The Hand of Confession, Slightly Trembling


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Lou Jingmo said that apart from Shen Maomao, none of the participants in the “Confession Game” are innocent.

Shen Maomao: “I fight ghosts, curse them, and hold back the boss, but I know I’m a good girl.”

Lou Jingmo: “I hope next time you see a ghost, you won’t use foul language.”

Shen Maomao: “Mr. Ghost, I sincerely send my regards to your mother.”

If God truly exists, then—

God, I am guilty.

Appears cold and ruthless, but actually sharp-tongued, soft-hearted, flirtatious, doesn’t spend money, big boss attacker

Forced into the game with high combat prowess, but scared of ghosts, truly the comedic relief, silly receiver

The roles of attacker and receiver are set, a bickering couple, guaranteed happy ending, if not sweet, you can hit me!

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The Hand of Confession
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