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Nam Seon-woo, a former skier. For many years, he had been nursing a one-sided love for his childhood friend. Then, one day, he meets an extraordinarily beautiful man. Thinking it was just a fleeting encounter, he tries to move on. But the man, Eun Hyeon-chae, turns out to be a junior at his school, constantly crossing his path,and even joins Seon-woo’s ski club, ‘Schuphur’.

“Explain yourself. You said you didn’t know me, but now you want to be my junior. You should respect my privacy.”

“You always look at me like that, sunbae.”

“…How exactly do I look at you?”

“Like you find me so irresistibly beautiful, it’s killing you.”

And slowly, Seon-woo’s heart begins to waver too…


“Sunbae. Were you crying?”



“Just go.”

Though Seon-woo told him to leave, Hyeon-chae slipped into the closing elevator at the last second.

“Sunbae, if there’s anything I can do to help, I want to—”

“Leaving quietly would help.”

Seon-woo turned his back to him. But before he could take a single step, Hyeon-chae reached out, grabbing his arm.

“Sunbae. I like you.”

Seon-woo stared at the hand holding his arm, then slowly turned back to meet Hyeon-chae’s gaze.

Their eyes met, the same ones that had been watching him from afar for months. In that moment, Seon-woo pulled him closer and kissed him.

It’s a story about a younger seme, blinded by love, crossing lines, breaking boundaries, and going beyond limits, and the older uke who finds his persistence irresistibly endearing.

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