Divine Throne of Primordial Blood


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Su Chen lost his sight in an unfortunate, unanticipated encounter. He was unwilling to give up despite suffering one of the most tragic fates possible in the human realm and fought on. Su Chen wants to use his own efforts to create a completely new destiny, both for himself and for mankind!

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114 Reviews sorted by

March 19, 2023
Status: v7c112
Pretty much just a "good" novel. Not particularly outstanding, but neither was it that awful. It has some bad points, like how the MC is pretty much morally bankrupt; or how the author often mentions something about a system, only to have that end up being a lie when he needs to flesh it out as an actual plot point; or the usual sexism present in a lot of these Chinese novels. The cultivation part of the story was more than just like, "he went up 1 level and his... more>> energy got denser/he got more of it", but it wasn't as detailed as I would have liked. The changes and the ending that happens in the last book I thought was pretty interesting, but as far as the plot goes it felt like a cheaper imitation of Warlock of The Magus World.

TL;DR, not bad, but only really worth reading if you've already read all the other great cultivation novels (ISSTH, RI, DE, WMW, etc.) <<less
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MovingKoala rated it
September 11, 2022
Status: v3c59
I don't know how to write a lengthy review, this novel just scratches that itch of an anti hero MC without the edginess that comes with it in most novels. Good schemes, good side characters, great character development and an excellent story.

Give this a chance if you are sick of the cliche tropes
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Duck09 rated it
March 21, 2022
Status: v7c112
After finishing the series this is what I thought

Main character is great and throughout the novel is changing based on his maturity and what's happening around him... for the most part - it feels a little forced at the end. The story is great and quite interesting the way it brings together its unique cultivation with bloodlines.

Action scenes are relatively unique and the author tries to not copy and paste each time - which succeeds most of the time.

Romance subplot is great in my opinion in the first 3/4 of... more>> the story. After that it stagnates and doesn't progress any further which kind of sucks but at least it was there for most of it.

The only reason I'm not giving this 5 stars is because the final 100 chapters are super rushed and not thought out at all. There's lots of plot holes that the author just glosses over and the final fight isn't even a final fight since its just a history of what actually happened in the past. The author says "this is what happened and then everything's ok. END

All in all it was MOSTLY really really good. The ending s**ked and left me thinking that the author lost some brain cells before writing the final 100 or so chapters <<less
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February 5, 2022
Status: v5c3
This caused me countless sleepless nights and headaches. This book have been on my reading list for a few months now, it had a lot of hight rated reviews but I rarely ever like cultivation novels because of how much info dump it always has and it was just really tedious to read.

This novel though, goddamn it was too gooda. I couldn't put it down for always two weeks. Even though there are a lot of filler paragraphs, the pacing of the story never makes it boring. I love how... more>> almost everything is under control on the MC and how smart he is.

Nonetheless, like most novels. It started to go downhill for me starting Book / Volume 4. The topic of the volume just wasn't my cup of tea, the MC started changing. The endless monolouge gripped me so hard I've just skimmed most of the chapters. Every action of every character just has to be explained with at least a wall of text. It just because really, really tedious and boring to read... which is a shame.

After I dropped it, I read a few spoilers and it seems like it will never get better from here. The story is good, the writing is the opposite.

I still reccomend reading the first three volumes though, I really enjoyed it nevertheless.

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Mr.Jello rated it
January 9, 2022
Status: v5c9
Fun and interesting at the start, but eventually the MC gets too overpowered and it gets boring.
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worldofash rated it
December 16, 2021
Status: Completed
Normally I don't love writing reviews for a novel but I felt I kinda had to cause I felt the people who had finished it were being really under represented. This novel was a total joyride for me. I finished the entire thing in a few weeks and with the novel being 1000+ chapters and working a full time job that is saying something.

Great things about the novel:

-Protagonist is serious, cold and mostly coherent, he MOSTLY sticks to his principles and the times he changes are often explained as maturing... more>> as a person which is rare in these kinds of cultivation novels.

-Side characters are interesting and grow with the protagonist. The side characters are not as used and discarded as they are in a lot of novels like this. They will often resurface in interesting ways and show new traits and growth out of the confines of the pages. Almost like they are alive.

-Protagonist is not plot armored to high hell. Most of the times that he finds himself in crappy situations he finds a way out in a believable way that I at least could accept. He wasn't able to magically able to find a item that will fix every situation he ever came into with the exception of maybe one item but that item doesn't last very long likely cause the author got a backlash from readers about it.

Cons of the novel:

-Side Characters can be relatively flat. Side characters sometimes seem like they are just meant to tie up loose ends when they reappear and when the reappear they often sink into the nameless mobs.

