than almost any character you see in another story. Some of the characters they meet along the way are more talented and the ways they behave are different because of it.

The details of the world and setting are present enough to understand the world but leave room for further growth in that aspect as well. Those who live in Grimgar... more>> act in strange ways you wouldn't see in the real world but the reasons in which they act are generally clear.

The story writing is consistent and flows smoothly. The author has a clear direction and shows it with his writing. While some of the humor is strange and the characters seem to lean somewhat on tropes, most of the content is not delivered in an overbearing way. There is a wide variety of characters that appear often enough to be remembered, but not too annoying.

If you want a ridiculous main character who is confident and overpowered, this isn't the story for you. But if you want to see some humans struggle and grow in a somewhat dark fantasy setting then this is the right story for you. <<less
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EpicJay rated it
March 17, 2016
Status: --
Story is decent and despite the main character being a little bit*h he’s improving in a realistic manner. I’d rate it higher but the side character Ranta just straight up ruins the entire story for me. By volume three it even starts to feel like half of every chapter is Ranta being a Giant annoying prick. I’m probably gonna drop this for a while and come back to see if the Ranta situation improves.
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CBkami rated it
July 10, 2021
Status: v12
This is just boring.

This is a story where a 'normal' group of adventurers, the world building in the main world is sh*t and the world is very small.

I don't care about realism in this story, and this only happens at the start of the story

... more>> There are some parts in the series where the author f*cked up in the writing.

The only reason why I kept reading this is because it was interesting, and this a story where mains characters die in the story.

The reason why I dropped this is because I'm fed up with the authors sh*t story. <<less
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McJoe rated it
February 23, 2021
Status: c11
My only issue is with the crazy amount of detail focused on the battles with the weird attempt at realism mixed with "programmed" skills from a video game which aren't anything more than just normal steps in learning how to fight in your style. The only characters that these "skills" fit is with the mage and to a degree the priest since they are just new spells until later in the series for the mage and half new spells for the priest. It's worst for the other characters since learning... more>> to fight with the sword, shield, knife or bow wouldn't be about individual "skills" but should just be about perfecting your overall skill with that equipment & how your body moves with them. That is my only nag on the series.

I like the fact that the main characters are normal, kids basically, and didn't come to Grimgar with "cheats" as some call it. I don't think the main character is a "p**sy" as some have put it. He was probably just an average kid back on earth which means your average kid would have probably died in their first battle with monsters. Yet these kids have stuck to it and persevered if only marginally. If you are looking for a story where the MC is already OP or finds the ability to become OP than you won't like these books. I personally feel that this story is more about the emotional toll that it takes on average kids if they were put into an extra-ordinarily terrible situation and continuously brought into fights that would kill most people. It seems slow, but when you think about it, how many people can master these weapons in such a short period of time anyway.

Overall I do like the series & will keep purchasing them on Kindle to read. <<less
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zaneith rated it
August 19, 2020
Status: v14 epilogue

A breath of fresh air from all the generic isekai stories out there.

Although the story might seem slow, it is very immersive. The build-up, the characters, the writing style, the translations are very polished. The characters' feelings are insanely well depicted and realistic, it's hard not to feel empathy for them. I was immersed to the point that whenever Haruhiro felt stressed or happy, I'd feel it too.

The only reason I didn't give a 5 is because the illustrations are all over the place. The illustrations changed around volume 6,... more>> and since then, although I personally think that the art style got better, they weren't even close to what's being depicted in the novel.

Below are some examples, potential spoilers ahead


Kuzaku was depicted as a tall, lanky guy. During the bathing scene in the dusk realm, the illustrations made Kuzaku like a really muscular hulk-like guy.



When Merry was dying because of getting bitten on the shoulder, it was depicted that she was getting really pale and a large part of her shoulder has been bitten off already causing huge blood loss. Although it was said that she smiled like she was really happy, the illustration make it look like that she was just smiling normally. It didn't even show her wound, her dying form.



Momohina, the pirate, despite being described as having only underwear to cover herself beneath her coat, is illustrated with a full blouse and a skirt. The illustration was not bad, but it just throws the immersion off when you imagine the characters and the illustration straight-up tells you otherwise.



Nui, the puppet master in Parano was depicted as a doll-like female humanoid with limbs and waist so thin that you'd never think that they were human at all. Alas, the illustrations show a black-haired pretty girl that looked like Shiba Miyuki from Mahouka. No weird form, no thin limbs.


There's probably some more that I already forgot. Yes, the illustrations might be flawed, but everything else is great so I recommend giving this a read and not giving up because of the slow pace. Embrace the immersion you feel, even if you feel bad. It's worth it.


Setora is best girl.

