Dorei Tensei – Sono Dorei Saikyou no Moto Ouji ni Tsuki –


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Ars, the prince of the Kingdom of Karitz, who was called the strongest wizard, died at a young age. But on the verge of death, he uses reincarnation magic. Reincarnated as Wals Sai, a s*ave with the best body! Wals, who became the escort of a princess in a small country, became a matchless s*ave who used his best body and magic to crush all enemies!

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Vippperz rated it
April 17, 2021
Status: --
MC he used to be the greatest prince magican and even create reincarnation spell but after reincarnated he turn into completely s*ave loving ret*rd. He got 12 whole fking years to do a research and find a way to how break blood s*aves contract because it should be easy for him if he can even create so call reincarnation spell but all what he fking do is chopping a fking wood all days and play as guard s*ave for Princes and so fking proud and happy about it. With blood... more>> s*aves contract someone can give order and ask you to do anything and they can give order for you to kill yourself.

If he just a normal guy in the past its still acceptable to be proud about becoming s*aves and s*ave guard for princess but he is a fking former prince and a greatest Magician. <<less
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July 3, 2021
Status: --
Its alright apart from the whole s*ave thing, its cringe, I feel likek Japanese authors have this s*ave fettish, so it also feels like I'm being fed this forced s*ave bullsh*t because everything else is actually good, like the fighting, the plot, but him being a s*ave just annoys me, because his life is literally in the hands of someone else, his whole clans life is in the hands of these higher up royals. So hopefully he finds a way to break tge blood seal or whatever its called.
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