The Flower with a Sword


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Echinecia Roaz was an ordinary Countess.

Until she suffered the cruel fate of being manipulated by a magical sword and killing all her loved ones.

[This miracle won’t happen twice. So, do your best and be happy.]

She turned her time back to change her own fate.

However, the root cause of the problem has not disappeared, and she is still not free from the past.

“I never talked to the Commander, how did you know me? I…… Did I offend you in some way?”

“There was no such thing. It was just that you stood out from the crowd and caught my eye.”

“Stood out? Is it because of my hair?”

“…… No, it was my personal interest.”

A man who has answers to her past and a woman who wants to erase that same past.

Will she be able to overcome her fate and become happy?

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