After Transmigrating Into A Wastrel, The Little Wife Started Slapping Faces


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Cheng Yin crossed to the world of magic.

Everyone thought that Cheng Yin was a useless wastrel, after all, at fifteen years old, he had yet to feel elements or Dou Qi.

Later, everyone’s face was slapped, Cheng Yin actually became a magician, and he also became a rare summoner!

Everything changed when it came to him:

The others worked hard to cultivate, and he worked hard to find people or races with good talent to replicate.

Top Cheng Yin – Bottom Wei Xi

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2 Reviews sorted by

Yuiheron rated it
October 23, 2023
Status: c208
Everyone is braindead at this novel except for MC and his companions, in fact I already noticed a pattern for this novel : people mock MC > face slap > repeat

There's this one instance of this scenario in the novel

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He was assigned to this class but due to his spirit beast being seen as lowly and weak, they started mocking and provoking him.

So the MC proceed to beat them all and the strange thing is, after that people still tr*sh talk about his spirit even though he already beaten an entire class with alot of witnesses.

Did they get amnesia or something?


The MC also proceeds on his way to offends as much people as possible which is just... defeats the purpose of him wanting to stay lowkey.. just contradictory. <<less
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qeesa rated it
October 31, 2023
Status: c47
No one has brains in this novel, they keep the most annoying character for so long even I get sick, MC didn't do anything to this character at all and ML is even more annoying. Face slapping took so long it didn't feel satisfying when it's finally happened and even then the face-slaps didn't really feel impactful. Dropped, not worth the money.
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