The Hero Took Everything from Me, So I Partied with the Hero’s Mother!


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Ceres, a magic swordman who has been treated as a burden in the party, is finally dismissed by Zect, the hero and leader of the party. He realized that all of his childhood friends belonged to Zect and there was nowhere for him to stay, so he decided to go off on his own…

However, he’s actually a reincarnated person and used to be much older, so he didn’t really bear it that much when he was expelled.

And he was… well, from here on out, you’ll have to read on to find out.

Associated Names
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Yuusha Ni Zenbu Ubawareta Ore Wa Yuusha No Hahaoya To Party Wo Kumimashita!
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AReaderThatTrulyRead rated it
August 31, 2022
Status: --
Actually this isnt bad as the other reader said in their review, it was good. Well it is somehow defying common sense but this was a "Fantasy" genre wasnt it.. Also the MC is NOT getting Ntrd, this Mfs think his childhood friend as his daughter and he more prefer their mom.

Overall yah its good, depend how you see it.
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February 14, 2024
Status: c100
It started really well, but beyond ch100 it feels like extended after story. I still enjoyed it. The manga version is good as well.
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Ixcez rated it
October 23, 2023
Status: c240
This is a bit of a strange one in that the main focus isn't so much about the MC and him being kicked out of the party to then grow strong + get revenge and instead the focus of the story is about how awful the worlds view on women are and how the MC sort of tries to rehabilitate everyone.

First off the women view in this world is that pretty much a "woman" at around 13-15 should get married and have kids and they reach their peak at 20... more>> thus after turning 21+ they are treated as grandmas and are now old and ugly. On top of that women should do whatever their husbands tells them and do all the chores. The MC being around 40ish when he died can't help but see anyone around 13-20 as kids for the most part and wants mature women closer to 30. He's therefore seen as a deviant, mother/baba-con (basically mother/grandma lover), who because he's an orphan has a weird fetish for older women because he's looking for a mother instead of a lover.

But well seeing the title and how the story present itself as a revenge story, there isn't actually much revenge at all in this story to be honest. Since the MC's favorite catch phrase is "he/she is a good person at heart". So the MC never wants or really thinks about taking revenge, heck taking the moms as his wives even have people thanking him or calling him a weirdo and that it's nothing evil at all. Since again any woman 21 or older is unwanted the village also had customs like nightcrawling is fair games against a widow or anyone 24 or older and as long as the woman accepted it was a-okey to sleep with her, an older wife could also be given away (though who would want her?). Both these customs are supossedly based on real customs from JP from long ago.

Anyways in other words him taking in the moms is seen as being kind especially since he gives every dad a young wife each at around 14-15 year old in return. Personally I had a bit of an issue with the MC's outlook of everyone is a good person at heart since for some of the revenge targets I really don't know what to think about the MC's thoughts or actions.

I mean some spoilers on the revenge targets.


Basically everyone in the hero party is a revenge target since they just used him, while the hero "cucked" the MC for fun and then rubbed it in his face before he was kicked out.

The parties dads are also revenge targets because one of them drugged and sold his wife into s*avery for money and the other three just treated them badly.

However as stated the MC doesn't wanna do revenge while the moms all pushes him to do it. So his master plan is to give all the dads new wives that are younger, more beautiful but also looks like the female party members to rub it in the heroes face while also making the women uncomfortable so they won't have a home to return to while also reforming the dads.

What really irked me about this part is that the MC keeps mentioning and even defending all of the revenge targets in that their all people that are good people at heart. However to give an example of the character I had the hardest time with. Kaito, one of the dads of a female party member, he is explained as being very rude and abusive to both his wife and daugther often time beating the both of them after which the MC would often come to console and comfort both the mom + daughter.

However since he was "kind" to the MC when he was young (even though the wives explains he's only kind to men) he's still a kind person deep inside, even though he as mentione often times witnessed him abusing his family. He even goes so far as to tell Sayo (one of the moms and Kaito's wife) that she got abused because she was to submissive and kind, in other words blames her for getting beaten saying it's her fault for not standing up for herself, though to be honest it's weird how Kaito who's a weak farmer was never beaten up by Sayo as she was and is one of the strongest humans alive in a world of sword and magic. But anyway after the MC has defended Kaito for being a kind person deep inside and saying Sayo was at fault for being beaten to her face after getting Kaito his ideal wife to make up for taking Sayo.