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Balcazar2945 rated it
July 11, 2020
Status: v14 epilogue
It is a slower novel than others isekai and you don't have the simplicity of your average light novel, really descriptive and as realistic developments as it can get. I was quite pleased with this, none existing plot armor and even in times when I thought *here we go the plot armor is working now* the author reminds you that every action has its own consequences and you can feel reality hitting hard on them, but that makes their achievements more satisfying. In my opinion, this is a must read,... more>> somemsome people might findifind slow paced but I suggest to at least give it a opportunity, because as soon as you get to know the characters, you won't feel it slow paced anymore and the intrigue will keep you reading. <<less
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Aharlequin rated it
July 7, 2019
Status: v 11
This novel is most realistic novel among in other fantasy genre. What you guys always expect some strong MC and thoughtful SC ? This novel is about a characters that they do not have any talent or luck living cruel fantasy World. When characters are pu*sy and that's why they do not have any right to become the protagonists.

This novel is focus on about MC life and other characters life style. You can see friendship, relationship, regret and human nature. This story is realistic so you are fan of ruthless... more>> and OP characters I recommend you to avoid. Later Volumes become more and more Cruel and author dare to kill even some important characters.




This is not about usual isekai characters that can adapt any kind of situation and talent characters

This is about characters that they don't have any talent or luck and losing teammates and adapt (not overcome) the situation with painful memories and living Cruel world. <<less
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d3adlyjoker rated it
July 21, 2017
Status: v4
Love the fantasy setting, like the characters quite a bit, and people actually die so fights actually matters. All characters in the story seem very realistic, even those who are not the main character.
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guildenstern rated it
June 3, 2017
Status: --
As always, the fact that I'm kind of tired of generic fantasy novels makes me love when something different (and well made) appears.

Due to the (kind of) realistic way it's written, or at the very least to the originality of it, I loved this novel. And for once, I liked the anime (for its beautiful graphics), which is rare enough to be mentioned.
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nerebear rated it
July 18, 2016
Status: v4c1
I am smitten. I love this novel. The author takes a bunch of normal high schooler-ish people, and he puts them into, to me, a very realistic alternate world with no memories. So. Not only do they need to figure themselves out, they also need to figure out the environment. from there, they fumble through the world, make the characters grow on you, and... well. anymore more would be a spoiler. ;) Enjoy it!
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jjohh rated it
November 3, 2023
Status: v14
Personally, I think I love this kind of story..

The pacing is rather slow but shows progress eventually. The characters development are subtle but if you compare the characters of the first volume to the ones in volume 10+, you will know that they’ve grown so much but still are the same characters essentially. The world building is a bit confusing to me but that’s okay for me, at least we get to explore the world of grimgar and know that is it a vast world with many unknowns and bizarre... more>> things to it.

One more thing I can say that I’m not having fun with reading this story though, is that the characters ALWAYS have constant struggles throughout the story. They have to face death around every corner of the story that it makes me so tired of it. Like, give me a break! I think for the 14 volumes I’ve read of this LN, the author only gives about 2-3 paragraphs that feels like oasis where we get to enjoy the achievements of the characters. And get surprised by the death or near-death of another person almost immediately. <<less
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September 16, 2021
Status: --
No stars yet because I'm not far enough in. The opening is both frustrating and excellent. Takes everything great about the start of an isekai, shoves it up the bu*t of a blender and pukes out a joke about 12 doormats entering a bar. But if I look at it not as an isekai but as an mmo adventure, it's actually pretty awesome. It really nails the feeling of being lost in a world as a complete noob.
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Mina23 rated it
December 11, 2017
Status: --
I need help. I really really want to read this but I don't know how to read on this site I've scrolling up and down but I can't find the chapters. T_T help me!!

PS. This is a really good plot at first I was kinda hesitant to watch the anime but after watching it I got so attached to it. It was just really good. I felt heaps of emotions watching the anime version and now I am wanting to read the light novel.
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dinasemrys rated it
October 25, 2016
Status: v4c7 part2
This series is a bit too slow for my liking. The mystery and world building are the main things that grab me, but the plot progresses far too slowly. The main killer is that there are pretty good summaries of this series up to volume 8, so there is little to no reason for me to slowly read this.
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February 24, 2016
Status: --
There are a lot of ppl who find this novel intro messed up, but its just an opinion, my opinion: the intro for the novel one was impressive and a lot lot loooot better than the anime-adapted one..

The way it introduce lot of characters give it a feeling of like a mystery novel..

It makes u wonder what the other characters that were introduced at the beginning are doing as the MC is struggling.. And when you're about to forget about them, they makes an appearance.... in a flashy way..

This... more>> novel also show u the other character pov, but through MC pov..
E.g: ranta.. How annoying he is, but its not like he doesnt realized it himself.. <<less
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Reugros14 rated it
February 22, 2016
Status: --
I just read till Volume 2, and just cursed on the TL’er to be slow, and just am reading Volume 3. My reviews:

If you want something with somewhat slow pace along with reality effects, the a-real-brain-using-never-so-OP MC, this mate, is the one novel for you.

For those who hate novels with slow-pace, and OP MC’s. Well don’t even waste on reading the synopsis, just read my review or other reviews belittling this novel. YOU DAMN FUKCS.
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