Chaotic Sword God


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Jian Chen, the publicly recognized number one expert of the Jianghu. His skill with the sword went beyond perfection and was undefeatable in battle, After a battle with the exceptional expert Dugu Qiubai who had gone missing over a hundred years ago, Jian Chen succumbed to his injuries and died.

After death, Jian Chen’s spirit was transmigrated into a completely foreign world. Following an extremely fast growth, his enemies piled up one after another before becoming gravely injured once more.

On the gates of death, his spirit had mutated, and from that moment henceforth, he would tread on a completely different path of the art of the sword to become the sword god of his generation.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Hun Dun Jian Shen
Hỗn Độn Kiếm Thần
Related Series
Against the Gods (8)
Martial God Asura (6)
Coiling Dragon (6)
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Chronicles of Primordial Wars (4)
True Martial World (3)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Novels that I have read 2
  2. Evil Protagonist
  3. Fantasy. Adventure. Action.
  4. A history of a vetran reader (70 novels)
  5. Novels read ranking

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125 Reviews sorted by

AutumnSnowz rated it
June 18, 2016
Status: c250
I try reading this further but it get some repetitive and the main character make such s*upid chooses that it ruin it for me. Literally he is always killing someone that has powerful people backing them up so he always on the run and than he make dumb chooses that put him back in the same position over and over. I mean he is suppose to be smart but I just don't see it. The novel actually started out really good but apparently the author ran out of things to... more>> write about so he just rinse his old ideas and repeat them in a loop to get the current novel you are reading. <<less
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ZUN rated it
December 20, 2018
Status: c1010
I am not someone who is often compelled to write reviews but the ineptitude of this novel left me with an itching need to bash it.

This novel is inept in its Narrative, it is inept in its characters and its is inept on a structural and conceptual level concerning its XuanHuan genre.


... more>>

All characters including the MC are shallow and one dimensional beyond belief, the Author chooses 1 to 3 traits for them and considers this amount of work as a job done for the rest of the novel, there is no depth or complexity to absolutely anyone in these 1000 + chapters that I have read.

The Main Character is the almost painful generic ''I do not care who I offend for the sake of righteousness'' type.

But he is not really righteous.

His motivations and thought process is completely undeveloped, he has no wants or needs or personality traits, he is just a vessel to move the story from location A to location B when its needed and often he does things that make absolutely no sense whatsoever. (Like going to kill someone in enemy territory publically while he knows he is being watched by and chased by 3 supreme beings that want to kill him, without any means of fighting or escaping them or any plan to do so)

All the supporting cast have less care put into them than NPC's in a lackluster B grade game.

The concerned mother is never anything more than that, every line of dialogue and action could be summarized into *Mother shows concern*

Same with the father showing pride, best friend showing support and the young lord of a big clan showing arrogance.

They never step out of these rolls or is it ever fleshed out why they are in those rolls and what motivates them to do so.

Thus almost all the dialogue in this novel is superfluous and borderline brain numbing.




The Story of this novel is just bad to the point its frustrating, the author obviously only thinks maybe 50 to 100 chapters ahead and very often writes himself into a corner where he needs to either completely retcon the story or do a massive unsatisfying asspull

This could be seen in the writer completely re-imagining the power levels of the setting midway trough because he realized that the scale of the land does not match the growth of the character, completely retconing how Ruler/King Arnaments are used, Writing in clans, kingdoms and entire continents

Characters doing the most inexplicable sh*t because the Author realized that his plot just stopped developing if something did not occur, and he has to do it like that because everyone including the MC have no personality so all their actions are reactive as opposed to active.


The MC has to run away because something happens, he is told where to go by Someone else, he goes there and is protected because someone else magically wants to protect him, he goes to a city because someone told him to, he goes to the auction because someone told him to, he acquires an item because someone told him to, he goes to the spot that item opens because someone told him to, he defends himself by a soul possessed treasure because it attacked him, he then literally needs to be told to take the treasure before he does it.

And all of this is because even the MC has no drive or personality and even the author is uncomfortable with him doing things of his own volition or creating a setting where he could do so


And all of that lazyness to deliver you a story so generic and lackluster that there is not really even a level of intrigue where you are curious what happens next or do you feel any compulsion to uncover some mysterious detail of the past.


