Zombie Cafe: Come See Me At 19:21


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Ki-hyeon found himself possessing a character from a zombie movie he had watched before.

“What the hell? What’s going on?”

Not only were the grotesque zombies terrifying, but what drove him even more insane was the fact that every time he died, it was as if the game reset and he went back to 19:21.

“…Wow, you must really f*cking love me. You’re definitely my stalker.”

To make matters worse, he was now possessing a stalker of Yoo Min-ho, one of the main characters in the movie.

The trust of those around him hit rock bottom.

Escaping from the building seemed like an impossible task.

And then, someone kept sending him meaningful messages through a cellphone with no service…

[So, why did you write such a shitty post?] 20:03

Can Ki-hyeon escape safely from the repetitive situation?

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좀비 카페: 19시 21분에 날 만나러 와요
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July 6, 2024
Status: c2 part3
There are not a lot of chapters out yet but the beginning is very intriguing. We don't know anything about the protagonist but the fact that he killed himself (it's not a spoiler, he says it at the very beginning of the story). Now he is trapped in a time loop with zombies, in a strange world. He also has a new identity that isn't even well adjusted to him.

It doesn't look like it's going to be a typical reincarnation story as the person he is supposed to be "reincarnated"... more>> into is a woman, whereas he is still a man, just a man with her stuffs on him (cellphone...).

The time loop isn't annoying besause his actions change everytime and he discovers new things each times, about himself (he lost his memories), and about the world he is in. Besides, it looks like he won't stay in a time loop for long as he seems to have already understood what triggers his return in the past. It's very interesting, I wish I discovered the story a little later when there will be more chapters.

By the way, I am not an english native speaker and I am not bilingual so sorry if there are parts that aren't very understandable in my review. <<less
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