After 100 Days of Signing in System, My First Operation Shocked the World


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After 100 days of signing in system, My first operation shocked the world

Day 1 signing in, rewarded with “Experience of World-Class Appendectomy”!

Day 2 signing in, rewarded with “Experience of World-Class Brain Surgery”!

Day 3 signing in, rewarded with “Experience of World-Class Heart Surgery”!

After 100 days of signing in…

A crazy family member of a patient stabbed the doctor’s heart with a knife, blood splattering three meters, his life hanging by a thread.

At this moment, intern doctor Lin Feng took move.

On the spot, Lin Feng’s hands stretched into deep of this dying doctor’s heart, applying pressure to stop the bleeding!

Then, a nationally shocking major rescue operation commenced.

I didn’t want to show off, but my skills wouldn’t allow me in low key~~

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