My biggest problem with this novel the Concept of it as a cultivation novel


This Author has read a few xuanhuan, liked ideas in them and just shoved them into his own novel, which is sometimes a recipe for success but in this instance it resulted in an even bigger disaster than microwaving a small baby kitten.

Has the Demonic beast race and then also has the Sea race, does not really explain the difference between them just has you accept that they are fundamentally different.

So remember kids if you see a dragon kill it for its monster core, but if you see a sea dragon and try to do the same you are a f*cking idiot.

Puts in fast travel gates and communication jades and formations out of convenience in a world where there is not treasure making technology whatsover LOL.

Same with spells and soul marks and similar things, you do not see these things existing or being taught until l the moment they are needed to advance the plot

Also blood oath in a cultivation system that so far has not established the Dao philosophy that is supposed to bind people to such things.

the examples are endless and they all stem from lazy writing.

The author developed a very crude and basic cultivation system which is fine.

Reverend Insanity a fantastic novel also has a crude cultivation system, but from it it sees it as a limitation where the author puts in work and imagination to create interesting solutions to these problems.

Here the author just shoves it in because he needs the MC to suddenly know when something happens or teleport there, or ensure someones loyalty etc.. And he uses stuff he knows people recognise from other novels so he does not need to explain or develop it himself

Examples of this just keep happening again and again


In Conclusion this is an extremely badly written and lazy novel that tells an uninteresting story with uninteresting characters. <<less
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Fireworks rated it
February 23, 2016
Status: --
I really wanted to like this one, I invested so much time and emotion into this too. The premise was interesting, if generic, and the translation excellent. There is plenty of solid action and I'm still curious about much of the MCs unrevealed abilities. The first time I dropped this series, I was irritated with the dry and colourless characters, and the MC is a total fool sometimes! Also, the plot was getting repetitive, the author didn't seem to have a clue where he wanted to take this series, and... more>> the MC's penchant for diving into trouble when he should be keeping a low profile left me exasperated. Months later, for some reason I picked it up again, since the translation pace was as high as ever, and the series always ranked top 10, and some people genuinely like it. I convinced myself that the problem lay with me instead and picked it up again, but 30 chapters later, I realised I was wasting my time with this series!

I recommend it if you like generic Xianxia with action, and you don't care much if the characters lack personalities and the plot seems aimless. <<less
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xianxia_reader rated it
September 28, 2016
Status: c527
Let me start of by addressing some of the concerns in other reviews.

Does it have filler? Yes. Tons of it and with the number of chapters you could skip a lot of it. I would have skipped nearly 100 chapters without missing any thing in the story

Is it repetitive? Yes. It has the repetition - Go to a new region, offend someone stronger, fight and then later escape. This is the recurring theme of the story.

Is it s*upid? Yes. Some parts but the last 100 chapters started getting on my... more>> nerves. Lets take the latest arc - Heavenly Eagle Kingdom mini arc which again adds a someone new to the "offend someone stronger" story point.
The whole setup is forced case of "mistaken identity" and makes no sense at all:


1. MC has a fondness of the name of "Jian Chen" instead of his name actual name - Changyang Xiangtian. So when he arrives to support his homeland - Gensun Kingdom along with help from Qinhuang Kingdom no one is sure who he is or why the help has arrived from a superior kingdom.
2. When Heavenly Eagle Kingdom comes around to ask, the Gensun Kingdom King is also not sure as he is not aware of the name "Jian Chen".
3. So the Heavenly Eagle prince asks for Gensun Kingdon princess' hand in marriage.
4. Now when the king is made aware that "Jian Chen" and "Changyang Xiangtian" are the same person, he leaves the Heavenly Eagle people hanging and runs away to Lore City to meet MC. You have to wonder why couldn't he just say - Sorry just found out my daughter is already engaged to "Qinhuang Imperial Protector"? Mind you he doesn't shy away from using this identity later.
5. Jian Chen arrives along with king to the Imperial capital and has a confrontation with the Heavenly Eagle prince. He too conveniently forgets to mention that he is the Imperial Protector.
6. Jian Chen gets attacked by some guys and fend them off. He still keeps mum about the whole Imperial Protector thing.
7. Based on the confrontation Heavenly Eagle king sends some "seniors" to capture the king and Changyang Xiangtian. During this confrontation again no one tells them that "Changyang Xiangtian" is the Imperial protector.
8. Jian Chen is infuriated. No, its not at him being s*upid for not trying and suppressing Heavenly Eagle people but because they attacked him.
9. He gets a team of soldiers and attacks Heavenly Eagle Kingdom when shock! Horror! Its revealed he is the Imperial Protector.
10. This leads to him offending the Sect of Dragon and Tiger "Saint Ruler"
There is another unnecessary waste of pages within the above series of events:

Changyang Xiangtian makes it home and his father and mother are happy that he is a Heavenly Saint. They want to publicize this fact but he stops them because it will shock people that is so young and someone might try to kill him. But later when he starts going around attacking other Heavenly Saints who know his identity of - Changyang Xiangtian and can easily find that he reached Heavenly Saint at age 21.


