Brow of a Thousand Calamities


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A mysterious carriage roams the night, leaving death in its wake. The driver’s face is unsettling, marked by horrible spots, but whoever this person is, they possess formidable martial arts skills. The robberies and mu*ders are committed wherever this carriage goes, wreaking havoc and sparking outrage within the martial arts world.

Chi Yun, also known as ‘The Heavenly Cloud,’ traces this ominous carriage to an abandoned temple and crosses paths with other martial artists who are also investigating the case. Chi Yun introduces them to a mysterious young gentleman, Tang Lici, who carries a baby with him for some unknown reason.

All in all, they find Tang Lici well-mannered and refined man, a nearly flawless embodiment of all human virtues. The only odd thing about him is that he takes medicine every day for a mysterious illness the nature of which he refuses to disclose.

Associated Names
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Enduring a Thousand Tribulations
Fox Charm World
Hu Mei Tianxia
Qian Jie Mei
Shui Long Yin
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