Customize Your Husband App


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One day, an app called “Customize Your Husband” suddenly appeared on Jiang Xingyu’s phone. With this app, he could take a picture of any man’s front profile and the man would fall deeply in love with him (both mind + body).

As someone who was inter**x, Jiang Xingyu had always had a lustful body and a constant desire for s*x. Thanks to the “Customize Your Husband” app, he no longer had to hold back on pursuing his true desires and instead found himself being railed to death by various thick, long, and skillful husbands.

Gentle ones, cold-hearted ones, sunshine ones, bad-ass ones, and black-bellied ones… all kinds of husbands are available for the taking (o(*≥▽≤)ツ).

[Indulgence with different men is the plot. Who ends up being the one true love is up to fate.]
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