A President’s Out-of-Body Experience


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Our straight (?) bottom woke up ten years into the future and found himself on the bed of his childhood friend… At the start, the bottom was shocked to his very bones, but he soon quickly accepted this premise and found the whole situation to be rather amusing. Precisely then, the bottom once again went back to his timeline — back to when he and the top were just platonic childhood friends.

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  4. Right in the feels
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75 Reviews sorted by

periperi rated it
February 17, 2019
Status: Completed
I would have given this 3 stars but I realised I couldn't because that summary did not lie at all. MC is indeed naïve. To the point where I wanted to scream at him. Logic also kind of went out of the window so the summary was really spot on.

Firstly, for things I like, it would have to be MC's family: ... more>>

I liked that the whole liking guys big confession to the family thing happened at the beginning. It led to some pretty hilarious times with MC's father and brother, especially how MC's father actually tries to help him and brother gets roped along. Glad to see no serious drama in that department.


Things I don't like:

MC's naivety regarding people around him who has feelings for him leading to some misunderstanding that gets out of hand, span multiple chapters, make me frustrated, make ML frustrated, I wanted to shake MC to WAKE UP. Also amazes me how those guys just falls for him because of his misleading ways. Not sure to laugh or cry. 真的是哭笑不得。Also, I kind of wanted MC to be like good at something at the very least but he was like a typical rich kid that doesn't know how to work or virtually do anything despite (probably) graduating from university and given a position at his family business. At least pretend to work (but he doesn't).


The overall premise of the story was interesting though really can't tell MC was not bent by how easily he accepted everything. There's definitely humour. Not a lot of outrageous drama except the stuff I mentioned in the spoilers. I do think MC and ML were very cute together. So this is 4 stars because it really delivered what it promised based on that summary so kudos to that summary. <<less
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Zawachan rated it
May 9, 2019
Status: --
I don't mind the MC being silly or cute, but this one hit my bottom line.

His type of s*upid is unacceptable. It makes my teeth ache.

He is clueless, spoilt, naive, irresponsible... there's no redeeming quality. There's very little character development. He is like a child. How he ends up with the ML is a mystery to me, they don't suit at all.

I found it bland, and the sense of humor isn't my cup of tea.
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rhianirory rated it
March 13, 2019
Status: Completed
An intriguing concept and I found it to be alright overall, though it lost stars because I hate naive and s*upid MC and this one seems to be borderline mentally ret*rded (i have the same problem with female MCs with the same setting so it's not just BL). I felt really bad for the poor ML, he has a lot more patience than I ever would. There are a lot of misunderstands brought about because of the shou so if you don't like stories with that particular trope you will... more>> quickly find yourself frustrated and skipping chapters (i know I did). On the plus side, the two were sweet together (when there weren't misunderstandings) and it was a HE. I think the author meant this to be a light and fluffy novel with some good smut scenes and it mostly succeeds, as long as you don't mind the things I mentioned above. <<less
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Tekapyon rated it
April 19, 2019
Status: c12
At the begining I really thought that the MC was cheap, but after reading more, discovered that he is just a little silly and lonelly boy, although his brother and father are good people, to have lived that kind of hollow life...

How came there be someone so cute and pitiable?

Good thing he has the ML!
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izayaYY rated it
August 24, 2019
Status: --
I don't mind stories about naive and innocent MC. Reminds me of Maiding in "Will you still love me if I am a man" or SuXiaoMi in "I want to be your man". Both books by author Angelina.

I think Renzi is more child-like than s*upid. Like another reader said, it seems more likely he is suffering from some mental handicap, rather than someone who is purposefully/lazily being an idiot.

Of course, just like the other 2 books I mentioned above, those naive protagonists provide much situational comedy due to their naivete.... more>> Usually, I love this kinda humour and this author is obviously very good with this type of comedy. Some dialogues and situations were hilarious. But this brings me to the only dislike I have with this story. It felt like the author prioritised comedy over romance. Almost everything was made into a joke... and that I don't like. Sometimes it felt like their love was a joke too, treated lightly, without depth. Even the confession scene by Renzi turned into a joke created by nonsense angst from a rival and homemade wine. And after that, their decision to date was also treated lightly with the "yellow-legged chicken" situation created by Renzi's father and bro. And after that, it was the ML's dad who created more useless drama by suddenly caring about who his son dated, out of the blue, not really convincing or coherent.