I still rated it 3 because I liked the story before the last 100 chapters. Author seems to have lost his edge and seems to be making up story as he goes. <<less
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Ardavix rated it
March 14, 2016
Status: --
As pretty much everyone has stated already, if you want to read this novel be prepared for arc after arc of endless chase scenes. Some people complain about how WDQK’s MC always overcomes his foes no matter what impossible scenario is placed in front of him due to [insert here] plot armor; however, comparatively, CSG takes the complete opposite approach in that the MC can’t overcome squat... he just runs ~ run, run, run [and hide]!

After chapter 120 or so the story gradually degrades and gets worse and worse. I’m... more>> presently at chapter 373 and I’m no longer reading this for fun but just because I have OCD and I have to finish it. In fact, with every new chapter I’m literally angry reading this now. Hopefully 100 chapters from now I can re-write my review... the only truly good thing about this novels now is its potential... it has a lot but it’s so poorly executed...

TL;DR In short, if you really need your Xianxia fix and don’t mind insanely repetitively chase scenes and poorly introduced [insert here] plot armor then you may actually enjoy this... maybe.

Likewise, I would probably suggest that you wait a long while before starting to read this and then read it all in one go. It might actually be better to read the novel that way. Otherwise, like me, you’ll inevitably need to take brakes while reading this [i.e. wait for an arc to be released in its entirety and then jump into it]... SOO MANY CLIFFFFFFFFFSSSSSS!

Also, FYI, I started reading this when there were only about 60 chapters released ~ nearly a year ago at this point. For those of you whom are inclined to reading about Jian Chen don’t let my review stop you, the story is not bad per-se and I can tell you that reading this novel all in one go is WAAAAAAAAY better than the way I did it. It’ll pretty much determine whether or not you give this novel a 3-4/5 or a 2/5...

Chapters 1-120 4.5/5

Chapters 120-280 3/5

Chapters 280-373... 2/5 (enjoyment however is at 1/5) ~ 2/5 because I kinda like the MC and the story has a lot of potential still... this is what’s saving it for me...

[Edit after CH 393 ~ I’m actually starting to enjoy this again ~ MC is now somewhat powerful and things are moving forward... I think/too early to say... fingers crossed/still 2/5 tho]

[Edit @ CH 436 ~ I guarantee you that author is preping for another 3! F*king chase-me arcs... AHHHHHHH!!!!] ~ they’ll be over 100 chapters each I promise you~~~~~WHYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

***Very minor spoilers below***


Disclaimer: these are all purely speculations based on the authors current writing patterns... they may not be exact but I'd be willing to bet with anyone! [prophesy started: MARCH 31]

1. Guardian Sect: 80-120 chapters [will be in the background for another 10-20 chapters or so before even getting to the nitty gritty]

2. Tiger: 100-200 chapters [will be in the background for another 20 or 30-60 chapters...]

3. Saint’s tomb #2: 30-40 chapters ~ will probably lead into another chase-me arc

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Slayerwolfx2 rated it
May 2, 2018
Status: c455
I don't know how I managed to read this the first time, but rereading it now, I must have been brain-dead.

... more>>

Chapter: 28

Already a couple chapters in, and the world system doesn't work and contradicts itself...

Going by the logic those guys follow, half of the academy should have been dead. Not to mention just how tr*shy the headmaster is... but that's another point.

It's hard to find some common sense in that novel... people don't bully commoners because of the headmaster, yes, but that doesn't mean nobles are the next target.

Like, those guys are starting wars every single moment!

Normally you would think twice before offending a family with power almost equal to yours, especially so because the consequences would be huge... not on this novel.

Also, on this novel, whoever resists an attack, even by the law of the jungle, it means he offended that person, so he has to die.

