Daily Life of the Canary Pet Master


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Ou Renjin likes keeping beautiful young men because he likes watching the drama.

Watching them be arrogant and conceited; watching them be obsequious and sycophantic; watching them have ulterior motives and fight with each other, seeing all the evil side of human nature.

Until, he picks up a poor little guy.

The poor little guy is ignorant and helpless, treating Ou Renjin as his whole world, spending all his salary to buy him gifts, standing in front of him in times of danger without hesitation, even…

…saying to him in the calmest and lightest of tones after knowing that their heart matching is successful, “I am very grateful that you have been hiding it from me, but I have long been ready to give my heart to you.”

* * *

036 was born as a test subject, without parents or friends.

As the only successful “petri dish of renewable organs”, he had every organ in his body cut out and transplanted to the rich and powerful countless times.

After getting used to the pain, he met the most special person in the world.

This person was so good that he wanted to cut out his own heart immediately.

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62 Reviews sorted by

Dominique01 rated it
September 23, 2023
Status: c81
This is probably my first time writing a review but I can't help myself. The moment I finished the story, is the same moment I realized that such masterpiece has ended. I have read my share of novels and I can confidently say that I've read a LOT. This story made my heart ache knowing that it will take me a long time to read something as good as this again. I have truly appreciated and enjoyed this story from the bottom of my heart. 😊
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Evesneon rated it
June 8, 2023
Status: Completed
Ah, sweetness.
This isn't the fluffy candy that is coated with maple honey syrup. Rather, it's the gr*pe coated with sour sprinklings that make you want to tightly squeeze shut your eyes. Yet under that seconds of shock, comes a very well cherished favour of belonging.

As the novel will say, "this was the sound of the heart being hit accurately."
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Queen_of_Chaos000 rated it
June 2, 2023
Status: Completed

That is what I feel as I finish this novel. So so beautiful...

The love story is adorable, cute, lovely, and so much more.

... more>> Our MC is just the cutest thing alive. You can't help but love him, he really really is the most precious thing out there. He may come out very naive, but he also has his own convictions and judgments. Making him very attractive.

Our ML on the other hand is also very precious okay. He might not be as innocent as our cutie pie of an MC, but I really love him, the way he loves the MC, the way he handled everything, and just his personality is very attractive.

Put together this is a very attractive couple that leaves you with enough sweetness and heartache to just feel content.

Both of them are not perfect, especially our ML... nonetheless, your heart will still be grasped within their hands.

Very very recommended! <<less
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tina121 rated it
May 24, 2023
Status: Completed
This is really a gem I cried so many times but felt so warm the whole time, I really liked this story.

The only thing that could have been better is

to have more details about the people who mu*dered ML's mum and what happenedto them did they discover it and also more about that phone call with 036

but it's a 5 stars for me despite some missing information.
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tashtumea27 rated it
May 22, 2023
Status: --
MC so cute without any pretentious naivete, and ML is forthcoming about his previous relationship. I like that, it's very refreshing.

It has just the right amount of angst, there's no overcomplicated misunderstandings, we get fed a lot of dog food, and it wrapped up just right.
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Old_Cat rated it
May 14, 2023
Status: Completed
One of the best read. I have been reluctant to read this for a long as the plot didn't intrigued me that much, but I finally gave it a shot because it was finally completed and I saw the high reviews.

At first, I find it a little boring. I thought the plot was slow and laid back, but I persevered bcs I saw a lot of reviews praising it. Definitely worth it, given that I binge read it for half a day. The relationship of the protagonists are healthy, there's... more>> no weird misunderstandings and lack of communication. They were very mature in dealing with their problems especially the ML. He was very understanding and patient. They were not prideful and knows to admit their mistakes. I just love them in short. I will definitely reread this book in the future. <<less
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ReluctantMTLReader rated it
April 25, 2023
Status: --
This is a fantastic story with a great translation. My favorite aspect has to be how healthy the relationship is between the two leads. Mutual respect, good communication, quickly resolved misunderstandings..... of course, they have to work hard to get to that point, but they do get there.

ML readily admits that he is unrepentantly scummy in the beginning, but when he realizes that MC is the most genuine person he has ever met, he quickly changes his behavior. So give him a chance, he can be incredibly sweet.
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SayMrrp rated it
April 24, 2023
Status: Completed
At first, I didn't appreciate how confusing things were, but things settled down after a bit. I haven't seen many MLs like this one, and I think the MC is also fairly unique. They're both complicated characters, not flat ones. The side characters aren't focused on though, so don't expect too much from them.