I liked Renzi's character more than ML who often seem to love his work more than his lover. ML gets better towards the end. But really, all my points are for adorable Renzi. <<less
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earlgreyt rated it
August 22, 2019
Status: Completed
This story gave me interesting vibes (a la "Flowers for Algernon") and I'll be the first to say that I typically very much dislike MCs that are portrayed as s*upid/silly all the time. That kind of plot device can be humorous in the beginning but frequently gets old very quickly.

I'm not sure whether it's due to the fantastic translation or just how the story felt to me personally, but the MC did not come off as a typical frustratingly dumb MC that cluelessly does things to annoy the reader.

This reads... more>> more like a story about someone with Asperger's or someone genuinely mentally challenged, not just naive or contrived innocence.

So I actually found myself enjoying this because it's quite different from other "idiot" MC tropes. I give the author kudos for being able to portay a very funny, sweet and touching love story with a handicapped character, which is not something you'd typically see in CN. <<less
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mazeoflife28 rated it
July 17, 2019
Status: c67
I have read up to this point. But I can't endure anymore. I also can't change my rating, ah. The MC is indeed a silly, naive, brainless, pampered idiot. And I'm also naive for thinking he would improve and there would be some character development. There is some. Slightly... but the situations he gets into hurt my head so much. His logic and understanding of the world is really..... unique, is putting it lightly. It's a wonder that the writer makes his luck so good that natural selection hasn't done... more>> him in yet.

I've written a much longer rant but I'll keep it short and simple. I'm tired. And so done. Leaving it unfinished. Sorry to the translation team, I do enjoy some of the novels they translate. I just can't bring myself to like this plot and finish it. m (_ _) m <<less
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vivilove rated it
January 7, 2023
Status: --
I am writing this to vent my anger so please be prepared.

At first this book had very hopeful prospects, I really was looking forward to see how MC was going to chase our beloved ML but as the storyline progressed, I couldn’t help but want to scream on multiple occasions. First of all, MC is so s*upid to the point where it makes me spit blood. Like why on earth would you get nearly passed out drunk on multiple occasions leaving yourself vulnerable to schemes and s*xual assault. As well... more>> as, I really wanted to see MC chase after our ML. Which not to say he didn’t, more so he did chase after our ML but with extreme s*upidity. Why on god’s green earth would you confess your 2 paged essay on your undying love to him at his mother’s funeral. Please wake up and smell the coffee!!! Another thing that makes me so angry, is that it feels like ML is fighting a war by himself in order to date MC. Where as MC just gives up too easily. ML’s dad was making trouble for the couple and MC just gave up without a fight!!

I really hate how one-sided this love feels. As well as I hate how ML uses s*x in order to force MC into agreeing things. As well as using s*x as a punishment. For example MC was being naughty and ML dragged him into bed and ravished him until MC was literally begging him to stop. Which btw continued for nearly 7 hours in which MC passed out like 10 times. Like if someone tells you no then please stop!! That is r*pe!! <<less
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oikawas rated it
July 7, 2019
Status: c92
A great, short and sweet light-hearted novel. It tells the story of these two characters and how they came to be, how they overcome their struggles and how they try to change for the better. It is a mix of fluff, contains a bit of implicit s*xual scene (for like.. two short paragraphs?), comedy, some angst and drama!

I really like the MC a lot, though the s*upidly-naive-and-oblivious type of characters are often disliked, Renzi grew so much later; he became more aware of his surroundings and matured a lot but... more>> he still has this child-like innocence in him. He is a precious baby and I will fight anyone who bullies him.

The characters are really.. neat. They all have their own struggles to deal with and they handle things their own way.


If every "antagonist characters being paid by ML's evil step mom to separate MC/ML" were more like Mu Chutong, I bet they would've avoided so much unnecessary drama. Ugh.. PH teleseryes and wattpad novels.. please...


