Binding the Dragon for the Empress


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In order to save the empress, the emperor goes deep into the thousand-year-old pond without regard for safety, tricks a dragon abandoned by his clan out of the pond and back to the palace, coaxes people to pull out its scales and dig out its heart, and finally discovers… that it is the lover he has been looking for for ten thousand years.

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Caught a dragon become my wife
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21 Reviews

Jan 22, 2022
Status: Completed
This particular novel is a hit and miss for many readers. If you are here specifically for tears and scum gong regret, this is the book for you, but here are two steps to take to optimize a better reading experience if you don't want to experience the kind of rage that others are feeling:

    1. Read the first few chapters to get a feel of their background.
    2. Once you get to the abuse parts, SKIP until you're past chapter 100, or at least skim through. You will revisit bits and pieces of what the ML had put MC through in his flashbacks anyway, and it is no less agonizing.
The reason is because 100 chapters of MC abuse/torture is too much for readers to take, unless you're the type to embrace the dog blood and pain the MC goes through (not worth it). I would've rated it 5 stars if the author had shortened the story to 30-40 chapters of abuse balanced with the remaining 61 chapters of ML redemption. Nevertheless, it will be a shame if you miss this out simply because you saw the 2.7 rating.

On MC's abuse:


He goes through a lot of shit. I won't go into details because others already had. He was also abused partly because ML had demonic Gu planted in his body, but what I appreciated about this that I never did in 2HA (because I saw many comparisons to this) was that the novel never excused ML from the atrocities he committed just because of the Gu. Everything and I mean everything was his fault, and he knows.


On ML's redemption:


I will focus on ML because not much was said about him here hence why I decided to drop in my two cents: I came for scum gong regret, and I got it in droves. When Yan Yuan (ML) realized exactly who Xuan Long (MC) was, the partner who he had been searching for, and coupled with the sheer absurdity of pain XL went through because of him, absolutely destroyed him. You will see the start of his redemption arc kick in akin to 2HA'S where YY goes to collect XL's soul fragments, and YY willingly sacrificing parts of his 5 senses amongst other things just for a chance to bring XL back.

YY's anguish, remorse and desperation is shown plainly as you continue reading. By the end, YY was reduced to a near physical waste, consequences he welcomed of his own volition, and I f*cking loved every minute of it because where else can you find an ML who willingly sacrifices all his senses, embrace heaven's tribulations AND destroy his lifeforce to almost nothing just for a chance to earn XL's forgiveness and try to stand on par with him? (If you're a xianxia novel reader, you would instantly understand what YY was trying to do.)

NEVER ONCE did YY ever went 'I need him back, he is mine' bullsh*t like others, he knows he is not qualified to stand beside XL at all; he clearly states that he owes XL too much in two lifetimes. By the end, my anger at YY dissipates, and I felt he truly proved himself remorseful, and coming from me, this is not an easy thing to say.

To expound on the Love Gu part, I was afraid YY's wrongdoings would be whitewashed by this horrid cheap plot device. Have you been burned by this before in other novels? So have I. Thank goodness it was not so here. I would've dropped the novel if it had. YY knows he is fully 100% responsible for this even though he took revenge on the people that led them to this point. Perhaps this is the reason why he willingly lets himself die near the end, and even XL came out to give him some comfort before he does. You can see that XL does still care to an extent, but what REALLY matters here is that YY would never know as he is deaf and blind by then, nor did I, as a reader, felt it was necessary for him to know. At that point, I felt YY's redemption arc wraps up nicely, as it couldn't have ended any other way: XL died because of him, and so, an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth in this lifetime.


On XL himself:


XL truly suffered in one of the worst ways imaginable. So much so that I had wondered whether the author could pull off YY's redemption WITHOUT any interference from XL. Have you ever read those stories where ML grovels back and the MC swings back and forth like a ping pong, not knowing whether they should hate or love and just annoy the hell out of you?

Not here. XL came back from the dead and the first thing he did was to accept the tragedy of their mortal lifetime, formally sever the bond between them AND made it clear to YY that XL hated him and wanted nothing more than to stay away from him. Almost all the way until the end, XL never gave in and maintained his dignity as one who was wronged but chose to move on (or try to, but we never get much of his POV during this time.) A shou quickly forgiving a gong after horrific abuse is a MAJOR deal breaker for all - here, there is no such nonsense, and one of the reasons why I'm able to accept YY's redemption arc.


On its ending:


This is a HE. After all that shit, this is a HE, you say? Yes it is. Didn't ML die? Yes he did... in his second life. But the xianxia tag is there for a reason. I personally had no issues with this after reading up to the end because by then, you can tell that even though things can never go back to the way they were, things are hopeful for both of them. XL's forgiveness came at the right time. I liked how someone phrased it at another series as it describes how I felt about the ending perfectly:

For me, a good wife chasing crematorium is when the shou forgives the gong exactly at the moment when I, the reader, is ready to forgive him. A little earlier - and I feel disappointed with the shou's weakness and think the gong hasn't suffered enough. A little later - and I feel the shou is too cruel. Here the author's timing is perfect.

