Don’t Touch My Healer


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Gong (Top) :Anyone who wants to touch my healer must die.

Shou (Bottom):No one can kill me even if I solo.


In the pre-match interview of the Wilderness S5 World Championship, the captain of the Lubo team from China sincerely warned their opponents: “Don’t touch my Healer. Thank you.”

No one took his words to heart except for another Chinese team that qualified from the same division.

Three days later, the whole world only knows — Don’t ever touch his healer.

Commentator A: “Now we see the America team’s carry heading towards LOBO’s Healer. What kind of approach will LOBO take to-”

Commentator B: ” Alright. The American team’s carry died instantly. My heart did not fluctuate at all. I even feel like asking KILL God : Did you have fun killing today? ”

Roguish Pirate Thief Gong X Salted fish nanny that is extremely stress-resistant Shou

Salted Fish*= Someone who wins without doing anything

Nanny* = Healers. Called nannies because they replenish milk (Health)

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auroraRMC rated it
July 17, 2024
Status: Completed
Overall a very cute and wholesome, if shallow, esports BL.

Our story revolves around the MC and ML and their daily life while they play some esports on the side. Our MC went through some kind of trauma that seems to be related to a long time bodyguard attempting to sexually assault the MC as a kid? This caused him to shut out the world and eventually after psychological treatment was completely ineffective our ML saved the MC from the "treatment" and became the only light in his life. Of course,... more>> our MC and ML are still very privileged in that both of them have extremely rich and doting families that are fully supportive of the MC.

The premise of the MC going to fight for the other team is strange, given how close the MC and ML are I don't understand how the MC could have just run over to help some friendly classmate play. The trauma also is never really addressed and the only mentions are through the MC slowly contacting more people and relying on the ML as the light of his life. The romance is also never explicitly addressed, it seems like it's taken for granted ever since the two of them have been inseparable from each other. Which I fully support, it would have been frustrating to go through the whole trope of oh we're inseparable but just as best friends and in the future you might have your own family and now I realize I can't stand that etc etc. But until the end there's only kissing and hugging and any further attempts are always blocked by some intruder. I don't understand how they wouldn't lock the door or something. There's only 3 extras and 2 of them are some random One Night Ultimate Werewolf-esque game, which is extremely disappointing for those wanting more closure on the main couple.

Overall though there was a lot of dog food and the MC wasn't shy or in denial about their mutual love, always a big bonus for me. Enjoyable for fluff. <<less
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