Edit: I forgot to mention that the translators did a really great job! Huge thank you! <<less
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shouahang58 rated it
April 25, 2019
Status: c70
lol, MC is funny!! Love how his brain works! also love how he is supported by his family when he tells them he is gay.
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myheartgoesbadumpforyou rated it
July 25, 2021
Status: Completed
this story really doesn't deserve its low rating. Don't be mad about having a s*upid MC when it's clearly stated there in the tags. This story is honestly one of the funniest I've read - I almost died from laughter because of mc's naivety and so on. 9/10, a light read fluffy and nonsensical story, I finished it too sooooonnn crycry.
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secondthots rated it
December 28, 2020
Status: Completed
Alt title: Into the inner workings of a first-class idiot

The minute I read the synopsis, I just knew from the very core of my soul that this novel is pure secondhand embarrassment. I was right.

Honestly, the entire time reading this I felt like I was a mother watching her three-year old fall off a moving treadmill. MC is undeniably baby. He’s incorrigibly pure-hearted, naive, pampered- all the makings of someone who’d die first in a survival story. Heck, I wouldn’t think he’d survive if he wasn’t backed up by his... more>> family’s wealth & support. Fate favors the wrong people, I swear! With this being said, our fresh-out-of-the-oven shou is not appealing to all. Some may find him downright annoying, but something about this little fool triggered my maternal instincts. I felt what the ML was feeling: I wanted to shelter him from the world’s cruelty. LOL ok nonsense aside, I like ML too. Yeah, he’s black-bellied, overprotective, & whatnot BUT he’s incredibly sweet to the MC even prior to them dating. It’s obvious that MC is his soft spot but this epiphany never occurred until the individual in question began his wild pursuit. The plot is decently paced, cute, with memorable characters. It was easy to follow, humorous, & exactly what I expected. I wanted to laugh & smile like an idiot. This fit the criteria! <<less
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kcNeko rated it
August 2, 2020
Status: Completed
"If I'm the flight from Beijing flying to San Diego, you'll be the Arturo Merino Benitez International Airport. Because when I reach you, I must change planes. If I'm a winding mountain road, then you're the road sign showing a sharp curve ahead, when I see you I'll have to bend... " - Yu Yunren 2018

This must be my favorite line in the entire novel, I can't stop chuckling when Renzi mentions this.

I have to say, I really enjoyed this story! The comedy is very fun and there is also... more>> some sad moments here that might make your heart hurt a little. Oh BTW it is a little bit illogical and unrealistic, but hey this just a fiction. Pacing is also just right and the storytelling is neither has redundant details nor lacking of details. The title is a bit off because the story doesn't completely revolve to MC's out-of-body experience,


because the first 3 chapters MC was transmigrated into the future (2028) and stayed for 20 days living with his hubby which caused the MC to bend for our ML when he came back to 2018.


About the characters, first our beloved 5-year old MC. I'm not exaggerating, he actually has a brain of a five year old despite of being in his 30's! He is silly and pampered by everyone around him. For me, this caused for the story to be interesting, funny and cute at the same time. ML on the other hand.... FINALLY a non-generic ML! hahahahaha I'm so happy!


ML is MC's childhood friend so their relationship is very close. But when MC experienced his transmigrating to the future, he started wooing ML. ML on the other side does not harbor the same feelings for MC so when he realized that MC likes him, he tried to avoid MC or go to a blind date just to let MC cool down his feelings for him just to save their friendship. ML also has 'love' trauma caused by his mother so he had hard time falling in love.


I also love the other characters! First is my favorite character on the story, MC's father. He's actually very supportive to his sons and very caring especially to MC. Next is MC's brother, he's like his father but younger haha. Next is Zhi Xuan, he was MC's previous secretary then he became MC's brother lover, he's actually the most normal and rational person here. Despite of being cold, he actually really cared for MC.

As for the 'hurdles' in the story, it was really nice which doesn't make the story bland or 'just fluff'. The antagonists are also well depicted so the story won't be so boring. The only plot hole that I think was there was no explanation on why did MC went to the future.