In this case, it would've been entirely justified if XL stayed away from YY forever. But he didn't, and I'm actually fine that YY got a second chance as I would like to see how their tale of being literal star-crossed lovers will resolve in the next few chapters.


Read the novel bearing in mind that this is a regret wife chasing series so it WILL contain certain tropes you have to be prepared for. For me, this is one of the better ones amongst the ones here. You have an ML who put actions into his words and giving up as much as he humanly could, ALL for a chance to atone for his wrongdoings. He never pushes MC to go back to him, never manipulates, and that alone is enough to put him at least a level above all the other idiot gongs who STILL don't learn anything even after hurting their MCs.
72 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Jan 11, 2022
Status: c132
I suggest to read the raws and judge afterwards because different people have different opinions. This is a very abusive novel but I think this is better than the shallow ones. Protagonists' misfortunes wre bcoz they didn't have fate in heaven yet they forced it. However, all their major demise wre the consequences of their actions. ML has a choice but he chose desire over conscience (arrogant, kinda selfish, greedy personality of ML & MC blindly loves the ML). What I like are the arrangement of novel from suffering to... more>> relief & chara portrayal. But the too long chapters of MC's suffering brought the novel down. The ML doesn't suffer much for me (+1month of ML's suffering to get the pcs of soul vs +1yr of MC's torture while pregnant for ~8-9 months. I didn't compare the 5yrs of ML internal monologue suffering due to guilt after MC's death, bcoz this is just a self pitying and feeling of remorse. Imagine the MC suffered for several thousand yrs since birth in 2nd life due to the cause & effect of the 1st life while ML is living normally). The pov is both on shou and gong, but will use MC for shou in my review (rant).

I didn't know that the abusive chapters wre really too long. I thought the abuse is just 50ch but NO, it is 100+. The shou is mentally physically tortured (raped and battered and shou removes his scales, 30 or 100 in a row. Imagine ur nails are being peeled, what's more 30 or 100. The MC said to ML it didn't hurt so the ML wouldn't feel bad. The ML didn't notice that lie bcoz he didn't care to even observe carefully the MC. His focus was how to trick the dragon to save d empress). Again, The gong tortured the shou physically (forced in bed while pregnant while physically weak, whipped, broke his bones, left tied in cold prison in the entire winter, stabbed in flesh etc) but HEALED him later on, and TORTURE the shou AGAIN. ML deceived MC to get his scales at first but the latter abuse is due to influence of devil bcoz of the ML wants to get the MC's cultivation to save the empress. In the past and present, it is the ML who is the cause the MC's destruction 😅 how I wish it is the ML#2 and MC get together instead. I want the ML to suffer for eternity. I also dislike the gong's parent (male mother). The ML tried to make up his wrong doing by gathering the soul fragments of MC (but bear in mind that due ML's torture that the MC died w/o even a whole soul)

I thought that the ML (emperor) just wanted to trick and get the scales from the dragon so I don't mind reading it because the circumstance calls for it. BUT instead of only doing that he kept the dragon to f*ck without even loosening the back part so everytime they do it. The MC bleeds 😅 Really a great scum. And since the empress can't be cured immediately, the dragon scales were ripped several times. But the empress is not yet cured so he needs the dragon's cultivation (or the heart). But the MC doesn't want to give it because he is pregnant so the ML used the opportunity to let the MC go to battle with demons (monsters). What a really cruel and incompetent emperor!! Only the incompetent emperor knows how to take advantage of others because he isn't wise and strong enough to carry the burden. Take note that These were happened without the influence of the demon yet.

They met when the MC (dragon) saved the emperor. But the ML' repayed the MC's kindness with trickery. I fully understand it but I wished that the ML just killed the MC without making him underwent to physical and emotional torture. The ML's conscience is very rotten. I honestly feel bad for MC. No one loved him. He was beaten, his dragon horn was broken by his mother and just left him due to his disfigurement and when he encountered the emperor and heard his love (lies of emperor), he is moved (also due the soul). But eventually, entered a hellish torture of ML bcoz of a demon

Now I know why the rating is low 😅 eventho it is only ~30ch more before the end (excluding some on going fanwei. Last update c162 Dec30, 2021) but it is already predictable - another angst as the MC and ML go against heaven, so will probably drop. I even looked forward on chasing crematorium part I thought I could eat some dog food but more than half of the novel is just suffering and angst 😅 <<less
39 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Jan 15, 2022
Status: c167
All the characters frustrate me so much. This made me bawl my eyes out and I feel sorry for the MC but he just angers me so much. He lets everybody walk all over him. The one I hate the most is the child.... more>>

He stops talking to the MC and leaves him alone for 100, 000 years because he thinks the MC killed the ML. I get that he might be angry but he doesn't even try to find out the truth. The child shows so much blatant favouritism towards the ML and it makes me wonder whether he would be so angry if the MC died instead. He doesn't even know how badly the ML trated the MC; he wanted the child aborted and thought it might not even be his. Afterwards, he visits the MC in the mortal world and the MC forgives him straight away.


