Just Because I Have Narrow Eyes Doesn’t Make Me a Villain!


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Why are you treating only me like this!

I’m not suspicious, believe me.

I’m a harmless person.

“A villain? Not at all.”

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Princel01 rated it
April 30, 2024
Status: c3
like the title says its one of those slit eyed misunderstood MC the difference is the MC is formerly a guy but now a girl along with the author of the world she is in who can literally play sandbox since its the author they can do what they want
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Not Porn Folder
Not Porn Folder rated it
May 13, 2024
Status: Completed
This was such a really good and fun read.

The sypnosis doesnt really give this novel much justice. While yes its a misunderstanding novel where in the POV of the MC she is doing nothing wrong while in the POV of others she seems suspicious and malicious as hell.

The main focus of this novel is the MC's personal growth concerning her personal questions on "what is real" and "what it means to be a person". ... more>>

This aspect perfectly acted as the Damocles' sword hanging through-out the story especially since some developments that happened would have lead to a negative outcome (which one of the side story showed) luckily the "Protagonist" (designated in story main character) was present and gave the MC a very happy ending.


In terms of characters. I love them all. All of them are memorable, unique, and perfectly fits the story. I especially like the "protagonist" who acts decisively particularly in things involving the MC. What the Protagonist did to defeat the "main villain" of the novel was honestly really cool. I also adore the unhinged actions of some of the side characters.

btw I feel like I don't have to say this, but I saw some of the novelpia comments that took issue with this so I feel like I have to include this for some people. This novel is a PURE LOVE Story between the MC (genderbent male to female) and Protagonist (Male). If you can't handle that then take this as your warning. I personally like it here since it was such development, but I am a person that likes any love story (straight, yuri, yaoi, gender-bend, etc.) as long as it is written well.

The main story has 140 chapters while 20 chapters are side stories. The side stories are mostly slice of life stories between the MC and the Protagonist. There 3 side stories that I feel like should have been removed which were;


1. about the MC's day 1 in the new world, I feel like if it really needs to be included it should have been at the earlier chapters since this story explained why the MC thought of people as "dolls". I feel like it ruined the pace of the story when it was added as a side story since the problem was resolved several chapters ago so it gave a "why now" feeling;

2. The after story with the "author/writer" no particular reason other than it was boring. It was also in the middle of such a good slice of life; and

3. The "IF" story or the bad end story where the MC never ceased in seeing people as dolls. It was honestly so hard to read and a major pacing issue considering the previous chapters were soooo sweet.


Lastly I kinda wish a new series was made in the same universe with the last chapter of the side stories in mind because

It would really be interesting to see Irene (MC and Protag' daughter) inevitably discover her parents' past especially her mother's who was an actual underground boss. It would also be fun to see the development the world years from the main story


All in all it was a very fun read well worth the 7 hour reading session haha.

p.s. I am currently looking at the other works of the author and they look... well interesting and I'm talking about the thing with the hero and counsellor so I will probably read that next. Haha <<less
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kurisomething rated it
May 5, 2024
Status: Completed
Pretty good, wasn't drawn out, tried to approach the transmigration cliche in a way I haven't seen before. With how it's explained, it might not even be transmigration really, if you told me that MC is just 100% made up by "Author" (god-like figure that apparently transmigrated MC), I'd believe it.

Apparently, "Author" isn't actually manipulating the world or something? Couldn't really understand it through MTL and I wasn't really paying attention. So MC is on the brink of breaking down because she was only okay with killing so many people because she saw everyone as puppets that "Author" manipulates. In an extra, we see when MC first came into the world and already killed two people, so "Author" had to tell her everyone are puppets so she doesn't go crazy.


Romance felt off but it was kind of fleshed out in the extras. We get 1 extra chapter regarding our MC's two kids. Wished it explored more about MC's narrow/slit eyes.

Near the start, MC and "Author" make a joke about how cliche academy novels are really only 1 year long and the rest of the school term until graduation will have the characters outside of school doing stuff. This really ends in 1 year since MC gets pregnant and drops out.

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