Overall I really recommend this! I might read this again in the future! I also recommend after you finish reading up to the extras, try reread the first couple of chapters. <<less
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Psychoutre rated it
June 19, 2022
Status: c72
I would've rated even lower but the author is really good at making a reader laugh. I love the ML, the MC's brother, the MC's father, like literally all the other characters but the MC.

MC is tolerable at best. The title and the fact that he gets called a 'President' is truly a misconception as to his character. He's basically s*upid, naive and gullible. He didn't inherit anything from his father apart from money. Everyone considered him a child. Even I couldn't picture him as anything but. MC and ML... more>> supposedly have a 2 year age-gap but it's like I'm reading about a couple that are 3 generations apart..

It's the interactions between all the other characters that kept me reading, I was in such a happy mood whenever the MC didn't exist. I'd stay up late at night just to enjoy the MC's father and brother going bat crazy. And the ML goes so well with them too. This is the first time I ever felt this conflicted towards a novel- Like I would much prefer it if it didn't involve the MC.

At this point I'm dropping the novel because my threshold for MC's s*upidity has been finally reached. <<less
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Lea168 rated it
June 7, 2021
Status: Completed
5/5* - RECOMMEND!!

This was such wonderful read!! Some parts are hilarious and to be read as parody LMAO.

Summary is not misleading, though slow romance didn't feel slow and wasn't really slow, so don't let this tag deter you!! I hate slow romance myself as 8 out of 10 times a slow romance also means slow pacing of plot. But that is not the case here. MC was actively pursuing ML early on and that led to so many hilarious moments and kept the chapters easily going.

... more>> GOOD POINTS:

1.... A NSFW chapter in chapter 1!! Wow.. only for this I gave this story a whole bonus point. Maybe also because of this super hot opening the story never felt slow after that?? Anyway... That was great!

2. Lovable MC!! Yes, he is not smart and an idler, doesn't have any skills worth mentioning. Easily deceived as he is very trusting and made very wrong life partner choices in the past (chasing female models), but he so kind, honest and generous. He easily gets along with anyone.

I love that author kept him this way throughput the whole story. Many times in other novels you read about these supposedly super smart MC but their actions really don't correspond with their genius IQ. But the author here never made the MC pretentious. And I think that MC is smarter than other geniuses MCs in the romance department as the MC here at least know if you really love someone then go for it and tell him, don't hold back, don't overthink and don't overanalize!!

3. MCs older brother and dad are hilarious!!! Older brother is gay too, so the dad doesn't have a hard time accepting when MC told he was bend. Instead the dad and older brother help MC chasing ML, and these two are cunning and ruthless!!! LMAO.

MC is surrounded by smart people incl. MCs brother, dad, brother-in-law, ML. Older brother is the typical Chinese BL CEO, ruthless, cold and on top aggressive. The dad is all bark and no bite (when it comes to his sons). You seriously think whether MC is biological son of that family, but he really is. And everyone helps and protects him. They all love MC a lot.

4. ML is not the typical aloof, cold ML. Instead he smiles all the time, has a pleasant, affectionate look etc. He is always super charming. This was so refreshing to read!!!! Love the author for this. Btw underneath ML is like any other succesful and rich CEO, ruthless and strategizing. His charming appearance makes him even more deathly ;).

5. MC and ML are both super rich, but their lives are not so exaggerated as in these usual CEO/president stories. No 10 bodyguards following them etc. Weigh more normal.

6. Almost 2nd lead syndrome in middle part of story. See below.


1. First few chapters felt rushed after that hot NSFW chapter and MCs time travelling to 2028 also ended after a few chapters. That was unexpected. I thought the time travelling arc would be longer.

2. 2nd lead syndrome!!! I'm a huge fan of 2nd lead syndrome (and my definition of 2nd lead syndrome means I can't choose between the 2 MLs, I feel heartbreak for either of them no matter who MC picks in the end), because when I suffer from this it means a story/drama has given me so much heartbreak that it is unforgettable.

