What About NTR


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That f*cking misery p*rn novel.

The heroines have all been NTR’d and will soon leave the party.

“Let’s disband our party.”

It’s going to happen anyway, a swift escape is the answer.

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NTR 따위 알 게 뭐야
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Inside An Ad**t Game As A Former Hero (1)
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04/27/24 Drunken Translations c9
04/22/24 Drunken Translations c8
04/18/24 Drunken Translations c7
04/16/24 Drunken Translations c6
04/11/24 Drunken Translations c5
04/07/24 Drunken Translations c4
04/06/24 Drunken Translations c3
04/04/24 Drunken Translations c2
04/03/24 Drunken Translations c1
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Too early to say anything but its like inspired from Inside of Adult game as a former hero. Well it tickled my curiosity how much will the MC last playing bs with that Goddess. Also since I said its like that novel. So its safe to say every heroine is already ntred or the process of being ntred. So you guys wont be anxious if it suddenly hit you in the face.

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i read ahead from raws. Gonna need some medicine for stomach ache for those Bimbos. But it was satisfying getting back against those ret*rds. Rn its quite confusing how will the story turn out as he went back home

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dkragoon rated it
May 7, 2024
Status: c15
The title is wrong and the tag Netorare is erroneous as well. This is low cost sloppily written copy of Inside adult game as a former hero and therefore the NTR is non-existent.

First and foremost, Netorare is defined as the action of getting your lover or sentimental partner taken away from a third person. However, how possibly does this occur when the MC is a transmigrated person who hold no affection for the girls? He doesn't care for them, and even if the OG MC had felt this way before... more>> the possession, could have been one-sided feelings or just care since the "harem" hadn't perceived as such.

Secondly. I am aware that the author has to deliberately portray the "Harem" in the mostly likely selfish, disgusting, shameless, ugly way possible for us, readers, take the MC side and give one support; nevertheless the girls arent just s*upid, they are mentally disable grown up children. His Childhood friend cannot tied up her shoelaces, the other doesn't know how to drain the blood of the hunt, the wizard does t know how to comb his hair, etc. The vengeance is most satisfactory when the person this will fall upon is on the top for the drop down be more painful.

Author, If you are afraid of the backlash or adverse reaction from your readers or cannot bear to depict NTr scenes, don't do it in the first place, and dont write this pseudo NTR cause that what it's.

Hero party, bit*h goodness, the MC sweeping the floor with the netorare bastard in the bar and revealing he is a super mega Sigma Chad Who f*ck their moms and sisters in front of the crowd. Wow 😲 😲, I didn't expect that exciting and unexpected plot twist (sarcastic).

For the record, I ain't fond of this genre or has a strange fetish since above I seem angry and disappointed that there is no real NTR. I mean, don't write something about action and then give a slice of life. <<less
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XiaoNate rated it
May 5, 2024
Status: v1c1
MC is pretty cold and can handle the tr*sh talk war (cringe but true) pretty well, like when he said to that douche ni*ga that he f*cked his mom lovely at his face and he could do nothing about that, not much asides that, the heroines are shameless, liars and filthy whores above all, with no exception, and the worst among them is his childhood friend (Judy)
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