I dropped the story at that point. I wish the MC got together with the other general instead. The only character I liked was the fox. <<less
21 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Jun 22, 2022
Status: Completed
I've decided to do a different style of review for this novel because people feel so strongly about it and it's a bit of a wild ride. So here are my thoughts as I'm reading:

Chapter 35 - I don't even like the MC. What a milk toast wonder bread little blah.

Chapter 50 - Is the MC a compulsive liar? Is he supposed to be the bad guy? Because his only personality trait being a liar. I can't even blame the ML for a single thing he's done so far because... more>> the MC is lying to him.

The other reviews promised 100 chapters of abuse and dog blood but it's just been the MC lying about everything while the ML literally doesn't know he's done anything wrong. "He should know!" says the reviewers. Nah, the MC isn't even human so how could he know?


Chapter 65 - Ooooohhhh, I get it now. The man's crazy.

Chapter 100 - What's a pipa bone? Sometimes MTL is difficult. This novel has turned into torture p*rn and body horror. It's so extreme it's hard to take it seriously. Even with everything, I don't hate the ML, I feel sorry for him because he's been played so hard.

Chapter 110 - Ugh, I don't want to learn a bunch of new character's names and backstories plus a whole new culture. We're more than halfway through the novel!

Chapter 124 - And now I hate the ML.

Chapter 133 - Aaannnnddd now I hate the empress/villain. I really loved the way the author made the villain so sympathetic, even though they've done terrible things they aren't some unrealistic white lotus acting out of jealousy and hate. They seemed like a deeply damaged person with a tragic past who were worthy of love, but made some unforgivable mistakes. Until chapter 133.

There's nothing less forgivable than abusing children. It doesn't matter where the children come from or how they are made, children are blameless. What an absolutely unredeemable scumbag. (Also reinforced in 137, 138, & 139)


Chapter 147 - I'm so disappointed in the ML. For once I'd like to see these s*upid wife chasers actually do something, anything, for their man instead of torturing themselves. They are always obsessed with their own feelings, with how sad they are, with how much they want their wife back, ect. It's always me me me and never actually about what the wife needs. Plus that nonsense doesn't actually make up for what they did. Maybe they should show they are different by

not getting engaged to the villain again

and taking care of the MC instead of continuing to act like abusers by engaging in self destructive behavior to get sympathy attention.

Chapter 152 -

The ML suffering due to his own actions isn't endearing. This doesn't prove his feelings are unwavering or help the MC heal, it's just childish attention seeking behavior. And isn't the MC married to the brother now? What's even happening? Did the MTL just get me confused?


Chapter 156 -

Least impactful death ever. The ML did nothing to show he has changed, except getting engaged to the same villain again ofc, and killed himself for sympathy attention, now the MC blames themselves. Weak. The author really wasted a chance to show the ML actually stepping up and demonstrating value.


Chapter 164 - The ending.

Happily ever after.

The ending feels super rushed and the author admitted they were struggling with it. There were a lot of things left unaddressed in the story and ending, like the MC's marriage to the ML's brother and the villain's kid. But it's better than a lot novels.

Final thoughts:

At the end of the story the ML has nothing to offer but is accepted anyway. Every single thing the ML does hurts the MC, every single thing. I'm disappointed.

I like this genre of novel because I enjoy seeing these shitty men prove they have learned from their mistakes and get better. This novel didn't have that. The MC remained boring and the ML remained an oblivious idiot. <<less
19 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Jan 07, 2022
Status: Completed
I cried my eyes out and finished this novel in one go. There's a reason why I rated it highly: you see the start of a love and see it crumble so beautifully. Which shouldn't come as a surprise when reading the summary. But it came in such a strangely cathartic way. I can't bring myself to hate any of the characters, only to curse their circumstances.

... more>>

well, except for when the ML abuses the MC. Its very reprehensible and the ML eventually realizes it. But, the way he repays for his sins is satisfying. It's also worth noting that the MC is shown hating the ML, unlike where some novels that have their characters "lovingly linger" as I like to say


The ending

is a HE. There's not many loose ends, the MC and ML reunite after many and I mean MANY years. Like 100, 000. This came, of course, after the ML fully repented and done everything in his power to right his wrongs.


But a warning to anyone wanting to read and its somewhat strange that it's not in the tags: there is non consensual sex/dub con. <<less
14 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Little sapling
Little sapli
Jan 06, 2022
Status: Completed
This is exactly my cup of tea (・▽・) ❤. I don't really understand how some readers rated it so low since the first chapter isn't even up yet. The tags could use the Tragedy and Unrequited Love tag, and maybe also the First-time Interc**rse tag? since it can really help to decide if the story you want to read will be suited to your taste other than that I am really looking forward to this story so please don't be deterred by the reviews d (^^;) b.

