After My Sister Enrolling in Girl Knights’ School, I Became a Hero


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Taking Care of My Knightly Sister, and Somehow I Got Noticed by the Queen

My sister enrolled in an all-girls knight academy. She excelled at the academy, which is renowned as the best in the kingdom–

“I told them you’re way stronger than me, brother!”

Uh, I’m just an ordinary guy… (Actually, that’s a lie. My brother is insanely strong. He just doesn’t realize it.)

Because of that, female knights from the academy came to see me, so I had a mock battle with one of them (the strongest knight in the academy instantly realized the vast difference in our abilities).

I also took care of them after exercise (my brother’s massages were a huge hit with the knights, and even the nobles started talking about it!)

Just by being myself, I caught the eye of the princess–wait, why?

An Unintentional Harem of Female Knights by a Self-Proclaimed Commoner Rising to the Top!

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After My Sister Enrolling in Girl Knights’ School, I Became a HERO.
Imouto ga Onna Kishi Gakuen ni Nyuugaku Shitara Naze ka Kyuukoku no Eiyuu ni narimashita. Boku ga.
When My Younger Sister Enrolled in a Female Knight Academy, She Somehow Became a National Hero. Or Rather, I Did
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2 Reviews sorted by

New XDaniel51 rated it
January 19, 2025
Status: v1
The writing is decent, the characters are better than you'd think at first and the plot progression is engaging but I cannot condone the dishonesty of not putting the "dense protagonist" tag.

This is not the type of dense that's a bit frustrating and you dismissed because of the great plot. He's dense in everything from romance to common sense and it's the worst type of dense, where he straight up rejects reality and comes up with nonsense in his head to not acknowledge it. It's a deal breaker that people... more>> should know is there. Although even without it it just takes 2 chapters to understand.

The MC has good points, he's strong, not a complete idiot and not embarrassed about the mere existence of girls like a lot of others, but the denseness is so strong it overshadowed them and actively affects the plot <<less
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Mr.slowly rated it
January 3, 2025
Status: v1c5 part1
This is a very fast paced action oriented novel. Um, action in that things/fights are always happening but its just kind of background for the MC and the heroines. This is silly and obviously meant to be over the top like Princess Night kind of thing - but I think it does a good job of it and is pretty well written for this particular genre slice. The ladies are all well-endowed and besides the platinum-level denseness of the MC the humor about all of that is pretty fun. Honestly... more>> kind of mindless and swashbuckling, but I appreciate the author and translator team for making this happen. Light and easy, read it if you are not in b*tchy editor mode - just a thought. <<less
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