If you beat a person without even hurting them, but maybe making them look slightly uncool, it's a f*ckin personal grudge, no way around it.

If you prove your strength, it still means shit, because no one cares about face, while at the same time it's the most vanruable and most valuable thing on themselves. So no one worries about attacking you, and it's screw them all time!

Whatever path you take, it's hatred through eternity... makes you wonder how they would respond in a situation they are no longer the strongest... right?

Nah, it's the same shit, and afterwards the offended guy's family gets exterminated because he kicked a steel plate, while having porcelain face.


Is it time to talk about the beyond ret*rded headmaster?

Darn... hoped this time would never come. Oh well, it doesn't need saying how he ruined his own academy.

He singled out a party (the nobles), let's them do whatever they want without acting, meaning passively helping them and forgoing his duties.

This whole thing is quite detrimental to the academy, but it goes without saying it's all natural.

Oh, and when he does remember to do something for his academy, turns out he doesn't have enough power, HE who in the 28 chapters I am reading is described as an all powerful entity... (this whole thing happens later on btw)

People behave like it's okay to break the rules if you are going by a loophole, and some people are so easily tricked, that if you wanted to abduct them, you wouldn't even need to lift your finger... they would just jump right on the van for you to take them away.

It's hard to recommend this story to someone, especially because it's a living trope, but I remember it had its good moments further on, so I will update this review later too and update my thoughts.

Chapter: 60

First edit: the novel did improve on justifying it's bullshit, so rating improved from 2.0 to 2.5... grats?

Chapter 98:

Second edit and I have to say I'm impressed by this line of bullshittery:

"Uncle Yun, why aren't you spoiling Luan Er?" Literally the author can't manage a normal humane personality for f*ck's sake... If that's how people raise their kids on that planet, the whole world should have been dead and destroyed by internal and external strife... literally the only reason I edited it this time was to add this line of bullshit.

Edit three:

Chapter 186:

Just when I decide to up my rating to 3 stars, some bullsh*t happens, and I leave it as it was...

This time it's with battle skills.

Why the f*ck! Does everyone think that something as precious as a battle skill would be carried on one's person.

Heck! I'm leaving out the fact all those "masters" and ret*rds don't even consider a huge power might be backing him, because I'm already unimpressed by their intelligence.

I know that they don't even consider a possible genocide of their clan from the possible pissed huge power behind the MC in the event he is killed.

Of course, the MC as stated from the very first chapters, doesn't have such a power, but it is only s*upid to assume such a thing.


Where else would such a great genius that at less than 20 years old is capable of fighting huge experts of entire 2nd class cities, COMBINED come from? They don't even bother thinking about that.


It's hard to believe they can breath unassisted with such intelligence...

But the f*ck is going on with the intelligence of the author?!?

I mean, at some point, it stops being the characters... this is at that point.

Edit fourth:

Chapter 187:


Even the author acknowledges what I'm saying in the next freaking chapter!

Does the author think intelligence is only limited to old and powerful humans?

Literally, that must be what the author thinks... no other explanation.

Aside from the MC whom is really ret*rded some times, but since it's overshadowed by others I don't talk about it much, everyone else (weaker than some absolute god sh*t tier) is beyond brain dead.

Edit fifth:

Chapter 193:

The novel acknowledges that even if MC doesn't have a battle skill, he can write it out for them...

Only thing, those people from edit 3 hadn't taken into account the fact that the MC might not freaking have an entire battle skill on him when they were trying to kill him.

This just adds a small bit of logic, but does nothing else to fix the already destroyed novel... it needs a rewrite, and nothing can change that.

I like how the author changed his ways for a bit and included logic.

That's it from my fifth edit!

Edit sixth:

Chapter 257:

Logic has really improved, but somehow it's still a chore to read for me... maybe it's because it's my second time reading it...

Oh well, it should be glad for the promotion to 3 stars...

But wait a second! What made me think it's a chore to read? Is it really that I'm rereading it, or that there is a f*cking new enemy every 10 or so freaking chapters!

I've reread novels many times, and I can confirm this is a chore to read...

Guess it's gonna stay at 2.5 stars till it learns how to improve.

Edit seventh:

chapter 274:

This chapter is so good I'm improving my rating to 3/5 just for it.

Like aside from the usually ret*rded MC and the rest of the world, we don't see any logic... well, this chapter is an exception to that.

A pleasant surprise.