Edit: although I really... more>> like this kind of novel but my goodness... after chapter 50 it got so boring and all the vibes I was getting was oh noooo look at how our ML hurts out MC so much so he can regret more later. At least in 2h there was still some fluff sprinkled throughout till the ML realizes what he did wrong, but nope! not in this novel where there is just hurt till chapter 100. Reading how much the MC was suffering each chapter kind of desensitized me to his pain since it's happening each chapter and so common that you can just skim through most of it without affecting the storyline. All in all, I am dropping this novel after reading till chapter 120 since I can't sympathize with the characters since it's all just hurt hurt hurt and more hurt that after reading all of that hurt I can't even imagine them actually being in love even if they did get their happily ever after ((´д`)). <<less
13 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Apr 08, 2023
Status: c156
The story is more of a 4 but the 5 is to balance out the ratings because while I understand the (and also) dislike for the ML, the story isn't actually badly written or has a bad plot. In fact the writing is honestly very good, just has a lot of angst and a truly powerful beginning that makes your rage at the ML sky rocket. Yan Yuan, for the first half of the story, is truly utterly scum and the things he does to Xuan Long during the first... more>> half is so utterly cruel and disgusting that I would leap for the chance to spit on him. I genuinely rejoiced once I finally hit the chapter where Xuan Long dies and we get to the remorse/wife-chasing crematorium part because at least Xuan Long was finally free from Yan Yuan's grasp. This story is a good example of how a story can still be good while hating the protagonist or even the love interest. But the reason why I say this story is genuinely good despite that piece of sh*t Yan Yuan is actually... because of Yan Yuan himself during the second half. Ironic, right? During the first few chapters after Xuan Long's death I was relishing YY's grief like it was premium fine wine poured from the hands of Dionysus himself.

"From the beginning to the end, you only think of yourself. When you didn't love him, you used every possible means to humiliate him, but when you did love him, you didn't hesitate to destroy yourself in exchange for his heart."

It was delicious, who told YY to treat XL like pure shit? Who told him to trample on XL at every opportunity when necessary and even when it wasn't? Even during YY's gauntlet of pain and remorse to get back XL my feelings of glee never faded, but I slowly found myself not hating him as much as the story went on because of how interesting his flawed characterization was. He's utterly selfish: from treating XL as garbage to his journey to revive XL and then his subsequent self-destruction in the name of love, it is all stuff that he wants to do and not what XL wants him to do. At the same time however, that selfishness was what also made the story so good because it genuinely realistic. For example, YY never tells their son the amount of abuse he had heaped upon XL out of fear his son would hate him. Is it incredibly selfish? Yes. Is it realistic? Also yes. Sometimes the things that we should do, are not the things we want to do, and sometimes we avoid them when we shouldn't but we do it anyways. Was YY's spiral of self destruction anything that XL actually asked for? No. But just like in real life, just because the motive was selfish doesn't mean the results are negative. If I forced you to drive us to a restaurant and pay for the food because I wanted to eat there thats undoubtedly selfish, but that doesn't mean that the food couldn't also be delicious and you had a wonderful time chatting with me. Selfish motive, but still a positive result. After seeing all that YY does in repentance, as much as I (still) dislike him, I genuinely think he at least made up for the torture he put XL through.

"You always go back on your word, both before and now. You said you would stay away from me and never appear in front of me again. Yan Yuan, have you ever done any of the things you promised me?"

But for all that I liked about this story or how interesting YY's character is, I genuinely wished YY and XL didn't end up together. It felt like the author had promised it to be a happy ending and was forced to write it but really struggled in making it happen. Their romance had left me tired and cranky: Yan Yuan had repeatedly promised that he would stay away, marry his original fated partner, (pretend to) forget his love for XL and let him go. And he never! Keeps! This! Even! Once! On the other hand, I've had very little to say about Xuan Long, but my god this man is a masochist of the highest degree. After all that abuse, he's still soft hearted towards YY, he still love YY, and he even forgive YY for almost everything that happened in the mortal realm in like one chapter. While this is realistic (you can't expect a love-starved abused kid to have healthy romantic relationships naturally and therapy-less) it's so incredibly tiring. By the time I got to the end of YY's repentance I stopped reading and started skimming real fast (as in I just read the last paragraph of each chapter until the real ending) so I could just pretend they never got back together and just went their separate ways.

Overall, was it good? Yes. Was it also tiring? YES. This is a dramatic romance of the highest degree, this is like one of those incredibly long and dramatic "will they/wont they" shoujo mangas except more mature and with a Danmei twist, a telenovela but make it Chinese immortals. I don't fault people for rating it low, the first 100 chapters are a rage inducing gauntlet that you genuinely need to slog through. YY's parade of misery and remorse is genuinely cathartic, but the actual process of XL forgiving YY is so short that even if the author wanted it to happen, they could have at least made it a bit longer. If you stick with it, there is payout but do be warned the payout might take a long time to get to. <<less
11 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Mar 27, 2022
Status: Completed
DameSkyler totally summarised what I truly felt for this book.
I'm quite upset that the rating was at 2.9 just because of the tags. The abuse and all didn't happen without proper reasons and the whole redemption was handled very well. The plot is very similar to cdrama Eternal Love and also 2ha.

The first 100 chapters were insanely painful for the MC and for me as a reader. So many times I just prayed for a BE and for MC to find peace and love for himself. The ML at first was just scummy, deceiving the MC but still had a heart. However after some events, he became so horrible that I doubt how the author could still do a HE after all these.

