You’re the God of Rom-Com but You’re Interfering With My Romantic Comedy Life?


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“Do you really like Tenshin Himari that much, Yuugo?”

“Yeah. I love Tenshin.”

“Why can’t it be someone like me? I’m beautiful and have big breasts. And I really, really love Yuugo! So please go out with me!”

“I’m sorry Tsukimiya. I can’t go out with you.”

“Oh, come on! Am I not good enough? Your feelings will never reach Tenshin. Because Yuugo, I will use all my power as the god of rom-com to stop you from confessing your love to Tenshin!”

“Do you really want to interfere with my love life that badly?”


“Instant response?”

“B-because…… I-I love you, Yuugo! So, you should hurry up and give up on that woman and f-fall in love with me!”

Associated Names
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Love Comedy no Kami-sama na no ni Ore no Love Comedy wo Jama suru no?
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Recommendation Lists
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07/23/21 Zetro Translation v2c1 part3
07/23/21 Zetro Translation v2c1 part2
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01/28/21 Zetro Translation v1 epilogue
01/28/21 Zetro Translation v1c5 part9
01/28/21 Zetro Translation v1c5 part8
01/25/21 Zetro Translation v1c5 part7
01/22/21 Zetro Translation v1c5 part6
01/22/21 Zetro Translation v1c5 part5
01/18/21 Zetro Translation v1c5 part4
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3 Reviews sorted by

Hurgh rated it
November 4, 2020
Status: v1c1
So far the humor is pretty great. And MC behaves like a fairly normal human being, which is refreshing.
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Snowman256 rated it
November 30, 2021
Status: v1 epilogue
At first, I thought the premise would be that the MC is desperately building up the courage to confess his feelings, while being wooed by a pretty goddess on the side. It was far worse, IMO, but I imagine people who're in the mood for clingy/yandere/stalker heroines might get a kick out of this? A close analogue is Kampfer for the MC's devotion to one girl despite the growing harem, except in this novel the harem is just the worst. I actually really respect MC's like that, since it takes... more>> guts for an author to stick to that premise and it's a really nice thing to see in the real world as well (the devotion part, less so the harem part :D).

The MC has tried 15 confessions over the course of one and a half years with his love interest, and the love interest seems receptive. However, the goddess has forced his confessions to fail every single time. To repeat again, this has gone on for ONE AND A HALF YEARS. Confessing during class on the rooftop? She rushes out of class to strip the girl's clothes off just so he can't confess. Confessing on a date at the amusement park? She marathon sprints across the park, slide tackling him so he can't confess. Her sister isn't much better, essentially backstabbing the MC wherever he goes. If the author had developed this novel more towards the horror genre, I'd almost think this would be like "The Ultimate Antihero, " which delved into the peculiar gaps between human and non-human morals. Unfortunately, the author developed this as a romcom, which made it just infuriating (for me, at least).


We find out later that she helped him meet his crush and helped set up some of their first interactions. Helping out for a month DOES NOT give a free ticket to mess with his life for ONE AND A HALF YEARS. We also shouldn't forget how the goddess put 24/7 trackers on the MC's and the love interest's locations, so she can rush out to their location to interfere if they ever get remotely close to each other?

I also somewhat fault the love interest? She clearly seems to love the MC as well, but instead of confessing her own feelings she just waits for him to come to her. I'd love to see the love interest be more active instead of just pouting if he doesn't shower her with love and attention? At least, the goddess would be twice as haggard chasing after two balls instead of one, which she rightfully deserves.


Sorry for the rant, I just finished Vol 1 and wanted to vent. I haven't felt this enraged at a novel's conclusion in years, and that's even compared to such tragedies like "My Fiance Fell in Love with my Little Sister." As a fun side note, I'm really curious about the extents of the goddess' powers. We find out early on that she can teleport/materialize underwear at will. We also see that the goddess is a yandere - I'm really curious if she can also materialize knives, bombs, or acid at will? Maybe that's Volume 2-3, but I kinda doubt it given the author's forced plot development. <<less
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ProffesionalNewbie rated it
November 2, 2021
Status: v1c5 part9
It had a good premise for a romcom but eventually gotten tired and annoyed especially at the goddess, disappointed even.


Goddess helped his romance until she eventually fell in love with him to justify that it's okay to interfere at his lovelife... But even so does that mean the MC had to forgive her


MC doesn't have much redeemable qualities to justify the girls love for him making their relationships very flimsy.

There's still next volume and I hope for better development
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