Edit eighth:

Chapter 455:

There were many times I wanted to comment about the s*upidity going all around this novel before this, but I would be just repeating myself.

You would think that after some time the author would improve, but no... if it doesn't stay shit, it will get worse. The option of improvement is nonexistent.

And here, once again for the millionth time, the author was high while writing.

Being high and writing is a bad combo, but he does it all the time nonetheless.

You must be imagining that normally, positions of power would be taken by those mentally stable, right?

Especially the ones that have to deal with negotiations, envoys and stuff like that. But that's not the case here!

Based on the intelligence of a three year old child once more, the plot progresses with yet another group finding a reason to fight the MC.

I'm not saying anything describing the events to avoid spoilers, but when you can't even freaking investigate a little before making a HUGE decision with lots of implications then you're mentally challenged.

The MC let's say proves his power and helps an entire city. It's something that would be hard to do for anyone, but let's say he does it.

The others don't know its the MC, and just assume he has no connection to the city, despite sacrificing so much for it.

You now start to see where logic fails us, right?

It's not exactly what happened, but that's how the plot progressed.

I can't help but take back my 1 added star and leave it back to 2 stars...

Because I can't take it when the author is f*cking playing with me, or is literally brain-dead!

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April 21, 2018
Status: c1243
So, If you're gonna read this novel you have to expect:

    • An unflexible MC who is very stuck up on what he is doing
    • WAY TOO MANY CLOSE TO DEATH FIGHTS. So many that the novel is literally filled with them all the time 70% of the fights are just the MC closely pulling off victories and the rest 30% is the MC taking revenge on antagonists from previous arcs... No matter how powerful the MC's gotten he will always find some idiot who is stronger than him (usually an old man) trying to kill him for one reason or another. ALWAYS.
    • Old Farts... Yes a sh*t ton of them. Most of the time they will be trying to kill the MC.
    • Almost non-existent romance until 1000 chapters
    • A rather interesting plot
Why do I read it despite ranting about all the stuff above? Its current story/plot. It's different, interesting even. The world building is okay, as of the chapter I am reding MC is near the "apex" of the current world's cultivators. He will most probably leave for another stronger world after this. And I wanna see how it folds out.
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Timid rated it
December 9, 2017
Status: --
Awkward, stilted writing and bad dialogue. Trying to read this is a chore, and a rating of close to 4 stars is flattering for this story.

Reading stories rated below 4 stars has been a mixed blessing. For every Martial God Asura or Castle of Black Iron that I really enjoyed despite their flaws, there seems to be 3 like this.
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clam rated it
June 21, 2016
Status: --
I'm done I'm absolutely done I've put up with reading these filler chapters day after day. This is getting utterly ridiculous you can only stretch something so far before if they didn't have the massive amounts of chapters release I assure you people would had quit reading this purely 40 chapters of the MC being an idiot but NOW. We have a MC who can destroy kingdoms he already has and single handedly. But for some reason the author decided to stretch out one of them no he stretchs out... more>> Every thing past 30 chapters kingdom attack MC hides identity god alone knows why he can destroy the kingdom himself goes to ask for help oh while I go to ask for help let me go visit a friend aw my friends not there well let's go get that help I don't need finally gets the help oh have to wait a bit before we attack just what the actual fk this isn't even a quarter of the things wrong with this lN it's getting Beyond s*upid and I am not wasting my time with it. <<less
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Lordusopp7 rated it
March 4, 2019
Status: c1945
honestly this novel is decent. The main character is nothing ground breaking. Very dull and plain personality that can be found in every wuxia novel. The “I won’t offend people but if they offend me I will slaughter them.” And the fake righteousness crap they keep spouting. The concept of one eye for two eyes, one tooth for the whole jaw. That’s pracrically the MC code of conduct throughout the novel. Not saying it’s bad but it is very plain and not well done here.

Very weak romance. I felt the... more>> best girl was the princess while that Shangguan was just an arrogant expert and the other one was a spoilt little princess. However at least one of the girls stays with him later on in the novel which is decent. He absolutely doesn’t respect his other two wives which is due to his dense personality.

The story is very intrinsic on plot armor. The author writes himself into a situation that can not be fixed without putting in plot armor.
There was a time that he was practically killed and crippled by his enemies. Then the author revives him even though it would never have happened if they took his body to hang on a wall since he was pretty famous and they would have been praised. But no, the experts thought he was dead and left him alone making the author write: his heart began to beat again and his weapons saved him. Poor writing in my opinion and since his cultivation should have been crippled he changed his cultivatipn technique entirely and even the entire world changed with it too which is a joke.