The author proved me wrong with ML's redemption arc. He didn't give any excuse for being the scum that he is and went through a lot to get back his wife. By a lot, it is A WHOLE BIG LOT. So much that I forgave all his wrongdoings and hoped for a HE then. I was worried the plot on

demon voodoo being implanted in him was too much like 2ha's flower plot - which ended up not being convincing enough for the scum's wrongdoings, but I'm glad things like usual xianxia plots heaven's tribulations and all came into play. It makes much more sense for such a novel.


Was glad I picked up this novel even though my eyes got so swollen from crying. The ending and extra was very well wrapped up as all important characters were accounted for. Except that two of the extras were still hanging there as the author hasn't written it yet.
8 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Dec 25, 2022
Status: c162
The first hundred chapters are such a fierce drama that anyone will start hate gong. Although I must admit, the level of drama does not fall further, only the author was more attracted with describing Xuanlong's sufferings in detail, and Yang Yuan's sufferings were practically shown in general, but without deepening, which is funny, because compared to the latter's sufferings in the name of the redemption, everything experienced by Xuanlong just faded. At least in my eyes.

And yes, for me, gong did not just completely redeem himself, he did even... more>> more than he was supposed to and more than was even possible in human or, if you want, in divine powers. His sacrifices are so huge and excessive that it is beyond common sense. He simply, without a doubt, embarked on the path of complete self-destruction.

And when it all came to this, to be honest, my opinion changed in many ways. It's no longer about Yang Yuan's redemption or Xuanlong's forgiveness. According to the plot and what was revealed in the process, I generally rethought everything. Both the beginning of this story, and the end of the whole drama, and the whole meaning of the story as a whole.

After the first hundred chapters, I, like other readers, was thinking, that Yang Yuan is guilty, and he does not deserve forgiveness. And this meant not only Xuanlong's forgiveness, but in principle. Now, knowing all the facts and cause-and-effect relationships and what Yang Yuan have done, I look at it all differently.


In fact, the whole story told in the first hundred chapters is the earthly incarnation of entities whose life is counted in hundreds of thousands of years. This life was akin to a moment, and the difficulties experienced by Xuanlong were like a dream... Honestly, that's exactly the aftertaste that remains.

And the main personality of gong should not have made such sacrifices for the sake of just a modest earthly life, which flew by like a flash and mattered no more. Moreover, no matter how readers might accuse him and consider him completely guilty of the sins of earthly life, but in reality this is absolutely not true. Gong was under double manipulation. He was influenced not only by the demonic gu, which embittered him to the limit, turning him into a hysterical monster easily losing control over himself, but worst of all he was guided by the heavenly dao itself, which is the basis and the main driving force of the universe itself. Excuse me, but how to resist this?

It was because of the heavenly dao that everything got so messed up. It was the heavenly dao that was responsible for Yang Yuan recognizing the wrong person. But most importantly, the heavenly dao did it all to punish Xuanlong, not Yang Yuan. It was Xuanlong's test and only his. And this was his punishment for going against the heavenly dao. And by the way, Xuanlong himself knew that this punishment would fall on him one day and was ready for it. And the fact that the heavenly dao punished him with the hands of Yang Yuan, well, all claims to the heavenly dao itself... The first hundred chapters Yang Yuan is, in fact, a puppet of the heavenly dao + demonic gu, which made everything worse.

As I have already said, this was a test in earthly life, arranged by the heavenly dao, and no one is responsible for all this... The dots are placed on this.


However, I personally was very impressed by the fact that despite the double influence from the outside, which led Gong through his earthly life, even knowing about it afterwards, he never justified himself and did not try to absolve himself of at least part of the responsibility, fully assuming all the blame. And it was this that finally turned me towards gong and touched my heart.

It should also be mentioned that some reviews may mislead, as if Xuanlong fell out of love with Yang Yuan, and then suddenly, after his redemption, somehow fell in love again. However, if you carefully read this part of the story, you will realize that this is absolutely not the case...


The MC never stopped loving Yang Yuan. It's just that after the end of his earthly life, he was confused because of what he had experienced. Everything started to spin so fast that he didn't even have time to fully recover. In addition, at the beginning, he mistakenly realized that Yang Yuan had revived love for his real heaven-destined mate, and in this situation he would be superfluous. And then, when he found out the whole truth, he didn't even have a chance to think about resuming some kind of relationship, because it could kill Gong, which Xuanlong was immediately clearly explained about. In addition, to prevent the wrath of the heavenly dao, Yang Yuan would have to marry the divine version of his earthly empress... Who wouldn't be upset by all this?

However, even so, Xuanlong did not completely abandon gong and even saved him when he almost died, he also participated with him in the war with demons, thereby providing support. One thing is for sure, in the way Xuanlong tried to stay away from Gong after what he learned, again, care and concern for his life are mainly visible, and not resentment or hatred at all. Not to mention that Yang Yuan himself never tried to bring Xuanlong back, he only did what he redeemed his so-called sins without unnecessary words or complaints.

And when the obstacle "receded" for a while due to Yang Yuan's efforts, Xuanlong is already driven by the fear of losing Yang Yuan forever, because he knows that being with him can harm gong even more, especially after the s*upidity that he committed in a fit of despair. Even his soul can suffer, knowing this, Xuanlong tries to save him with his coldness and rejection. He now knows what it is fraught with to go against the heavenly dao and does not want it to deal with the gong completely. So even here he is driven only by love and care.

