Daily Life of the Canary Pet Master


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Ou Renjin likes keeping beautiful young men because he likes watching the drama.

Watching them be arrogant and conceited; watching them be obsequious and sycophantic; watching them have ulterior motives and fight with each other, seeing all the evil side of human nature.

Until, he picks up a poor little guy.

The poor little guy is ignorant and helpless, treating Ou Renjin as his whole world, spending all his salary to buy him gifts, standing in front of him in times of danger without hesitation, even…

…saying to him in the calmest and lightest of tones after knowing that their heart matching is successful, “I am very grateful that you have been hiding it from me, but I have long been ready to give my heart to you.”

* * *

036 was born as a test subject, without parents or friends.

As the only successful “petri dish of renewable organs”, he had every organ in his body cut out and transplanted to the rich and powerful countless times.

After getting used to the pain, he met the most special person in the world.

This person was so good that he wanted to cut out his own heart immediately.

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Latest Release

Date Group Release
03/15/23 Xiao YunYun Translations c51
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03/08/23 Xiao YunYun Translations c39
03/08/23 Xiao YunYun Translations c38
03/07/23 Xiao YunYun Translations c37
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April 14, 2023
Status: Completed
3.9 it's sweet and had righg amount of sadness so itla ok.. but... I began to doubt that thia novel was actually seme protagonis, Idk.. it gave same vibe as ''I famous after died'' the gong and shou so vague and it became problem for me, in first part it say that our ou shaowen (mc?) Is shou but in the story.. the characteristics seams blurred (u know typical gong on danmei, tall, had more stamina, etc...) in synopsis our MC more likely is ou renji.. but I don't... more>> feel like it.. at first the MC was both of them and Somehow gradually it become ou shaowen I really need translator-sama to clarify this <<less
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