Only in few great Chinese and Korean TV dramas I have experienced real 2nd lead syndrome (Ten miles of peach blossom, Prince of Lan Ling). In this story I was so excited as I was sooooo happy that I potentially found a worthy 2nd lead as that is rare in Chinese BL. But why have I listed it here as a don't like? -->

the author made this hot 2nd lead that has so much potential to give me massive 2nd lead syndrome into a dumb pe*verted villain in the last quarter of the story. The 2nd lead felt OOC from his character in the first part. Imo, the author made a huge mistake here. Why turning him into such an ordinary, dumb dog blood villain that wants to tear cp apart. It would be so more impactful if she had let his character in tact and instead choose for a more profound and clever way to make cp doubt their relationship and face challenges.



1. Both MC and ML had many lovers in past. MC liked women and ML likes men. But that was all in past. If you like a virg*nal cp, this story might not for you. <<less
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emiliers rated it
May 15, 2020
Status: Completed
Oh man, I absolutely adored this, and I had the best time reading it.

I'm generally not one for misunderstandings, but I actually didn't find most of them that bad in this one, especially because the author actually used them as a vehicle for character and relationship growth rather than as a tedious will-they-won't-they exercise.

I guess you could say that this story just hit all my fluff buttons. I love naive, honest protagonists who genuinely believe the best in everyone, so I loved Renzi. I liked how childishly confident he was,... more>> and even his bouts of self-doubt, and also his optimism and ability to always get back up from a bad experience. He's absolutely 100% the type of person I like.

I also like how the author actually fleshes out a lot of the characters more than expected. I didn't expect to be given an explanation for Renzi's personality, but I got one!


I really liked how the author didn't stop at "he's rich, that's why he's so bad at everything" but that she actually went on to say, "His family pampered him while also being really strict, which is why he learned (erroneously) that it was better not to do anything than to do it badly." It's kind of a contradictory upbringing, but people are contradictory creatures, and I could actually genuinely see this happening in real life, so I was legitimately impressed by how much more real it made Renzi feel as a person.


And even the bad guys, while bad, kind of felt bad in a real way, rather than bad in a cheesy C-drama way, which I appreciated. I'm surprised by how all the characters manage to feel like actual real people despite all their strange, over-the-top personalities and antics.

I do have a slight quibble with the final "misunderstanding" in the story, even as I felt it was necessary to the development of Renzi and Xiaoshan's relationship... because I wanted more fluff!! I wanted ten more chapters after the misunderstanding is resolved for them to just have fluffy antics!!


Also, uh, sorry, Xiaoshan, but in real life, I would've probably preferred Renzi to get together with Mu Chutong, because it feels like Chutong is literally the only person in the entire story who doesn't baby Renzi and actually tries to teach Renzi how to live on his own. Like, that's an admittedly healthier way of living rather than relying entirely on friends/family to pull you through... But since this is fiction, I'll let that pass. And, Renzi loves Xiaoshan so much that if they didn't get together, I'd feel way too sorry for him lol.


TLDR; Absolutely loved it, and was actually sad to reach the end. I'll definitely read more of this author's work in the future. <<less
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Geraker rated it
May 3, 2020
Status: c92
Speaking as someone who does not generally like s*upid/naive leads, I will explain why I'm nonetheless giving this one five stars:

First, why I didn't find the s*upidity to be as annoying as in other novels with s*upid characters:

1. The story is aware the lead is dumb. The lead is aware of it, the characters surrounding the lead are aware of it. You, the reader, are not expected to somehow tolerate this level of dumbness as normal.

2. ... more>>

the lead's dumbness is because of how absurdly sheltered her is, but in the final arc end of the story an outsider character FINALLY calls out all the people sheltering the lead and says he needs to grow up... And he does! By the end of the story the lead is actively working on being less s*upid with some real success


3. I usually find dumb leads annoying because people are constantly taking advantage of them just to move the plot in idiotic ways. However, in this story, there are smart people on his side, helping him, so it's a much less frustrating experience, because the problems his s*upidity causes don't hang around forever but get resolved quickly.

4. Because everyone but the lead in this story is extremely cunning, I actually found it easier to understand why people like him. Everyone but him is playing mindgames 24/7 so it's not so hard to understand why he's a refreshing change of pace.