I also appreciate the moments when the MC shows off his skillz XD

The romance was sweet! I would recommend this as a quick read even though some things weren't wrapped up perfectly:

... more>>

I still don't know why/how the MC managed to transmigrate.

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Staringatastar rated it
April 12, 2023
Status: Completed
This book was so will written and translated. The characters in the story were absolutely vivid, and the mc/ML growth and communication was perfect.

There are many ideas on the novel that I disagree with, but the author does such a great job of developing the story that these conflicting ideas are gently introduced as the ml's philosophy, not a "correct" philosophy. In fact, this acceptance that there's many legitimate viewpoints leads to some of the best couple communications I've ever seen. ... more>>

There's a touching scene in the book when the MC helps the ML realize that he's not just naively and self sacrificing-ly giving up his heart. Then they communicate about why it's such a sore point with the ML (he's had trauma regarding needing to live up to others' sacrifice). I do wish this meant that the ml's servant could be forgiven, but I guess the author draws a hard line at others who try to manipulate someone into doing something harmful. I didn't really agree with the author of ML on this though - in the end, he had evil thoughts, but didn't really go through with them. Who doesn't have evil thoughts sometimes? Or even evil motives? But he never coerced, and the MC really did make the decision on his own. If the MC can be forgiven, the servant should have been been as well. Not forgiving, and even punishing him, just goes to show how you should never try too hard to look out for your employer's interests. They have their ideas, and won't appreciate the sacrifice or effort.


I don't really agree with the idea that "if you're unhappy with your current partner, don't work on your relationship, there'll be a perfect one in your future". That's the type of unrealistic expectations that keeps people forever jumping through relationships, even through multiple divorces.

However, like I said, the author isn't dogmatic in the ideas presented. Some presented through the ML or MC or other characters are explicitly shown to be biased or incomplete.

It's so cute when the MC learns that the ML has been watching him via hidden cameras and finds it another sign of his love, rather than being creeped out. It makes sense, since the author had mentioned multiple times how the MC had no aversion to cameras and no expectation of privacy because of his experience.


Now that I'm finishing up my review, I think I have mixed up my mc/ML designations... But that's another beauty of this story! The characters aren't designed based on stereotypes or roles, and even though there's some helping behind the scenes, there's very few "overpowering ceo", "possessive gong", "needy shou" scenes. The characters are just people - unique but flawed in their own way.

This review might make people think this novel is very serious, which I know people aren't always in the mood for. I actually almost skipped it for this reason. However, this story is great for any mood! If you want something serious, romantic, silly, slice-of-life, mysterious, light - this fits lots of moods! <<less
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candylane rated it
April 9, 2023
Status: Completed
Y’all. When I tell you I binged this story. Also, if you scrolled down to the review for reassurance, here it is: it isn’t a BE (bad ending). You’re welcome. Personally, I cannot do tragedies so BE warnings is something I always look for

People who dislike brain dead novels, this is the one for you. The MC and ML have critical thinking skills, so some dumb dog blood drama of misunderstandings don’t happen. What do happen is realistic, believable human reactions to another’s actions. The characters are so well fleshed... more>> out, you can just envision them irl.

Not to mention, the MC is a real cutie. S*upid and naive, but at the same time, smart and mature. The ML is cold and arrogant, but at the same time be the most caring, and soft hearted. 10/10 very cute. Would reread <<less
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caicaicat rated it
March 31, 2023
Status: c81
Such a quick read. I didn't feel like I was binging but it was a slow day at work with a hour train commute and I read the whole thing before bedtime!

I enjoyed it. The MC has an opportunity for an entirely different life with the ML and but does not realize what is going on at all for quite a bit into the story.

I like that there is some reassurance and a desire to communicate and have their partner treasure themselves coming from each person.

I did not mind that... more>> the ML is a voyeur, the audience knows this pretty much from the start and the MC does find out in the end. It doesn't seem to be sexual, or if it is then that part isn't shared with the audience. But it is something that the ML enjoys. It's kind of interesting that the MC is so acclimated to being observed due to his background in the lab that he doesn't really register that this person is clearly observing him and that's odd. <<less
17 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
March 30, 2023
Status: Completed
If you hesitate to read this novel because of worrying this story is angsty, filled with dog-blood drama, or ML is a scumbag, then, don't worry.

It is not that angsty, though it is quite sad. The sad part is about ML's heart disease as well as MC's willingness to sacrifice for him.

Regarding ML, yes, he is a scumbag. Because of his past, he doesn't trust people, and he likes to observe and plays with people's feeling. BUT! It's all in the past until he meet MC.

