The Wanted Wife: Daddy, Mommy Escapes again!


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The whole life of Li Jingzhi could be concluded with one sentence: His ups and downs in life is all due to Si Luoming. When he was young, he dreamed to be a person like him…Till the end she finds that he hated her, especially when she “mu*dered” the one in his heart indirectly. Since then, he has never hidden his hatred for her. And then she knows her life has already been messed up all these years…

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Father, Mother Escaped Again (1)
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1 Review

Jun 01, 2019
Status: c177
Heavy spoilers:

If you like an abusive ML and a MC beeing tortured and sticking with a scum than this is your cup of tea. I see no redemption now for ML and feel it is a waste of time. He never tried to make up for her and MC is pathetic.

Abusiva ML who tortured MC and he does things which can't be forgiven and even married the OW after finding out what a bi*** she is and letting her do so many harms to MC and his son and beeing... more>> so tolerant to her.

ML wanted to kill MC in the beginning for OW and tried to strangle her a lot and even put his son by in danger many times.

This happens after the big misunderstanding in the beginning was cleared up.

He wanted to keep MC after he was legally married to OW, he was a real married man and ruined MC reputation and harmed her a lot. He was never there to save MC in the first place when needed, it was 2ML and all the terms MC faces was ML fault beeing lenient with OW. And he than likes to make MC jelous after not clearing up so many misunderstandings.

He even made MC be a third party by the media and put her out and be mistreated by everyone still at the same time beeing cosy with OW in the same room.

MC thinks OW aborted child belongs to ML and faces many accusations from others and media because OW tells her losing the child is MC fault and ML didn't come forward to clear it up but watched as she suffers. It is still not clear if the child belongs to ML because OW told him he was drunk and forgot. And he was drunk a lot of times with OW and let his guard down around her even knowing she is a b****.

ML forces MC to marry him later, because only so he would give a kidney to his son and plots her to be jelous. He is selfish and arrogant and never try to put himself in her shoes

MC drinks heavy will pregnant and is a doormat the whole time. Not strong but pathetic and her tried to run away sucks and she doesn't learn and is still a punching sack to OW. And all the things happening to her is ML beeing to tolerant with OW.

ML sucks a lot. And a not growing MC who sticks with a guy and feels "warm in her heart" after so many abuse and torture is to pathetic for my taste.

In the chapter where I was OW comes over to harm pregnant MC in her own house and ML saved MC but still at OW go unharmed. <<less
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