-Certain parts can drag on. Small portions can feel like they were added last second to either set up the next major plot point or to finish one. Not necessarily a bad thing but a few characters or plots will not be referenced for a long time and then just magically be thrown in there as sort of a hat on a hat, kinda neat but mostly pointless


such as the mother of bugs floating point and Night Demon being of an obscure race necessary for the success of the 7 kingdoms arc


I tried to be as neutral as possible (despite my love for this) and limit spoilers when writing this review because one of the best parts of this novel for me was the plot twists and unexpected turns throughout. It's worth giving a try at the very least but I can understand if its not your cup of tea. Just try to understand a lot of the negative reviews are from people who gave up on the novel very early on and this book only gets better as it goes. <<less
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Kilo181 rated it
October 31, 2021
Status: v7c112
Overall it was a solid read but with some problems.

It has some issues with resolving plot threads and forgetting characters from previous arcs. Some arcs and the ending have pacing issues as well as being rushed.

It is also in desperate need of editing. There are lots of moments where the wrong character name is inserted in place of another as well as terms being completely renamed midway through the story.

Even with these issues, I would still recommend reading it. While there are some of your standard xianxia tropes and cliches,... more>> most of the time they are avoided or overturned. <<less
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THeBurke rated it
October 9, 2021
Status: v6c87
This novel is pretty good, especially in the first 4 books, the MC reminds me of the MC from "Warlock of the Magus World" just less evil,

Romance in this is imo very poorly done, while it could be considered childish I have dropped it because of this.. One of the characters that has been in this since book one was portrayed like they will probably end up in the harem having a few points where they seem like the author has that intent, only to very quickly just throw... more>> her to some random side charchters, and start very clearly trying to push them towards being a couple. If the author had built up some chemistry with a character early on I would have been ok with it, but when I don't see any chemistry other than "slight friends" for pretty much a book only to have another character have some lines indicating that they have chemistry and that a guy likes her seems lazy and insulting to me.

As for more positive things, the world building is done pretty well (asside from some terms being changed around a few times before they settle on one term e.g spirit race and astral race get swapped around a little bit untill settling on astral) one part of this you'll either like or hate is how in this novel essentialy is like a world where the MC is the pioneer of a bunch of Xianxia stuff within this world,

I wrote this just after dropping it (dropped it about 20 mins ago, so this "review" might come across as me disliking it, but that's not entirely true, the romance stuff has just really annoyed me, and I'll probably pick it back up in a few weeks/months or a even a year or two to finish it, whenever I don't particularly care about it anymore. <<less
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June 22, 2021
Status: --
its consistent enough to be a 7/10. Its an above average story with enough interest to keep you going until the end. It has all the usual xianxia tropes. The common tropes doesn't overstay itself though. The plot will keep going just enough that the tropes and plot armors dont get in the way. The ending is open ended and leaves a possibility for a sequel but it has tied mostly everything up nicely.
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stanljpierre rated it
October 28, 2020
Status: Completed
The best words I can use to describe this novel would probably be well rounded. Simple as that. The story is engaging from the beginning to the end. I especially liked the aspect of how things were orchestrated with the reconstruction of the former method of cultivation to the standard Qi Refining, Foundation Establishment, etc. Every character had a role and time to shine; though during the middle of the 6th volume to the end of the 7th, many people were never mentioned again and their outcomes uncertain (his... more>> group of friends) which was quite unfortunate as it left much to be desired. Furthermore, while this is a good read, it did have its dull moments. For the most part, I enjoyed this read and would highly recommend it. <<less
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LordiusT rated it
October 5, 2019
Status: v2c12

The main character is potrayed as a smart person who outwits other people to gain an advantage whether is it in combat or poltically. He also possesses the typical shounen protagonist's willpower and will never give up. He is ruthless and thorough when necessary but his policy is not to kill when not needed. He knows how to hide his strengths and weaknesses as a lesson learnt from literally the first chapter. Some people may have a concern regarding him being lowkey though but I find nothing wrong with that.... more>> He is also thirsty for knowledge and he is not afraid of experimenting and taking risks to obtain it.

So far, the other characters introduced around him (enemies, friends etc) are not all s*upid which allows the immersion to not be broken. There are still characters that are introduced as dumb but there are also other intelligent characters. Interactions between the main character and such characters require a lot of effort to write and you can tell that a lot of critical thinking went into them. Kudos to the author for that.

Other than that, the main character is actually fallible. He is inexperienced to romance and is many-a-times, overly confident. An example would be

how he wanted to enter a dangerous area known as the scarlet mountain to train for a second time. Luckily, he was warned by Night Demon and his arrogant attitude waned, causing him to adopt a more cautious approach

I also noticed several reviews dismissing the main character for his arrogance which is why I pointed it out here. The main character is also righteous or meddling as some would say. These flaws may not conform to some people's tastes but I can say these flaws aren't to the point of being unbearable.