The story suffers from too much thick thick plot armor and plenty of fillers. Once he becomes a supreme expert in his homeland the story halts and is unbearable to read. Some novels have fillers but this novel has filler arcs. And the final war in his homeland.
it is the worst war I have ever read about. The enemy had plenty of chances to invade properly but they didn’t do so because of “pride” and this allowed the MC literally dozens of years to cultivate to get stronger. This was also during the filler arcs were small skirmishes occur. And then when the final boss appears a small battle occurred and then they shook hands and became best friends. The concept of enemies become friends goes too far in this novel. Like all the dozens of years of war and the hundreds of millions of lives lost merely for it to be solved in this way is ridiculous. Even though the final boss of the homeland knew Jiang Chen was progressing far too fast and he would rival him soon. He didn’t feel threatened because of his false sense of pride. Reconciling is good but when it is done poorly and because of the fear of mutual destruction it looks s*upid. They are supposed to be far too late in the battle to fear mutual destruction.

The cultivation technique is never explained properly other than that his body is powerful and he can jump levels. We don’t know to what extent he can jump levels because it’s all over the place.

You might be wondering why I rated this novel pretty high compared to all the hate I have for some parts. Honestly other than the shitty war with the final homeland enemies it’s story is not bad. The war arc which I assume went for around 500 chapters was unbearable to read and I indeed stopped reading. However I returned and skimmed through it to be very disappointed with the enemies decision making and the filler arcs it brought. It was an entire filler while MC trained, hanged with family and the world kept praising him. So in my opinion when the MC is weak the novel is good becuase it makes you see how s*upid he is for offending everyone when he could easily just ignore people or explain things properly. Instead he does things by using strength to solve which makes you wonder what he did in his old life. Anyways it’s really interesting to see him struggle and bring up a new clan in the upper realms. The story is all over the place and jumbled but the clan/kingdom building is spectacular and I really enjoy it. Even though they face super powerful opponents and he is saved by plot armor. It’s still an entertaining read. The best the novel has to offer is in the upper realms since everything is so much better. It really makes me wonder why I even read the novel when he was in the lower realms. <<less
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GingerMessiah rated it
September 8, 2017
Status: --

This is not a bad novel but the author will put off many of the hardcore Wuxia fans. Especially how he had one of the strongest character in the genre Dugu Qiubai killed off like a goon. If it's a homage to Jin Yong, it's a really bad one. The author seemed to have forgot Dugu Qiubai had reached the stage of killing with just his fingers and no longer using swords. It's a great idea using him as a foil to elevate your character but to turn him into a crude villain and not respect the original. Pure blasphemy.

Small details like a one year old child can talk and speak like an adult is not a "genius". It's a freak. These novels are surreal but it should be realistic in some sense. When the author lacks common sense. You know there is already a bad foundation to the story.

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Nihilist_smoker rated it
August 6, 2017
Status: c650
The novel gets good later on as the story progresses. MC is arrogant but most of the times he has the power to back it up. Although MC sometimes acts s*upid and there are some useless arcs in the story but it's still a good novel to enjoy if you can ignore some inconsistencies.
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Sai47s rated it
February 1, 2017
Status: --
Interesting novel, easy to read. Great characters and describes their character. At one time the novel was not enough female characters, but the author is corrected. Enemies and their actions are consistent. As revenge the protagonist. It is not that much different from other similar products. But it is much better than many similar. Battles are breathtaking and you want to read more, on any available language to read. So what if the story is not? It does not matter, the main thing that was interesting! This is the whole... more>> point. <<less
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Xire rated it
February 1, 2017
Status: c287
If I had to summaries this story, it would be mediocre yet addictive. Other reviews have brought up the issue of the repetitive nature of the MC getting into conflicts, which is very true, but for me the primary flaw in this story is that the author writes in a way that is incredibly contrived. He doesn't understand the world he has built and repeatedly ignores the logical sequence of actions that would result. If you are like me and very nit picky about things not making sense, then this... more>> story is basically guaranteed to annoy you. A few examples;

Jian Chen discovers he has the ability to use Radiant Saint force, which is like a light attribute that can be used to heal himself or others. He then instantly decides, for reasons that amounted to "I don't want to attract attention", that he ought to hide this from literally everyone he knows, even to the extent at one point of paying an absolute arsehole a small fortune (500 purple coins) in order to heal his friends, just so he can avoid revealing his ability. The problem with this? By the point he pays this guy, he is already completely and utterly famous/infamous among all the people he's hiding this ability from. How can you not want to attract attention, right after saving the entire kingdom, establishing a huge mercenary band, being a personal guest of the city lord, and singlehandedly wiping out 3 different major sects in broad daylight - events which every common citizen knows about?

