The Snow Queen


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The struggles between the puppet king and the nobles, in a 22nd-century royal city stained with violence and corruption, where prostitution and violence run rampant, there lives a young man named Ray Arisa, scraping by while running a secondhand bookstore in a corner of the brothel. Ray, impoverished and plagued by illness, seeks to forget the pain tormenting him and spends a night with a randomly chosen partner at the Gaiba, a place where people go to indulge themselves, only to meet a mysterious man affiliated with the political gang Guiger.

Ray, with his neat appearance and polite speech, and the man, who harbors an unexpectedly violent passion in the bedroom, continue to meet by chance. As their relationship, which started as a simple one-night stand, becomes increasingly complicated…

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1 Review

Jul 16, 2024
Status: --
Really underated piece of work, it's really interesting, I love the main character, the ML have a lot of flaws but his character keeps you interested and he treats the MC well, I can't really describe how this novel kept me hooked up even though I mtl it, Korean is really bad when mtl, surprisingly it was easy to understand, and it does have a manhwa ongoing

Just love the MC and his depth ♥️
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