About the Reckless Girl Who Kept Challenging a Reborn Man Like Me


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“A prodigy at ten, a genius at fifteen, a common man past twenty.”

This is a story of the struggle of an ordinary guy like me who is a “reincarnator” and a reckless and promising girl who is a “genius”.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Tenseisha de Aru Watashi ni Idonde Kuru Mubou de Yubou na Shoujo no Hanashi
เกิดใหม่ทั้งที ต้องมีเธอเป็นคู่ปรับ
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Recommendation Lists
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129 Reviews sorted by

MyNameIsEthan rated it
December 11, 2023
Status: Completed
The writing is not much better than a any light novel (its a LN after all) but it presents character development and emotions far better than most LNs I could name. The pacing is lightning-fast but it fits a story that encapsulates the entire (second) youth and early adult life of the MC.

During the first chapter, I was confused as to why people rate it so highly, since I thought it was just any average MC reincarnate-and become a genius story. But when the themes of the reincarnation and the... more>> MC’s desire to be special for both of his lives finally got to me, I realized that the story has no business being that damn good. <<less
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BrightX rated it
July 4, 2023
Status: oneshot
I really enjoyed the read, it was what I expected from a one-shot story. Despite being short it was touching, while I didn't get affected as much as the other reviews here. It made me think about my stance on the subject of privilege in life. Be it from an ordinary guy to a genius, and of course, those who were born spoonfed.

What surprised me more was the choices and how it was presented in the story. I would recommend everyone to read it, as it is only around a... more>> 30-minute read and I personally would give it a 4.5/5 rating. <<less
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Bumblesquito rated it
April 24, 2023
Status: oneshot
This was a great read. Initially I had filtered through novels focused around age progression, and this one really caught my interest. I liked the one-shot format the novel was written in, an distributes very well the content between each of his ages throughout the chapters. At each age, an emotion builds upon itself, until that set of emotions finally unbundles itself near the end. Such feeling is more up to self-interpretation, but it both allows a warm feeling accompanied by some form of sadness within oneself.
Definitely a must-read oneshot.

|edit| I recommend you stop at the oneshot (end of v1c4 iirc). The continuation took away from my overall enjoyment.
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December 5, 2022
Status: --
This was so good. It's short, lighthearted but with a bit of seriousness at the same time. It put tears in my eyes and made me smile. I relate so well to the protagonist, and it makes so much more sense than most reborn stories. The advantage of re-birth only goes so far.
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Anastrisha rated it
November 12, 2022
Status: oneshot
As based from the rating itself- 4.9 with 1522 votes (NOV 12, 2022), this is a very good read.

I actually read the one shot a long time ago and just came back as I remembered it again. I am happy that it now has LN, hopefully it's not harem (so far no harem tag) or else I would be depressed to see another nice love story ruined because it's harem.

The story is nice, talks about the realistic setting of rebirth and how sometimes it's not just about trying to be... more>> on the top but doing what you want to do. The romance is very sweet and fluffy, I'm happy how supportive they are for each other. Really a great read. <<less
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Aeran rated it
October 17, 2022
Status: oneshot
This is a very sweet and heartwarming story of Sieg and Anja, two brilliant people. We get to learn about their daily lives in school and their competition until university.
‘A prodigy at ten, a genius at fifteen, a common man past twenty.’ sums up the story really well.
Sieg struggles with the feeling of not being special enough, he's scared of letting Anja down.

It's easily relatable, I liked how the story progressed in such a short period of time.

I'm happy that he finally found his worth at the end, it's okay to be ordinary and we could all be seen as special in some way.
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Pixio rated it
August 1, 2021
Status: oneshot
Man I love this novel. Tbh I'm not that good at words/reviewing but all I can say is that I can really relate to the MC (except having a childhood friend/wife cause I dont have that irl haha) that he wanted to be "special" but I grew up with average skills and knowledge. The same as him I was jealous. I hope someday this feeling im having right now would be gone just like him.

Anyways great novel I would 10/5. Can't wait for volume 2.

Lastly anyone knows where I can... more>> find the illustration for volume 2? <<less
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Code G
Code G rated it
April 25, 2021
Status: Completed
One of the best short story I had ever read. You don't have to read novels with 50 chapters just to be satisfied. Though it just a one shot story you will not find the story lacking in any aspect. A must read. Thank you to the translator for this wonderful story😊
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Cristianmd rated it
March 29, 2021
Status: Completed
I liked it very much and the thing with reincarnation was very real, and not like the tons of novels that have reincarnation and become some op badass, this is more of a real depiction of an average man. And the story was touching can't say I disliked it :)
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December 19, 2020
Status: Completed
A realistic take on "second chance" and the best one I've seen at that.