A love line full of obstacles that heaven's providence itself arranges is interesting.


The only thing is that all attention is focused on the main couple. It would seem that the promised development of secondary heroes always leads to little.

Here I was interested in the prince of demons and it would be nice to make a second love line, and even if all the signs promised it, but in reality it all led to nothing. And it's a pity...


Especially very touched by the fate of the poor little demon. His father was killed, his mother abandoned him. So sorry for the baby, but the attention to him was so unexpectedly and out of place cut off. It's not even clear what happened to him in the end... I would like a happy ending for him and his father. For his family as a whole. In principle, I am very sorry that this plot line was not developed as it should be. Such a throwing out of a whole promising story was unpleasantly struck.

And the little dragon was removed from the plot somehow deliberately, giving Xuanlong a chance to indulge in his grief for a hundred thousand years. All abandoned and lonely, alone with his pain, which, apparently, was the author's calculation, so that Xuanlong's life would not continue, but would freeze in anticipation of his beloved. The move for a work of this kind is logical, but here is the implementation... After all, for this child was simply removed from the frame. This is somehow too far-fetched. Why the child was offended and reacted so sharply is very understandable, but why Xuanlong silently confirmed everything, and then no one began to explain anything, not really anymore...


Otherwise, there are no holes left in the plot and everything is explained, at least where we are talking about the main couple. You believe in the love of the main couple and you understand that the ending could not have been different: the MC loved ML from beginning to end, no matter what and against everything, taking care of him by any means available, and gong is ready to give everything for the MC without a trace in the literal sense of the word and sacrifice himself to an amazingly insane degree. Emotions are completely fine, I would even say everything is too overloaded with emotions. The tears did not dry up from the eyes throughout the novel. The idea and the plot are not bad, but it's all executed not too skillfully. Although everything is at a decent enough level. <<less
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Jun 29, 2023
Status: prologue
This is such a waste of time novel, I wouldn't advise anyone to read it.

The kind of abuse the ML inflicts on the MC in the name of love, is simply unbelievable! The MC is so frustrating 😤 so meek letting everyone walk over him and when he's hurt and abused over and over again he just forgives the ML.

The worst thing is and what I hate about this book is the ML barely pays for what he did, I find him so disgusting and inhumane, how can someone of... more>> this character be a ML. This is almost like glorifying abuse in the name of love and obsession.

And then there's the other characters who have barely any personality and are just there to fill in the blanks. And the concept/ plotline of this book is so ridiculous!

[just because they were not meant to be, the MC ended up suffereing and sacrificing his life for the ML. Why does he have to suffer because of the ML's karma!? That is so unfair and it doesnt make any sense at all.

And also the MC's abuse from his family it doesnt make any sense why his mum hates him just like that to the point of wanting to kill him!]

If your going to make the MC pitiful atleast come up with a reasonable backstory.

Another thing I hate about this book is how the MC continues to pine after the ML after being hurt so badly. [The guy cheated on him, used him, r*ped him on countless occasions, took his scales to treat his wife/lover, took his LOVE TOKEN! And gave it to his lover (the empress) while the MC was watching, abused him emotionally on so many occasions and after all that they still unite because of "love" oh please as if anyone would believe that]

I find it hard to believe someone who has been treated like this by the person he loved the most would still willingly go back to him and forgive him while knowing very well that he's still using him. Anyone would feel resentful and some hatred not forgetting that the more you loved someone the more you would be hurt, and all trust would be lost and love can easily turn to hate.

[And also as a mother/ someone carrying a child obviously you would feel hurt and protective if someone tried to harm your child but the MC barely cares. And this statement of ' I cant live without him' so I have to go after him despite knowing the consequences and the karma his 'lover' would have to pay for coz of his actions, how is that love, this is an insult to the word love]

I have never been so angry with a book and its characters, let me end my angry rant here!

To the author please don't take this personally☮️I'm sorry I really don't like this book. <<less
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Jul 26, 2022
Status: c164
Mtl'd it. Honestly got tired reading through the 100+ch of abuse. Somehow teared up only at the last scene between Mozun and ZY plus the following scene with A Lie.

Can somebody please explain to me what created the rift between AZ and AL? It was not clear to me at all. Their plot line felt so interesting to me but it doesn't seem to be fleshed out T__T
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Jun 26, 2022
Status: c162
Meh - not too bad, but not what I'd call really good. The plot becomes illogical towards the end, and the HE seems to be plastered instead of being developed step by step. Didn't make sense to me.

The 100 chapters of abusing the MC is the best part, dogblood but the heartbreak is good, the shou isn't s*upid (he does try to get away instead of just suffering because he's so in love like some shous do in these types of novels). My problem was that the emperor's scumminess seemed... more>> exaggerated - if the author had spent more time developing his character, it would maybe had made more sense why he was a nice guy in his original life and a total scumbag in his second life - abusing and lying to the shou from day 1 to a degree that can't just be excused with the fact that he wanted to save the empress or that he subconsciously has lingering attraction for the shou because they were lovers in a previous life.