5. Plot developments caused by his s*upidity are never dragged on for too long. (this is mostly thanks to his complete inability to lie). So even when he behaves so s*upidly you want to scream (which, to be fair, isn't all the time, really, just once or twice), it doesn't last long enough to truly torment you.

That's why the story is not annoying as expected. However, that doesn't explain why it's good...

The reason for that is simple

The story is HILARIOUS.

This is mostly thanks to the lead's family.

The story starts out a bit slow, but once the lead has

come out to his father

, fairly early in the story, it is pretty much non-stop hijinks from then on.

I saw someone compare it to Bertie Wooster and this is a very apt comparison. The lead is rich, dumb, polite, throws money at all his problems, and has people cleaning up his messes in hysterical ways. Every scene in which the Yu family appears is a winner. I kept cracking up as I read. Other characters are also great.

In short, the main character is sort of a bland, flavourless set piece around which all the other characters rotate in full color and hilarity. While he himself is basically just sweet with not much else going for him, everyone else makes up for it. His father, brother, and brother-in-law are works of art. <<less
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RoseAmethyst remembrance
RoseAmethyst remembrance rated it
March 25, 2020
Status: Completed
This is one of the most entertaining fluffy BL novels I've ever read. I especially love the interactions between the MC, his father, and his older brother. You gotta love family comedies! It's never boring whenever the three are together. You can tell that the MC's family deeply care about the MC and it's so touching how they try (and fail 😂) to help the MC even though they both hate the ML to the bones.

In stark contrast to the warm bond of the MC's family, the ML's family is... more>> so dysfunctional. The two families are so different, but they are also parallels of each other. The family dynamics is a huge element in this novel.


Both the MC and ML lost their mother's at a young age. Their departure left very different and lasting impacts on the families.

All the memories of the MC's mother are sentimental, while memories of the ML's mother is unpleasant (Cheated on her husband and tried to drown the ML. Yeah not very pleasant).

The MC's father never remarried because of his love and devotion whereas the ML's father carried the same emotional scars as the ML.

The ML's father raised his kids with strict discipline that made them independent from a young age. Whereas the MC's father spoiled the MC and was fiercely protective of him (likely because the mother died of illness and the MC, himself, was very frail when he was little).

Actually, the ML's mother didn't die young, but she attempted to drown the ML and took a large sum of money from his father when they divorced. In contrast, the MC was not impacted by his mother's death since she died too early for him to even remember her.

They both have an older sibling with whom their relationship was estranged from a young age

Unlike the MC, the ML's relationship with his older sister never improves.

Both of them had come out of the closet to their fathers.

The ML's father pretty much kicked him out harshly but eventually accepted it. The MC's father was open minded. The MC's older brother came out of the closet much earlier and the MC's father struggled to accept it but he never kicked him out and even tried to matchmake him with the ML 😂


Here's a bunch of snippets of funny conversations that we see throughout the novel. In spite of all the silliness, they're very down to earth. There are even times when they have a profound meaning behind their comical spiel:


Snippet from Ch. 7

Old Mister Yu always said, "I never hoped that you would excel in school, but, you must still be a good person!"

Once, Renzi saw a strap around a female classmate's neck, and did not know that it was a bra strap. He asked Gu Xiaoshan, "Hey, what is that?"

Gu Xiaoshan told him, "You'll know after you pull it."

Renzi really could not control his s*upid hand, he reached out and pulled it. The girl was furious
Snippet from Ch. 11

Looking at the word "her", Renzi felt that it looked very unpleasant. "Oh, only, this person is not too easy to handle. Do you want to know who this person is? Why don't I tell you the details of my dream, and you help me analyse it?"

"Are you sure you want to discuss such private matters with me?"

"I don't mind!" Renzi displayed his full trust in him.

"I mind." Zhi Xuan replied coldly.


Snippet from Ch. 18

Hearing the word "brother-in-law", Zhi Xuan was about to die of embarrassment. He only wished to escape this hell. President Yu was right, I shouldn't have bothered with this fool.

