Biao Xiaojie (Miss Cousin)


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In order to arrange a respectable marriage for her, Wang Xi’s mother sent her to the golden-plated mansion of the Duke of Yongcheng in the capital city. However, Wang Xi, who came from a wealthy family in Shu, found nothing appealing in the capital and only wished to return home as soon as possible.

One day, she accidentally discovered that she could use a telescope on the artificial mountain in her backyard to see the residence of the neighboring Eldest Princess… Her eyes lit up instantly—Eldest Princess’s son, Chen Luo, was truly handsome!

The cousins in the Duke of Yongcheng’s mansion were really interesting! The capital city was so much fun!

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1 Review

Nov 12, 2023
Status: Completed
I MTL-ed this series to completion! It was quite interesting, I liked their relationship, they really had a partnership!

I just think it is a pity that there aren't any epilogue-ish side stories hahaha!
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