I thought the chasing part in the second half was the weakest part - the author skipped moments that could have been interesting like big battle scenes and the gong's dangerous quest, and side characters when in and out without getting enough 'screen time'. The shou's change of heart was illogical - one moment he hates the gong (for obvious reasons), the next he loves him and forgives him because.... the gong suffers a lot?

The side characters were the most interesting ones - like Hu Le (best character in the story!), and the dogblood love-hate relationship between


Mo Zun and Zhiyu - seriously, I was actually a bit sad when Mo Zun sacrificed himself for his dumb, one-sided love and Zhiyu realized how much the other person loved him. It would have been great with a reincarnation plot where MZ came back and Zhiyu decided to take a second chance and go back to him, realizing that MZ was the only one who ever loved him wholeheartedly, and that he was better off with the demon lord than the emperor who never would or could love him.

But no, all Zhiyu's character development from MZ's death scene, to humiliating himself for his child (poor kid, losing both parents in one day!) that he only at the last minute learned to care for, to committing su*cide to reunite with MZ - all that went out the window the next moment when Zhiyu just returned to be an immortal and chose to wipe his own memory because he was too much of a coward to face his past. An excuse me, not to diminish his suffering (being held imprisoned and force to have s*x with a demon who ruined the life of your love and your own previous life is horrible), but Xuanlong still had it way worse than him, and he was still able to come to terms with all the bad stuff that happened to him. And Zhiyu just disappeared from the story after attacking his own child (seriously, worst parent ever!)


I wanted Ah Lie to have a happy end - maybe a sequel where he gets together with


Ah Zhi? They were very cute together as children. But sadly Ah Zhi did a 180 and blamed Xuanlong for his dad's death, and no one in heaven thought to correct him and make sure he didn't lose both his parents at the same time? WTF is wrong with these people?!


And the half-brother who was also originally an immortal with a crush on Xuanlong - he just walked in and out of the story whenever the author thought it was convenient. He was never developed as a character, which was a waste.

Also it made zero sense that one minute he and Xuanlong


got together - despite the fact that the whole problem with Xuanlong and Yuan Yan's romance was that Xuanlong was destined to be alone and couldn't safely be with anyone - so why could he get together with the other guy? And why were they together one minute, and the next Xuanlong was still single?


Also I was one of the people who didn't find the chase compelling - while I was fine with Yuan Yan suffering as much as he made Xuanlong suffer, I never felt any connection to him, and his self-pity was not endearing nor as entertaining as when he was a scum (his early scum behavior did make me go 'wow you are such an a**hole!' many, many times). So I would have preferred a 'changing the gong' plot where Xuanlong realized that the love that he had shared with Yuan Yan had been destroyed beyond repair, that their entanglement in their second life showed that YY was inherently selfish and uncapable of selfless love, and that they were better off without each other. XL could have gotten together either with a reincarnated Hu Le or with the other immortal guy who truly loved him, moving on with his life.

Overall, it was a relatively entertaining read, but towards the end I kept feeling like the author made me lose braincells due to messy plot. It's a very dogblood emotional read, and the novel is definitely way better than it's current rating, but if you want a coherent, logical plot and characters who are psychologically realistic and side characters that aren't just thrown away for the sake of focusing on the CP, then this is probably not for you.

If you want a very emotional abuse story with xianxia setting and lots of dogblood drama and a HE, which may give you a good cry (I admit I got emotional at some parts, which is impressive since I'm not easily moved by a story), then it's worth trying. <<less
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Jan 15, 2024
Status: Completed
If it weren't for that damned book then this story wouldn't happen. That's all.

Basically the story's pemise is that:

What if you both aren't destined to be together yet you both persevered and fought against fate and so you are both punished for it and still go against it again and again which made the heavens so mad and increased you and your love's suffering.

... more>> If you're planning on reading this story you must first check the criteria if you can take it.

First you must be used in reading dog blood or wife-chasing novels. Have read either 188 series or meatbun's novels and have gone through the end without throwing in awful reviews. Has a very tough heart and isn't easy to get mad. If you are one of the above then go on but if you aren't then just don't. Mind you this isn't your typical story it's full of thorns and basically just full of pain even the ml's redemption is just pure pain. The reason isn't just simply because the ML is blind.. Well he was but it wasn't on his own accord, if he had a choice and not because of fate intervening his decisions even his own conciousness then they wouldn't be in pain.


Just imagine the red string of fate theory where people are predistined to be with someone before birth yet somehow you fell in love with another person and the heavens are against it so they made you blind and made your love suffer, the one you fell in love with, with your own hands.

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Jun 02, 2023
Status: Completed
I took DameSkyler's advice and read the Prologue Arc then skipped to Arc 9 onwards to avoid the heart-wrenching angst and frustration and LET ME TELL YOU, I STILL CRIED A LOT.

I cried for an hour or so straight even without knowing the full context. It's still very easy to understand even after skipping so much chapters.

I recommend reading once, the angst is very good. The wife chasing and character development is superb!!!

Personally it's a 4-star for me because technically, I didn't read the whole novel. And to balance out... more>> the ratings!!!