The author goes on to compound the s*upidity of this point by establishing a "Radiant Saint Organisation", which is a continent wide superpower established for the express purpose of protecting and aiding Radiant Saint Masters. AKA, by this point in the story (about ch 200) the MC could literally have just gone home to his family after enrolling in this organisation and no one would have been able to touch him (he originally on the run from offending a sect in his home nation, trying to gain enough to return home).
But as with all these spoilers, the author either completely fails to realise the basic logical consequences of what he has written, or he just intentionally ignores them because it's inconvenient to the way he wants the plot to go - which is a sign of an author who hasn't planned anything out and is just forcing the story in one direction rather than letting it flow naturally. As a result completely s*upid things like this happen over and over again.

The second event I'll mention is when Jian Chen ambushes this group of elite soldiers, in order to steal their cargo of monster cores and artillery cannons, which he does because they're going to fight his country with them. The fight itself is fine, but afterwards one of the commanders escapes and reports back to the King all the events, and then there's a nationwide hunt for Jian Chen - who was disguised during his attack, so the only thing they have to identify him is a lame portrait with no details and which only really describes the persons height. MC overhears the guards complaining about how impossible it would be to recognize the perpetrator based on those details, and indeed they let him through the checkpoint. In the absence of any other details, this all seems to make sense; except, as a reader would know, and as the author of all people ought to have been able to deduce, Jian Chen is actually eminently recognizable even without seeing his face. Even if he disguises himself, there's no way to disguise his Saint weapon, which has been repeatedly emphasized to be unique and remarkable looking throughout the entire story, and which the escaped commander clearly saw (it was used to mu*der all of his friends in front of him). Not only that, but Jian Chen is totally famous in one of their class 2 cities by this point, having rescued the entire city from a monster invasion, and everyone knows what his sword looks like - it's literally one of the key details people use to identify him. But apparently no one in the kingdom could work out this most basic of facts when it came to recognizing him after he destroyed one of their elite soldier contingents, which made the entire kingdom furious. Like the other point, it's as if the author wrote a series of events which seemed to tentatively make sense, but then were utterly broken by other things he had written - and then he either didn't realize or intentionally ignored that this makes no sense and just proceeded on with the story.

Having said all of that, overall the story is hard to put down - I don't really know why. It's a mountain of xianxia cliche's and plotholes, but I'm going to keep reading it to see what happens; if nothing else there is a lot of translated chapters done. His family situation intrigues me as well, and the fights aren't terrible, albeit they can be mostly simplified down to "Jian Chen was incredibly fast, and the enemies throat got stabbed before they knew it!". Worth a read if you're bored and don't take it too seriously I guess. Just don't expect any of the following; complicated relationships/characters, consistent MC, logical consistency, or strong plot direction. <<less
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Suoh95 rated it
February 25, 2016
Status: --
I dropped this at 300.

It is your typical Xianxia novel plot with a lot of heavy action. The plot is very average but the action makes up for it.

For Harem lovers, 300 chapters and 1 girl is shown twice, For Romance lovers the girl shown twice is a spoiled B*tch who tried to kill the MC but now that she knows he’s strong all of a sudden her “feelings” appear out of nowhere. s*upid forced romance with the B*tch = Dropped.
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May 11, 2019
Status: c1029
Repetition is killing me. Just sticking out if the author is going to make MC learn like when he first learned that saint ruler can revive like it was some fckn mythical thing, oh God your a living example of dying and still alive....

