Your Majesty, Please Come In


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Time flies, and it is already the third day. I sat in one of the pavilions of Champs élysées in the middle of the lake. The scenery was so beautiful. I gazed at the graceful dancers as I poured my wine, and a faint smile came into my eyes.

I have known the Emperor for a long time now, but I have never seen him like this before, holding his forehead with a grave face. What the hell is going on?

“Imperial Uncle, This Emperor is very familiar with you. Don’t be dismal. It’s just a woman. There are many herbs in the world. Uncle, don’t you think so?”

Feng Yin, this fifth prince yesterday, was now the Emperor of Jing, pretended to have a heavy face. When Ziqing glanced at the other princes, they seemed to be all the same to him, except for Feng Yin, who was holding a sake in his hand. He did not speak.

I smiled, raised my cup and drank it, “It’s natural, Xiaoyin doesn’t have to worry about me.”

“If Ziqing has a woman he likes, This Emperor promises to help Uncle.” Feng Yin said. The mirth in his eyes could not be hidden.

…Uh, if it develops like this, it will be troublesome.

“Nephew…” I gritted my teeth with a difficult expression on my face, “To tell you the truth, Imperial Uncle actually likes men!”

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maims rated it
May 23, 2023
Status: Completed
This is a very difficult novel to review. It's so complex, and I MTLed it which means I definitely missed many nuances. Still, in hopes of enticing more interest (and therefore translators) in this, I will put down whatever occurs to me.

This is rather tragic story about a man who is constantly pushed around by forces he doesn't understand or can't resist, constantly pursued by men whose motives or sincerity are... doubtful, all the while dealing with a severe identity crises caused by ... more>>

being three damaged souls smushed into one. As well as a series of amnesiac spells. Three or four in a row, if I recall.


There is a lot of pining, epic levels of it, by various people, at dead lovers, former lovers, never-quite lovers, substitute lovers, you name, they pined it. There is a character who

is dead at the start of the story,

and yet he is such an epic presence, because of how much our MC is pining for him.

There is layers of mistaken (or 'mistaken') identities going on

for our MC because of the aforementioned 3 souls thing, and for Qingxuan, that scummy scummer, because of him possessing? idk what was up with that exactly... another character. And for various other characters because reincarnation means you need to refigure out who is in which body.


And Qingxuan was scum who did not deserve the second/third/fourth? chance that he got no how no way.

Also, I never managed to figure out the relationship between FZQ, Si Ran, Qingheng and the Imperial family.

There was clearly some level of "switched at birth" style of shenanigans happening, but I missed out on what, exactly.


In conclusion: The story is great enough that I sloughed through the MTL, sacrificing sleep and sanity to decode what I could of it, and still loved it. If anyone ever takes it up again (please). I would love to read the actual translation of it someday.

PS. Idk for sure, because MTL, but I got the impression the MC wasn't strictly seme like in the tags.

Like, he def seems to be the seme in one relationship (be my concubine/wife) but in another, he lies down and tells the other guy, I'm not as pretty as your favorite concubine, but use me anyway. Or something to that effect, I don't exactly recall. I got the impression that he/his other selves were seme with Si Ran and Qingheng, but uke with Feng Yin and Qingxuan. But again, MTL.

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