I've always dreamt about redoing life, but I always assumed everything will go right....


Sieg's lucky to have Anja in his life.


Ended up becoming one of most wholesome story I've ever read.
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December 16, 2020
Status: oneshot
This story was realistically done.

'Cause imagine your "ordinary" self be reincarnated and go through life all over again. Meh I can't believe that I can be a genius just because I have had things I know about the future. I will only be frustrated from all the "deaths" awaiting to those people I know. And be anxious if should I help them not die or not. Just thinking of all the troublesome and small things I need to do after I realize that I reincarnated... man it's so freaking tiring.
Quoting from the story “A prodigy at ten, a genius at fifteen, a common man past twenty.” I can pretty relate to this one but I've never trouble myself to think that I need to be anything special when I realize that I can't. Just needs to accept as it is 💪🏻
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HamletJr rated it
December 12, 2020
Status: Completed
Good reading material, it's impressive to have this much character growth in relatively short work. Definitely worth reading
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Grenz rated it
December 2, 2020
Status: oneshot
I don't really feel this is worth five stars, but it's still a very enjoyable oneshot. It's a bit on the long side for my preference. It has some other oddities like being pretty narrow in retrospect, a fairly cliche beginning and some small things. But really, I've given it four stars. Just go spend like 15 minutes reading it.
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golpo.pori rated it
November 16, 2020
Status: Completed
Anybody can relate to this story.

It's a story of an ordinary man after his reincarnation, he excelled in his studies in elementary and middle school, but there is always limitation of an ordinary man.
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October 30, 2020
Status: oneshot
This is the first novel i've shed tears to in a looooong while, and as a isekai/reincarnation fanatic I feel that authors should just stop to think about how to develop a story that isn't just uselessly flashy or special.

Just develop the characters well and you'll have my heart
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October 29, 2020
Status: Completed
I'll keep it short since I wrote a review on the website itself but basically this story was to describe it in one word "beautiful". No other word could describe it as good as that one. The way the author drives in the emotion behind what the characters do and say and the way they make it so easy to imagine the scene perfectly with the right emotions really just gets me going. I really hope anyone who sees this reads this since it's an amazing story that's pretty heartwarming... more>> and also a little philosophical. Love it. <<less
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October 28, 2020
Status: Completed
I'm sure many people can relate to this or some might get a lessons from this novel and a word that would describe this it would be master piece.

it's a story about a man that reborn with his memory and try to be special in this time but as you can see there's something that sometimes no matter how much effort you put it's doesn't matter so this novel just basically teaches you that sometimes it's fine to lay down and do something else that you like because each person... more>> had each difference role some might born to be a star some might just born to be a sky that looked plain and common that you can fine everywhere but even that everyone are special in their own way so just read it you won't regret <<less
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walkingfolk rated it
September 10, 2020
Status: oneshot
Much more poignant/thoughtful and relatable than what the summary makes it seem to be; though the romance in it was unnecessary to make its point imo, it was well used to add more "feel good" points to the story and to the "lesson" I suppose. (...I can't really tell if this was supposed to be more slice of life or romance lol).

Really, the focus of this story is our MC and his coming to terms to ... more>>

what it is to be "special."

So yeah, I couldn't care much for the romance aspect (it was cute, yeah), but the conclusion the MC made is really what touched me. Hit home a little too hard but it was worth it, a healing kind of story in a way. <<less
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June 18, 2020
Status: --
Cute and great story, it was able to tug on my heartstrings enouh for me to shed a few tears for some reason. This a heartwarming and light read, definitely recommended.
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Irradiate rated it
June 17, 2020
Status: oneshot
If NU used a rating scale of 1-10 then this would definitely be a 10. I cannot express how much I absolutely loved this story, mostly because I don't know how to but still. I'm kind of glad this is only a oneshot, but also kind of disappointed that it's not a full story. I would definitely read a full on story of this or even a sequel. Will definitely be looking out for the Author's other works.

All-in-all, definitely worth reading (as well as rereading) if you just want a... more>> break from all the Action-type WN/LNs you've been reading. <<less
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