Same goes for the things he does, 'Offends someone STRONGER, successfully ESCAPES, comes back STRONGER' don't forget that his loved ones gets entangled in his shitty mess, damn this. Can't go on and imma drop it now.
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Huxien117 rated it
July 28, 2018
Status: c1441
Csg is a typical Chinese novel with the Mac going around offending people he shouldn’t for the sake of his “pride”. He doesn’t seem to understand letting things go for a while and not make it escalate further. If someone insults him he may let it go. But if they insult his brother he wants to kill them. MC is really childish at times taking revenge for smallest grievances. MC is also extremely hypocritical. He can do things to others and offend them but they can’t. Worst thing that I... more>> hate about CSG is the weak romance he has with one of the women.


that women named Huang something. She wanted to kill him just for accidentally seeing her naked body and colliding with him. Such s*upidity she got one of her uncles to strike a full power blow on him and luckily he survived if it weren’t for his tenacious body he would die. Further the women still held a deep grudge. After they met again and he saved her she was extremely arrogant and disrespectful towards him calling him scoundrel all the time. He asked her to help him attack a villain who attacked his friends but she refused and he was furious. Anyways somehow he had developed feelings for her just by staying next to her with her arrogant behaviour. What type of romance is that when both of them borderline hated each other. There was no intimate moments in this the women didn’t appreciate him but he fell in love with her later on because of this short time they spent together. What nonsense lol. The other girl has been waiting on him patiently yet he disregards her. Also I hate when MC r*pes a woman and she bears a child from that r*pe. That is awful please do not write stories wher the outcome of r*pe becomes a child. There should be proper feelings in place when there is a child to be born not lust and all. Poor writing id say.

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terraheart rated it
March 20, 2018
Status: c2435
Enjoyable read for fans of this genre - namley looking for an OP MC in a wuxia world. It doesn't do anything revolutionary so don't expect it to differ too much from the stereotypical wuxia novels. That being said, where it is refreshing is:

  • Sword fighting driven plot
  • Logical story progression
  • Well rounded characters
It does do somethings which annoy people and can cause a lot of people to avoid this novel such as:

  • Weak/ little to no romance - this is because MC is stoic and rather dense to love interests and focuses on getting stronger
  • Typical ridiculous Chinese distances used e.g. Million km traversed in seconds, 1000 km snakes, 30m sword etc
  • Fillers/ padding of chapters can unnecessarily extend the writing.
  • Plot holes e.g. Age of MC doesn't add up with timeline sometimes so author becomes more generalised with dates saying MC age is 300-400 etc
One other huge point is that the novel still has many chapters to go, as of now I am up to date at 2435 chapters but MC still has at least 5 more power ups and each power up takes on average 200 chapters plus the fact he still has many things to do. I expect novel will complete at 3500-4000 chapters and at the authors current writing speed of 350 chapters/ year expect 2-3 years more of writing. If you're... more>> a binge reader like me then perhaps wait 2 years for more chapters to be done - wait even longer if machine translations aren't good enough for you because machine translations are 1000 chapters ahead of written ones.

Generally speaking, if you're looking for a strong kind hearted MC who can be ruthless to his enemies (completely massacres them) and protects his family/ friends, set in a classical Chinese wuxia world but driven by sword wielding then give this a try. Avoid/ delay reading if:

  • Want romance - this novel has little and the female love interests from a romance point of view are very one dimensional
  • Want a complete novel - at least 1000 chapters left/ 2-3 years of writing.
  • Written translations are 1000+ chapters behind Chinese novel but there is a machine translation available on lnmtl
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Lostworlds239 rated it
January 2, 2018
Status: c337
Just another character who's all about killing then talking it out even when given lots of chances to avoid conflict he convinces himself that there is no other choice other than one ending up dead. Most of the time MC is the one who causes the senseless problems he's getting himself into and says there's no choice but to kill the other person. Don't forget he has the skill to change his appearance that can help him avoid it all together but still rather kills everyone he meets, even if... more>> he's the one starting it. <<less
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Sytohden rated it
May 2, 2018
Status: c1005
Yeah if you're gonna read this you might as well know that this novel sucks. All the bad points noted by all the other reviewers are 100% true. This novel is basically one of the worst possible cn webnovels worth reading and it isn't much more than that. This story does have some good points although it isn't worth my time to try and mention them. I really feel bad for gravity tales as all their good novels have migrated elsewhere and one of the only good ones "The Nine... more>> Cauldrons" is heading to qidian for some much needed moneybagging since its the only IET novel currently being translated besides Swallowed Star that isn't being moneybagged by qidian and its translator is a failure as a translator. TO BE CLEAR this novel is pure garbage not worth reading and if you enjoy reading it in its earlier chapters I do understand but prepare to be disappointed. <<less
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