Claiming The CEO


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Qin Xiao is the sales manager who has successfully conquered the east market alone.

Xiao Jingqian is the heir of the company. But before he becomes the CEO and takes full charge of the company, he’s required to work in the sales department by his father.

What will happen when an iron lady with traditional thoughts collides with a young arrogant and rebellious CEO?

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August 18, 2020
Status: c1
Won't lie, for the first 15 chapters or so, it was somehow exciting because everyone acted like normal people and various perspectives were shown.

It was such that, there was no actual villain in many micro conflicts. I thought "oh, she's wrong, no wait, she's right, wait... Maybe she is wrong?"

But by chapter 24 is a bit dull, at least for me. I'll keep reading it, of course.

If you like stories that focus in something else other than romance, a strong and capable female lead, and office work, do read it.
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