We get shown a sort of "redemption" chapter by the author from the dads point of view where Kaito goes on to say that he's happy the MC took Sayo away since she would always be such a crybaby after being abused (beaten) while now he's gotten a strong wife who won't cry after he abuses her.... Like he litterly say's this, but in a longer sentence, the chapter after the MC defended him + blamed Sayo for being beaten previously since she's weakwilled.

The dads then all goes on to live seemingly super happy lives with their new younger wives and growing super rich because of exploiting the fame of the MC.

This is litterly the extent of the revenge in the story, the MC defends/helps the revenge targets even going so far as to prioritize them over his own wives, then in the end makes them super happy, reformed, rich and powerful. So there is never ever really any revenge, except maybe against the heroines since he makes their stepmoms be younger and more beautiful versions of themselves which would be creepy and unsettling to return to, and instead he rewards his revenge targets by making their dreams come true.


So all in all if your looking for a story where the MC get's revenge and cucks the hero + heroines by stealing their moms this isn't it since while yes the MC hooks up and marries the moms in "revenge" everyone is just thankful to the MC for doing so and instead thinks of him as a weirdo since he wants some old grandmas as his wives while the MC is super happy for being kicked out of the party and seemingly living the dream. While all the revenge targets are rewarded by the MC and everyone lives happily ever after. <<less
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August 13, 2023
Status: c140
Like every bad novel we start with very interesting begining and from there on everything goes downhill.

I started loosing interest after he received his dragon lord power. The fight against momon or whatevr demon he was very intresting but I feel like up to this poing of the story the harem is basically unused other then as a revenge.


The harem is literally useless and majority of the time there just for the story being called harem. If you start reading this novel similar to one other commenter I will give you the advise of throwing your common sense out of the window with a bam.
The mothers are S class adventures and at the same time somehow ended up with shitty husbands and sh*t life while being able to live in a bliss. The kids are just... I dont even know what to say other then one dimentional and predictable. But what do I expect from such kind of story.
The novel has huge potential but it feels like the author doesnt know wheter he wants to write +18 or R16 novel.
For example s*ave Harem in a Dungeon a novel with similar idea is a +18 with explicit intimate scenes and this one on the other hand is just a bad copy.
You might ask why the hell did I give it 4 star then. The reason is simple. At some point it became intresting to read just how much can the author just make it worse.

No but for real tho. I have a weakness towards MC that receive a dragon like power. And all those star is literally just because of one fight and the begining. everything else is 2* at best.
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Jmills1999 rated it
September 2, 2022
Status: c80
I quite like this story. It's a breathe of fresh air, compared to all the other reincarnated protagonist, this one isn't a pe*ophile and actually like people the same age as him (soul age). I mean, don't you find it weird when these isekai protagonist reincarnate and then just because they have a young body they think it's okay to become sexually/romantically attracted to a 5-10 year girl🤢 (Mushoku Tensei for example)

Started out quite cliché then changed to pathetically weird, and now it's so far from it's original plot... more>> that I think the title should be changed.

If this ever gets a light novel adaptation they really need to put something about dragons in the title because dragons are too important in this story to not.


MC basically becomes a dragon later in the story and in the current chapters (ch80) is confirmed to be the strongest dragon in the world, even the black dragon that originally defeats him, and turns him into a dragon after killing him, is no match for him now.

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Stompound rated it
September 1, 2022
Status: c78
So far the setting of the world and the pace of the story are a little odd and definitely not what I prefer.

But for a story that follows a really standard template, it does a really good job of treading an unbeaten path and gets slightly strangely interesting.

Overall better than I expected
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Dachuu rated it
July 30, 2022
Status: c30
I am quite impressed with the perception that men in this world, they almost don't care about the women in the family (childhood friends, money-making tools, heirs....) no see anyone who respects his woman other than MC. So I hope in the new chapters there will be couples who are truly a family
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