How could Renzi let Zhi Xuan go? "My brother is so rude and difficult to handle. You have to at least tell me, how did you get him to talk to you nicely?"

Zhi Xuan could only answer, "My matters may not be relevant to you at all, after all... President Yu is not a girl."

Renzi smacked his thigh, "Of course I know that! This person I want to chase, is also not a girl!"

Zhi Xuan nearly fell off the couch in shock.
Snippet from Ch. 19

Luckily, Old Mister Yu was hale and hearty, and had experienced so much of life. Breathing deeply a couple of times, he calmed down and scolded, "Don't make such ret*rded jokes!"

Renzi did not expect to cause such a scene so quickly upon coming home, but he thought that since he had already taken this step, he could not retreat. He was a warrior in the name of love! So, Renzi stood up straight. "I'm not joking, neither am I ret*rded!"

"Just say that you're not joking! That would be more convincing!"


Snippet from Ch. 19

Old Mister Yu scolded, "Bullshit! How can you know how love feel? You're still playing around!"

Renzi tried to convince him, "Just looking at him, I got an erection. I didn't even have to touch myself. Even when dreaming, I dreamt of doing it with him, isn't this how love feels?"

Old Mister Yu was stunned, indeed, this is really how love feels.

Old Mister Yu was quickly convinced, and had to accept the reality that another of his son was also gay.

Oh god, why?


Snippet from ch. 34

Old Mister Yu spoke up, "His feelings have been discovered. The other party clearly couldn't talk to him about it, and decided to show him personally."

Yu Yuntao replied, "This is nothing. If you're unhappy about it, just go and crash the date!"

Renzi was taken aback. "I can do that?"

Yu Yuntao asked him, "Why can't you do that? You haven't confessed to him right?"

Renzi nodded. "I haven't."

"Then it's fine!..."
Snippet from Ch. 37

"Poo!" Yu Yuntao rejected his strategy. "None of his exes worked out with him. If you're studying their examples, aren't you studying examples of failure?"

Renzi was aggrieved. "But up till now, there has been no successful examples."

Yu Yuntao did not know what he could say, and could only give him some token encouragement, "Ah, then you'll be the first one."
Snippet from Ch. 37

"I secretly followed him home, squatted below his apartment, and when he came back I followed him up to his apartment and slept with him. Then, I straight away moved in and never left."

Hearing that, Renzi's brows knitted tightly. "This sounds like... "

Yu Yuntao was quite proud of it. "How? Isn't this method very effective?"

Renzi pondered over it before replying, "It doesn't sound very legal... "
Snippet from Ch. 39

Old Mister Yu nodded. "It's really not quite polite of him to do so. However, they're young. To sneak around like that is more exciting, more fun. I understand."

Renzi's jaw really dropped this time. Old Mister Yu again started smiling slightly, "You know, I was once young too. At that time, did you know... "

Renzi hurriedly clamped his hands around his ears. "I don't know, I don't want to know!"

Old Mister Yu scoffed, "As if I'll even tell you about it." He then continued eating.
Ch. 64

Renzi felt awkward. "Ah? At that time... It doesn't count. I'm a gay now, I can't have any children."

Gu Xiaowu paused. Just as she was about to say something, Renzi clasped his hands together. "Sister Xiaowu, I know I was wrong! I won't chase after you anymore and cling to you, please let me go like how you'll let your fart go!"

Gu Xiaoshan laughed, and chimed in, "Yes, let him go!"

Gu Xiaowu could neither laugh nor cry, and did not know what she should say.


Snippet from Ch. 80

he could not vent his anger easily, and only said, "Ah, saying this sounds like our Yu family had set a trap for him or something."

Old Mister Gu smiled, "No, no, I didn't mean it that way! I meant that it was him who was not careful, so he must take responsibility for his own mistakes. I had asked him, two men sleeping with each other, what could happen? He then said that wasn't the case. Renzi now only wanted to try being with a man, and he just went along with him. Since there's no need to be careful about their "reputation", these two really know how to play. If they don't end up together, there would also be no awkwardness in the future. Now... they're just living in the present, and enjoying their lives."