World building

I noticed a review condemning the author for ass-pulling but it is untrue. Just because the main character has always been in the dark doesn't imply that the author is ass-pulling. I noticed this criticism in a lot of reviews for other similar novels as well. Let me explain why this criticism is s*upid. You're reading from a third-person's perspective, and as a reader you would expect your protagonist to be knowledgeable about common things, however, things regarded as 'common' change as these protagonists progress and they are bound to be introduced to new concepts over time. This by no means is ass-pulling. Ass-pulling is only when the information introduced is too contrived for the main character to not know about them before hand. In this case, the main character literally started off from pallet town plus most of the information is introduced from the third-person's perspective, which is to say for the reader's sake, not for development of the plot.

Other than that, there is a lot of typical exposition and infodumps, it would be a headache reading through all of them but I suggest skipping through if you have read something similar from other novels and can guess what it is about. The lore is quite interesting but things like spatial rings, forming the spirit lake or even origin runes are just a total bore to reread about and there is also a lot of irrelevant information being dumped.

Power levels

This one is quite confusing to be honest. There is a lack of explanation of the cultivation realms and power levels until the main character attains that very level himself. This is due to fact that the novel focuses too much on the researching the main character does. This researching is what enables the main character to stand toe-to-toe with experts that have a strong bloodline. In this novel, bloodlines are very important and people with them are regarded as nobility while people without are regarded as commoners. The main character is a commoner. In other words, the power levels are hard to grasp due to the main character's unorthodox skills. This is however, in line with the main character's ambition, which is to become an ancestor-esque figure that will lead humankind to success. Just don't expect too much information about the power levels and don't try to figure them out too much, the entire thing is up to the whim of the author.

Romantic subplot

I really have nothing much to say about the main female lead. She is the damsel with a lot of cliches. Nothing much to say about her... The main character, while smart, determined, charming, powerful, awesome, and fabulous, is a complete newbie to romance so some readers may cringe. Don't worry, he isn't the typical anime beta male lead, just that he is still inexperienced.

Conclusion (So far)

The novel follows quite a lot of cliches, other than the novel approach of blinding the main character at the start. These cliches are executed well enough to not be overly annoying and the story progresses quite nicely, with the main character growing in every aspect. - Maturity, strength, knowledge etc. So far, I'm enjoying this for its strengths and flaws alike, hopefully it maintains its quality. I'll leave another review once I catch up with the latest chapters <<less
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bhankit rated it
September 13, 2018
Status: v2
This is a good novel with a realistic protagonist. There are very few plot armors. The protagonist does not get lucky to get strong af. He works really hard to get stronger. Even after that, he does not manage to get unreasonably strong. You can feel that from those around the protagonist as they get stronger too. The scheming aspect is very very well portrayed. It is one of the good novels that I have read. Highly recommended.
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Signspace13 rated it
September 8, 2017
Status: --
A very well structured story, the characters are entertaining and the world is interesting, it takes a unique view on culture and a class based society that isn't usually touched on in Xianxia novels, with one of the main conflicts being the fact that in modern human society the only way to enter later stages of cultivation is to have the bloodline of a magical beast, something our MC lacks. This leads to interesting but not poorly thought out conflict, the MC isn't a righteous do good always kind of... more>> fellow and has other character traits that make him interesting.


For the spoiler section I feel like it's worth mentioning that the first thing that made me interested in this novel was the blind MC, as I had just watched Netflix's defenders and was pretty hyped about daredevil, I wanted to see if the same concept of a blind superhero could be done in a Xianxia, the answer is no, it can't. I was mildly disappointed that the complete blinded of the MC doesn't even last past chapter 10, but as I read the novel I was okay with, having a blind MC in a world where everyone has superpowers isn't plausible as it is too much of a disadvantage, but the development of the MC into a 'Tyrant scholar' is an even more interesting direction, this MC is crazy about cultivation in a way I haven't seen before in Xianxia, except maybe from reincarnation ones where the MC already knows everything.


All in all a worthwhile read, my only regret is it's still ongoing. <<less
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Setra rated it
September 4, 2017
Status: c577
Overall an enjoyable story. The conflict isn't overdone and still within believable level. The dialogue and interaction isn't overly one sided. The direction of the plot also fine. If anything, at later chapters, MC use a lot of batman gambit planning, where he needs a lot of coincidence in its execution. While it's not that bad for me (though it's still annoyingly noticeable), for some it might be a fatal flaw. And

it seems went to harem direction, with the help of aphrodisiac and small accident

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