Through the Mists of Demon Pass


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Long ago, there was a formidable pass that was stained inch by inch with blood.

In those times of yore, band of individuals emerged, they neither perished nor surrendered.

Their purpose? As they faced their final moments amid the heaps of bodies and oceans of blood, they yearned to turn back and glimpse the flickering lights of countless homes behind them, wishing for peace for years to come.

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TurdFerguson777 rated it
September 18, 2023
Status: c67
Pretty funny, not too detailed and pretty fast paced, the main character has a very intersting personality, and the world is not like typical chinese novels and their normal tropes, somethings are not expalained, but I am very interested to read more, thanks for translating.

i would give it a 4/5 but bump it to gain more traffic.

edit: okay after reading like 50 chapters...i just wanna say don't read the mtl just wait for the translation and see how you like it... cuz it's not really going the way I expected.

the mc's relationship with his teacher is really confusing, like why are they so close? they've only know each other for a short while and then suddenly they act like father/son, also the ethos of the novel is a bit weird and gives me nationalism/patriotism vibes -> everyone giving their life up for their counrty etc. ofcourse the worst problem is the pace, it was really good and fast in the translated chapters, but now it's really really slow and meandering.


edit2: this is just not good, the MC was interesting but the story is just not well written. if you read like 50 chapters in and you still like it, then you'll probably enjoy this novel

if you want to read something like this but better read Tribulation of Myriad Races
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