You motherf*cking piece of shit!

Old Mister Yu wanted to curse, but could not say it out loud. Towards Old Mister Gu, his temper and tolerance were always better than usual.

I highly recommend using Siri's Speak Screen function to listen to the novel. The MC's narrative is so nonsensical and it's funny to hear Siri voicing it out with such a monotonous voice. It's just like hearing a person say the most ridiculous things with a straight face. Have you ever heard Siri spewing curse words? The MC's grandfather curses quite a bit, so hearing Siri voicing out the curses with a monotonous voice is just too d*mn funny! XD

To summarize the novel (now this one contains spoilers, like full spoilers, the ending and all) :


It all begins with an Out-Of-Body Experience (hence the title) : The MC wakes up 10 years in the future and finds out that his future-self is in a relationship with the ML. Although the MC initially asserts his sexuality as a straight man, he quickly warms up to the idea dating a man and enjoys this new lifestyle for a few months before transmigrating back to the present time.

MC re-evaluating his feelings for ML: When he wakes up back in present time, he is confounded by the experiences, but simply tries to resume his current lifestyle. But as time passes, the MC realizes that he misses being in a relationship with the ML. He struggles to understand his feelings and seriously re-evaluates his sexuality. He consults various people for advice (his conversations with his father and brother are particularly amusing). Eventually, he is fully convinced that he is in love with the ML and announces to his family his intention to "woo" the ML. XD

"Woo-ing" the ML: We see the MC repeatedly trying and failing to make the ML fall in love with him. His father and brother also tries pitching in to help the MC with his pursuit (and they're always funny!). The MC also has to deal with the potential love rivals (there are only two in the novel: He Jun and Shu Jingyi). Funnily enough, all the love rivals takes interest in the MC instead, lol!

The ML getting over past trauma: Eventually, the ML catches on to the MC's intentions and starts actively avoiding him, but this does not deter the MC. The MC learns that the ML has a pessimistic views on love because of his mother. Things starts to shift in the ML when the ML sees the MC accompanying a love rival, Shu Jingyi (He and the ML had a blind date together) and the ML immediately notices Shu Jingyi's interest in the MC. It is jealousy that makes the ML realizes his feelings for the MC and eventually accepts the idea of dating the MC.

Settling conflicts: After the MC and ML gets together, the rest of the novel is settlings conflicts with Shu Jingyi who becomes the main antagonists. ---I personally don't like this part of the novel because at this point, it's no longer about the MC's trying to win the ML's heart. Instead, this is just a side drama. Not only does this detract from the purpose of the novel, it's also settled in an unsatisfying way. I don't like how Shu Jingyi was villanized. In the beginning, I found him to be an interesting character, but then he suddenly became a 1D villain (who tried to frame the MC and ruin the ML's business) once the MC and ML got together.

Returning Back-to-the-Future (pun intended) : After all conflicts are settled, the novel fast forwards 10 years into the future which is back to where the MC left off before returning back to present time. (I know, confusing right?). He reflects on everything he went though and is content with where he is now.

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Kaylee rated it
October 29, 2019
Status: c1
I read till chapter 9, and feel so much confused.

Silly MC I can accept (but not the 12year/teenagey mindset), but silly plot with no logic to follow is not enough to make me stay to read eventho it's all fluffy and all.

I'm surprised no one plotted to steal all MC money eventho it screams schemy plot in all turn.
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YouToon rated it
May 14, 2022
Status: Completed
Warning: the majority of the comedy in this relies on the MC being sweet, emphatic, zany, WAY too much and too s*upid to function. Those who love him find him adorable. Those who dislike him will probably dislike the rest of the story because of him. I love friends to loves stories and this one is a classic. Neither of our leads ever thought of each other romantically until one day the MC receives a peak into their future. After that, knowing what they could be, how could he do... more>> anything other than chase his ML in the silliest most easily distracted manner possible?

The ML is a capable and amusing character. Both our leads have some of the most hilarious family members I've ever read. The world and character settings are basically rich second generation. It works without being deep. This is not a deep story. I will say I found their connection adorable and the whole story left me with a smile. <<less
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