The plot and writing's really good! Give the novel a chance :D <<less
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May 10, 2023
Status: Completed
Loved it 10/10. At first I hated the Emperor, but now I'm like a huge fan. Only thing I'm sad about though is Mo Zhu, he deserved happiness too. That and the story for the children a'Zhi and a'Lie what happened there?
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Mar 27, 2023
Status: c54
Seriously first time ever an ML made me gag, I'm speaking seriously. At this point the kiss between MC and ML, and the way the ML wants to have his way with MC doesn't give me any butterflies or romantic feelings, it only makes me gag and feel very disgusted, such a disgusting human being worse than a beast I can only say his kisses and affection are worthless, unwanted and disgusting. When I reached this point I knew it was hopeless, no matter what comes after this point I... more>> don't claim this couple, I don't want an ever after or to be continued with them, I just want ML to disappear from MC's life. I actually ship the MC with the fox demon that appeared in the story unfortunately it seems that he gets forgotten along the story progression, I really appreciate this side character and feel bad that MC doesn't turn to him, I was hoping for a reversal where he gives up ML and starts healing thanks to this foxie, but the way it's going made me disappointed and give up this wishful thinking. I've already reached the point where ML makes me disgusted and I don't plan to continue reading this story, i've read plenty of abuse and angst novels, what I mind here is not the abuse the ML puts MC through but his dogsh*t personality that keeps on stepping on two boats rightously and lets down both the MC and his "supposed" sweetheart and the way he does it, admits to it, and KEEPS on doing it while ACTING CONFLICTED bcs he can't choose only one of them, poor ML, the struggle is real. All the while both his "sweethearts" keep emotionally (+physically for the MC) suffering for his two-timing ass. <<less
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jessie dane
jessie dane
Mar 18, 2024
Status: Completed
Supposed to give this 4 stars but can’t change tho

Anyway, I just want to thank the translator for translating heart-wrenching story that I probably would never dare to read. I felt like the translation are smooth and well written and there ia barely any mistakes so thank again, translator-sama.

First of all, PAIN PAIN PAIN! THIS IS ALL YOU’LL FEEL READING THIS STORY. I personally like dog-blood so of course I like this. However, the whole 165 chapters got me crying for two days straight and can’t even sleep because I... more>> can’t put my phone down. It was tormenting to see both MC & ML taking turn begging for love. Everytime I opened the chapters I just can’t stop crying at all. It’s so depressing.

the author are really good at their word, making you feel your actually in pain. This whole plot is about the fate of two people who going back and forth between reincarnation in order to be together. Even if they’re against the heaven, they just can’t stop being attracted to each other and just like that the punishment and the separation making both of them felt like it was an unrequited love. Basically, they can do NOTHING to change their fates. Nevertheless this story get an HE so pls give it a chance and you’ll cry even when all the trouble got resolved because you’ll feel like you’ve been through all of those characters’ journey. It’s like you’ve been lifted from an unknown darkness and finally see light.

i can’t even describe how joyful and relieved I was when they both got wat they want at the end. It’s so satisfying and emotional <<less
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Oct 20, 2023
Status: Completed
Listen, this book is very tempting to drop, but please give it a chance first.

At first it seems so shoddy. But oh dear... There's a lot that comes with time.

So like the title and description say, it's at first about the ML deceiving the MC out of his scales, heart and etc to treat the then ML's empress. Only to later realize that the MC is actually his love, and not the empress. There's a lot more, I'm not ready to unleash spoilers.

I like the plot. It's alot and it... more>> makes sense, atleast fiction wise. And the development... It's great.

It's an emotional rollercoaster that's one thing for sure. When it's good it's great, and when it's bad, it's terrible. However that's the book, not your actual life, so just go along with it.

So yeah, to me this is one of the few books that deserve 5 stars. <<less
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Aug 10, 2022
Status: Completed
This is a hundred percent dog blood and a pure red flag (with the fact that he is bewitched and also with the fact that he deceived the MC) Gong ML. Over all it’s good, hahaha this is why I don’t want to read a dog-blood novels and I know by the description of the novel that this is a dog-blood but curiousity got me so I’ve read it. This made me cry wuwu. Well I've already finished the MTL but it is low-quality so I'll wait for the high-quality... more>> translation to read it again. <<less
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Feb 22, 2024
Status: Completed
3.5 rating

Controversial but interesting

Read it for the fiction it is and the intensity of emotions it makes you feel. Interesting premise. The plot is elaborate and really long. But remember, the genre is more in the realm of fantasy and it will take just a very different turn altogether. I mean the entire context of the novel will change, which for me kind of defeated the purpose of the entire crematorium aspect of the novel.

... more>>

I mean they are both gods. They both were absolving for their crimes on the mortal realm without any memories. So who do you blame


About the Children, I skim read the novel on the original website. There is a huge misunderstanding that happens there. A'Lie kills A'Zhi teacher. The teacher A'Zhi was in love with and was going to marry. A'Lie kills him on the day of the marriage and A'Lie takes his spot and marries A'Zhi instead. Consequently, A'Zhi's affection for A'Lie turns into hate. But of course the truth is not as simple as it appears. <<less
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