The Obsessive Second Male Lead Has Gone Wild


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Just before her wedding, she got struck with memories from her previous life, about a novel that she had read before.

If she didn’t kick up a fuss right now to call off the wedding, then she’s going to be stuck with a husband who’d kill her through poison!

So she kissed the priest who was officiating the wedding, but suddenly, she was surrounded by paladins.

“Commander, are you alright?”

One of the paladins asked loudly as he approached the priest whose lips had been stolen.

‘What? Excuse me?’

He’s the Commander of the Holy Knights?!

* * *

Rurutia, who had only a few days left to live, wanted to spend her remaining days in a temple that treated her with warmth.

For those remaining days, she started a business for the temple, and, surprisingly, everything she touched became a hit!

“Miss, you have the whole world at your fingertips!”
“Miss, are you really not a God who descended from above?”

It was confusing enough that a large number of people became her devout followers, but more than that, the second male lead—the Commander of the Holy Knights—was acting especially strange.

“All I want is to be your husband.”

He said this with a hint of obsession in his eyes.

“Take responsibility for stealing my first kiss.”

She messed with the plot too much.
The future has changed.

Associated Names
One entry per line
집착 서브 남주가 미쳐날뛴다
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Recommendation Lists
  1. Forget The ML, 2nd ML is Always better
  2. Romance Novels
  3. jilted bride
  4. KR Novels with Manhwa (FL Version)
  5. K-Novels that Have a Promo Oneshot

Latest Release

Date Group Release
09/17/21 Victoria Marie c15
09/17/21 Victoria Marie c14
09/14/21 Victoria Marie c13
07/13/21 Mystical Series c1
3 Reviews

Jul 09, 2020
Status: c0
Finally! Oh My God, I've been waiting for this novel to be translated since like forever~

The moment I had read it's Promo Manhua I absolutely fell in love with it's plot! Translator-sama, you have my utmost regards for picking up this gem~ I really, really hope this story is as much fun as I expected it to be!

I'll add the rating as well as an edited review of the plot when I read more of this story. Then I'll judge if this novel is actually a gem or a disappointment.... more>> Until then, let me bask on the joy of having my most anticipated novel be translated~ <<less
32 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Aug 02, 2020
Status: c3
I think the wrong chapters are being uploaded to a couple of different stories. The last two chapters uploaded here are for the lady I served became my master. Same thing happened with Cinderella wasn’t me.
13 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Dec 25, 2020
Status: c15
This story is totally incoherent. It seems poorly translated, but even if it was correctly translated, it doesn't seem to make much sense. Kiss the priest at your wedding and you're suddenly married to the priest? Wut.
10 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
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