Since this story starts with... more>> ML meeting MC, thus there's not much part of ML behaving like a scum, but more to the mention of his past in the story. Rather, I can say that I quite like ML. Despite being twisted in the beginning, he still hold on to his principes. And after he realised MC's tragic past, he goes on full mode- doting husband. Another thing that I like about him is that the ML did not overly restrict and control MC's work and social life despite MC being very dependent to him. Instead, he let MC venture the world, meet new people to let him understand people and emotions.

And MC? He's my favorite character! A purely innocent cinnamon roll that always adorably honest and straight with his words (that hit ML's heart directly so many times!). I always love clingy and proactive shou! <<less
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xnoodles-sshi rated it
October 7, 2023
Status: Completed
LOVE THIS!!! 💖 Story focuses on the growth between both leads. The MC becoming human, understanding himself and getting all that he deserved. Also love how the ML, altho he thought of him as a past time, gradually started opening up and letting the MC into his life. ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ
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Icycle rated it
June 12, 2023
Status: Completed
Translated very well and kept me interested. Would have preferred if the story delved more into background, as well as fleshed the MC out a bit more. Really hard to understand who he is/was- sometimes it felt like he was two different characters in one.
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HiddenHermit rated it
March 31, 2023
Status: Completed
So good! Makes me feel so good! A sweet romance. There is some angst but it isn’t as bitter compared to most stories.

The title of the novel was a lil off putting at first and the description made me think the “Pet Master”, Ou Renjin, was scum. But he isn’t really scum, he just comes off like that. The “pet”, Ou Shaowen, is super innocent and has led a terrible life so far. It can be said that the best thing that ever happened to him was meeting Renjin.

The novel... more>> was hard to put down since I kept thinking, I’ll stop at the end of this chapter but each chapter made me think “One more chapter and then I’ll stop.” Hahaha, lied to myself... finished the entire novel in two days. <<less
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September 17, 2023
Status: Completed
This is so sweet. I feel heartbroken for MC, he is such a sweetie. Im glad that despite his cruel experience his innocence is there. Glad ML was able to save him. These two are really meant for each other.
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Bbsnugs rated it
May 10, 2023
Status: Completed
this is such an excellent novel. I was hooked from the get go. The MC is such a sweetheart and the ML learned to love despite his past and illness. Really loved it!
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Eccentricstate rated it
June 30, 2023
Status: Completed

Rating: 3.5

Pairing Type: human experiment, super powered, idol MC X CEO, sick ML; shou MC x gong ml; MC is lowkey Deadpool lol; twisted, scum man ML; straightforward, easily happy MC; voyeuristic ML

... more>> Tropes: transmigrated; super powers; dog blood; revenge; entertainment circle

Triggers: death; terminal illness; torture -physical and mental (human experimentation) ; mu*der

Heat level: 1.5/5 (pretty innocent) ; leads are like kissing but it’s honestly pretty PG

Re-watch: 1/5 - won’t reread

Massive tearjerker. I have once again cried myself to the point of dehydration.

This book was definitely interesting. I think the biggest point of contention for people will be on whether or not they like the male lead. Personally, I don’t like him but I don’t dislike him either. He’s a very morally gray, hypocritical character that is extremely self-centered and self-preserving. Paired next to a very innocent MC, he does come off like a major scum.

The book plays around with their differing viewpoints of the world, to varying levels of success. They’ve both dealt with trauma in very different ways and frankly I think they could both benefit from therapy as opposed to a relationship lol.

Of course, ML had a tragic backstory to explain his bad personality but it’s like... we have a direct comparison with the MC who definitely had it way worse so what’s your excuse sis.

He does grow as a person... kind of. You know now that I’m thinking about it, I don’t think I liked him much at all lol.



I also thought the transmigration part wasn’t very well written. Like had the author not left a note, I would not have put that together.

I also felt like removing MC from his original world totally demolishes an epic revenge story lol. I guess that wasn’t the purpose of the novel but still kind of left me with what-ifs.

It’s just kind of hard to think about the fact that the people at that lab all get to live happy lives after keeping a human s*ave and harvesting his organs for 20 or so years. Big yikes.


I actually would recommend it, if you feel like crying lol <<less
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Scar21 rated it
October 10, 2023
Status: --
This novel..... is so beautiful to read!!!

Honestly, I was skeptical about reading it after seeing the title. But the description had me hooked. So I went ahead and read it and boy oh bou was that the best decision I've made this month! This is not a fluff story.

Anyways, I love the story, MC, ML a lot. It's a 10/10 RECOMMENDED
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dee_ism rated it
April 7, 2023
Status: --
It's better than my expectations and I'm glad that I read it.

It has angst but overall sweet. The MC is such a rare gem and ML also not scum. The premise is unique and the writing is good to keep me excited to read next chapters. Recommend!
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