Classmate’s Engagement


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Blind date turned out to be a high school classmate.

What a coincidence, you’re also gay?

A marriage certificate made them husbands, showing respect in public while sleeping in separate rooms at home.

Jiang Muping was the class monitor during their high school years, excelling in both character and learning, a pride of heaven.

After being apart for several years, he was still as outstanding and dazzling as before. Cheng Yan had never imagined the scene of their reunion, let alone that he would enter Jiang Muping’s life.

Former classmates from years ago, now partners in life, sharing the same bed was indeed a difficult problem.

“I can’t adapt…”
“Then should we get a divorce?”
“…No, let’s not.”
“Then how about dating your husband first?”

Professor as the aggressor and a tattoo artist as the receiver *Set in a society where same-s*x marriage is accepted

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Authornim rated it
June 18, 2023
Status: Completed
This is an unexpected good read. So real and so calming.

Nothing exaggerated, simple yet pure. Most impressive thing is you won't find when MC and ML fall in love. It's so natural and so mature.

It made me think this is what adult love should look like.

Absolutely recommended.
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