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The story of a cult master, his lover and their deaths.
Dongfang Bubai and Yang Lianting’s story.

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Related Series
Dongfang Bubai’s Reborn Yang Lianting (Alternate Story)
Qixi Celebration (Alternate Story)
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Qixi Celebration (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. To read
  2. Short Stories
  3. BL .iii

Latest Release

Date Group Release
01/28/22 Tsubaki oneshot
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2 Reviews sorted by

Tsubaki -
Tsubaki -
January 28, 2022
Status: oneshot
If Dongfang dies, what am I still alive for?!

East is a short story about a mismatched couple living their days in peace and quiet until their arch enemies suddenly attack.

The story is narrated in a contemplative manner, there are neither dialogue nor action scenes.

What does it mean to face death together?

In case this story sounds familiar, that's because it is a reference to chapter 31 of Jin Yong's Smiling, Proud Wanderer.
7 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Staringatastar rated it
February 27, 2022
Status: Completed
A nice story that provides another interpretation of past events in Dongfang Bubai’s Reborn Yang Lianting’s (based off of smiling, proud wanderer)
5 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
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